Saturday, October 31, 2009

I tell lies.
'I'm fine' is one of many

tell me what should i do

Last week we got chased out because we didn't buy anything and we studied. Ok i understand.
Seven days later...
We still got chased out because we studied but we bought something. Ok i can't understand.

Friday, October 30, 2009

two beautiful lady stand before me, but i only have one photo left.

There are a lot of things that I wish i could talk about here. I have a lot of things in mind and i can't seem to put the aside and prioritise my O level. And i don't know why i give up so easily nowadays. I hope it will soon be over.

Come on, tell me i'm strong.

Ps. my title is tyra bank's signature line hahaha

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mary had a little lamb

Ok this is so funny i'm talking to Anita and she's at temple right now so i'm gonna paste part of our convo. No offense uh we were just joking.

Candies rocks your world says (5:34 PM):
lg ujian
sampe tgl 13 nov
suruh buddha sm kuan ni ma berkati gw yee
supaya otak gw jln
[c=4] M s. D r A c U L a[/c] says (5:35 PM):
Aku lg di vihara
Candies rocks your world says (5:35 PM):
oh bagus
i know
lu perlu alamat sing gw?
biar tuhan bisa locate gw?
ato nama skolah gw?
Candies rocks your world says (5:36 PM):
nomor induk gw?
[c=4] M s. D r A c U L a[/c] says (5:36 PM):
Ga perlu deh
Uda modern
Candies rocks your world says (5:36 PM):
[c=4] M s. D r A c U L a[/c] says (5:36 PM):
Blg email lu aje
Candies rocks your world says (5:36 PM):
bagus deh

Translate yourself hahaha if you want.

Okaaay so, i have one good news to share. I'm offered a place in Trinity College in Australia. Of course i was like jumping inside and it only took merely one night for them to process so i was quite stunned. I chosed to major in commerce but i haven't get back to them to process it (of course) because i haven't tell my father about it. I wonder if i manage to get a scholarship will they allow. But the thing with scholarship, 1. its not so easy to get, and 2. when i get it, i have to maintain certain result. Of course you know i'm not that kind of student with consistency. So i kinda am contemplating. And being in a totally new environment? Come on... i never ever stepped my cute feet on any part of Australia. (hmm maybe the map yes, i put my foot on the map of aussie hahaha) I've got so much to learn and i think that's what i'm excited about and that's exactly what my parents dont grasp. Don't even talk about US or Canada. I beg for aussie until my lungs almost come out and my ear almost drop and my throat almost break. So...we shall see.

And O level, so far the papers are so-so. I don't want to talk about it. What's done is done. Right, probability? Haha. Okaay i just tasted the most horrible tasting chicken pasta yuck like dog food i wna vomit. Ewww hahaha i wonder why those girls like it so much...

Bytheway, i have an imaginary friend and her name is mary

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

baby i don't wanna risk it all for you

I'm feeling rather emotional right now i know why.
I'm feeling rather lazy right now i don't want to study.

My name isn't actually registered because my IC doesn't match with the one SEAB has. I don't know how they are going to deal with it don't tell me i can't get my result i slap punch kick them. :/

My parents always call me after every paper and asked me how it went. I feel so blessed. Mom and Dad, i love you, you know that?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What I Live For

Life, however fleeting, is governed by different desires. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, govern my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me back and forth, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.
I seek love, first, because it brings ecstasy- ecstasy so great that I would sacrifice all the rest of my life for a few hours of this joy. I seek it, because it relieves loneliness-that terrible loneliness in which one looks over the edge of the world into a cold, lifeless abyss. I seek it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a small way, the image of heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I see, and though it may seem too good for human life, I will continue to pursue it.
With equal passion, I seek knowledge. I wish to understand the hearts of men. I wish to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Phytagorean power by which mathematics is superior to chance. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.
Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. I have seen children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

This expository is sp beautifully written. :) Good luck for angmoh paper!

this is it

Thank you people, those who wished me all the best through any form. You guys don't know how much they mean to me. And i would like to wish all my fellow sec 4/5s all the best alsooo. :) Non Vi Sed Arte, yes? :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

AHHHH. She's so rude to her parents and i can't stand it. She thinks the louder she gets the more sense she makes.

live as though heaven's on earth

There are moments when I feel like I'm so prepared for O level until i don't know what else to do. There are also moments when I feel completely the opposite. I'm feeling unprepared right now. Oh my, english paper is what, 3 days away! Can you believe it? No. I can't. :( i feel like crying suddenly. I've been crying a lot lately. Hmm :/ You're so scary when you're angry.

