Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You're in my mind, you're in my heart

I don't know why just seeing photos can actually put me off this bad. Its true what people say picture speaks a thousand words, and in my case, it tears my heart into thousand pieces. Honestly i haven't feel this 'disabled' and vulnerable before. I mean, i actually cried just looking at it and how silly.

Sometimes you never know but the person you love the most can turn out to be the person who hurt you the most. I often asked myself what did I do to deserve that but since it already happened, i just have to accept it and get on with my life, right?

Its funny how i sound so emotional and helpless in one paragraph and be the strong girl again the next. And its funny how one moment i feel like this is the end of the world, but feel like its actually a fresh start the next moment. I guess that's just how life goes. I will try to turn things around and hopefully each day will be better than the previous one. I know its easier said than done, but who says life's ever easy?

A famous quote from a famous person, "When life gets sucky, you just have to suck it up."
Ha ha oh well. My life's never going to be the same anymore and no matter what, i have to learn how to accept changes because really, only through adapting you will pull it through, and of course with the people of your life.

I have been doing a lot of reflection and from today onwards, I have decided to omit the word 'heartache' from my dictionary. I mean, when we see things from the brighter side, we will find out that those are the steps we take to be a better person. We shouldn't be totally dependent on others but sometimes we just forget about it and we fall deep into the trap again. Sometimes things happen when you least expect them and you got hurt by the person you love dearly but you just gotta swallow it and learn to let go. I guess that's just how life can be.

And you, maybe i also have to learn that things already change between us and i hope you're happy with your life. You taught me that life is never a fairytale and thank you for that. I think its time I get on with my life, and leave you behind. But you know i'm going to miss you real bad.

"When life gives you a lemon, you make a lemonade out of it"

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