I have zilch to say. Night folks.

Ps. Will mommy faint if i say i wanna go to Jakarta School of Performing Arts and major in Theatre?

Monday, October 19, 2009

tonight's gonna be a good night

A quick update before i hit the bed.

China Airlines is in town, and he'll be here till Thrusday. We can't meet though cause i'm mugging. :( i guess, 6 december isn't so far, yes? My days are pretty much filled with studying and studying and studying. I'm trying my best to keep on track and not lose my concentration. I don't want my effort to go down the drain.
Oh well, on a brighter note, this is coming to an end in about 24 days' time. I can't wait! Hmm i wonder what i'll do after my last paper. Or rather how will i feel. I will tell you on 131109 ha ha.
It came back. I didn't know i can rely on someone so much that i didn't even realise it. You will never understand how i feel after that big turn. I just need...time. Well i shan't talk so much about it here. I'll just concentrate on Olevelz first and put everything aside. :)
Life's gonna be better. I believe so.
Perfection :)
Ps. Idk why there isn't paragraphs. Pfft this looks messy

Friday, October 16, 2009

Someone that i used to love so dearly now disgust me. I don't even feel like talking to you now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

while he craves prentence, i'm losing all the attention

You know how much i love my parents? When i told them my results are only improving slightly, and not to their expectations, they told me its okay and as long as i've done my best, they have nothing to say. I know that they'll be the next person after me, who'll be disappointed if i can't achieve what i'm capable of. They told me not to be too stressed out and just do my best. What upset me the most is the fact that I've not been trying hard enough.

I have oneee more chance. Just one more. I'm gonna make it right.

Btw, i see 11.11PM haha anyone missing moi?

Monday, October 12, 2009

i promise i'll be kind

One more day, and my secondary school life will be over. Oh well, i'm not gonna say anything because even though how many times i rant, it will still be over and soon, everything will be memories. Exactly two more weeks to my O level, and roughly its about 31 days to 13 of november? I can't wait for 13 November! I've got so many plans, planned hahaha. Like, going on cruise (Y), chalet (isitonpeople), camp!, Russia!, Medan! and many many moreee.

How fast time flies. It scares me. I'm pretty sure there'll be changes, massive changes to my life next year. How i'm going to meet new people, gonna be exposed to more personalities and how i cope with my bitchy self. Hmm we shall see how things go :)

There are so many things to do! Well, not that they are due anytime, but i just want all of them to be completed before O's. Thousands of Chemistry paper, TYS-es, mass revision, and some english essays i haven't manage to complete. I think i haven't been able to think about anything else except for revisions and homeworks. But i know that things will get better soon, just in a matter of time. I'm trying not to complain here because it does no good.

And china airlines is coming on the totally wrong time.

Ps. Now i know that being good enough is never enough.

Mom asked me if i wanted to go Maldives for vacation, i say i don't want, she asked me why, i said, "I want to go there honeymoon with my husband" Then she laughed.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

in her miracle mile

Today's a good day. Today's physics day. Tomorrow will be Chem day!
And i bought something today i'm hepi. I'm finishing my laaaast physics paper CatholicHigh and i'm done, tmr will be chemistryy!

I'm sad. I was tidying up my closet and i realised i've lost many clothes and i didn't even realised it. Mom used to take down all the clothes that i have in a piece of a paper and i found that paper, i tried to find some of the clothes but they're gone. I recalled its kinda long ago so do you think i can find it again? Its weird, you see? I don't have to have to label all my clothes with C. But i'm losing my clothes. Remind me to stop buying clothes cz its bursting already!

Kk back to physicss!

Friday, October 9, 2009

he says he's so in love, that girl he talks about

I feel sorry for myself.


Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:25 PM):
soalnya cwe cntk bawa sial
Candies rocks your world says (5:25 PM):
brarti gw bawa sial dong
sialan lu
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:26 PM):
lu kan ngk cantik
Candies rocks your world says (5:26 PM):
enak aja
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:26 PM):
ngk slamanya yg pcrn sama cwe cntk itu bakal bruntung
Candies rocks your world says (5:27 PM):
pokoknya kl yg pcran sm gw bkl hepi
baca nick gw
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:27 PM):
Candies rocks your world says (5:27 PM):
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:27 PM):
Candies rocks your world says (5:28 PM):
nmnya minnie?
jijay bnr
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:28 PM):
nama wa mickey
Candies rocks your world says (5:28 PM):
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:28 PM):
biasa aja kale
Candies rocks your world says (5:28 PM):
mau aja lu dijadiin tikus
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:28 PM):
disney couple
Candies rocks your world says (5:28 PM):
Candies rocks your world says (5:29 PM):
kek gw donggg
barbie and ken
Where is my minnie mouse?? says (5:29 PM):

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

that's the best thing about tonight.

Why do i find myself crying again after putting up for so long?

Yesterday was my girlfriend dione's birthday and finally she can watch the ugly truth. Good for her. We had crazy fun times just now hmm such a break from stressful o level. I really love good laughing-till-i-pee times with my girlfriends and the time we spent in chijmes was just magical and i'm sure she had a good time also despite us being a small group. sadly aby had to leave early but above everything, we had fun! photos and videos are with the birthday girl.

Birthday girl, i have a request. PLEASE, comb your hair, file up your worksheets properly, writing your essay neatly, sleep properly, laugh properly, don't fall off your chair anymore, and be less blur like your camera. Haha ok i love you yes.

Ps. When can things get better, seriously?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The bravest story ever told

Yo sob. Happy birthday! ^^hope you enjoyed today and happy berry with the surprise. just one thing from me; be less disgustong.

Today was a success and thanks woman for mistaking me as a burglar. rly love you. :)

I lazy to elaborate, just that we went sentosa to play, then ate @ cafe del mar which btw there won't be next visit because the music made me giddy. then we rode the skyride and luge then they all went back, i took bus with bob to novena, then made my way through his house looking like a idk how to describe myself, then surprised him.! ok that's all for tonight. i'm gonna finish up my geog.

and i think i'll only be back after o level is over. gna surrender my laptop. unless i'm using my phone haha so yep, love you.

Friday, October 2, 2009

im tired of holding this inside my head

My bang's back i'm so happy but it kinda irritates me when i'm doing my work. I shall see what i can do with it hmmm. :/
As you know there was an earthquake two days ago. I could feel the vibration but at first i thought it was just because i was writing too furiously and everything vibrated. Haha how silly. O level's in less than a month's time. Its okay i will do well, before i know it everything will be over. Ah, i think i should stop comforting myself.
Pfft how time flies. I'm graduating from Beatty soon. Idk what i'm feeling. Many many sad and happy things happened there. I wish time can just slow down, or come to a stop.
Anyway i'm pretty amazed with myself by how care less i am nowadays. I used to be bothered when i upset people or whatever, but now i don't find myself giving a damn, which is good because i can live my own life without putting others before me all the time. I'm tired of all the dramas and black faces. Maybe i should just quit trying too hard because i should've realised things wouldn't work out in the first place because people just refused to care. Not even an initiative. Well you know what, i don't care of what you think of me because that's your point of view and i can't force you to agree with me. After all this crap is over, I can assure you your life will be in peace because noone will ever, ever disturb you anymore and you can stay at your home sweet home all you want and idc. Kay? ^^ i can't believe i tried to keep things together for nothing. And i'm still accused. Or i'm not? Well again, its up to you. I don't care.
Do you want me to apologise for hurting your feeling? :) I will sincerely do so.
Ps. my heart didn't cringe like it used to anymore.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." --Steve Jobs

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Do you know,

that i love you because you aren't mad at me when i called you just to talk nonsense.