Saturday, October 20, 2007

todayy i am going blog in this green colour. cz i am feeling green now. people say green means jealousy. really,eh? haha. i am curious abt my lite marks as i didnt go to school on friday so i couldnt see my paper. and all of then didnt seem very please with their result. im warning you, this post is gonna be damn freaking long. maybe longer that MRT, maybe not ^^

now i change mood to this teal colour. you know what? time flies really fast. sometimes i just wish that time may just walk instead of run. one year has nearly gone. my sec 2 life is going to end soon. it's going to be the time when i flashed back the memories throughout the year and reflect it. i have gone through ups and downs with my friends,shared laughter and tears, created problem with teachers and made dirty secrets. i aint going to forget it,of course. in fact, it will be keep save in my heart. 2E3 has been a real rocking class, and beatty has been a great school, although some teachers aren't that great. but still, there's these teachers who will touch your heart and make you love and respect them. they have their own way. that's why they are called teachers. and my friends,well, they are just a great great friends. i cant explain what the word friend really means.but i know that real trus friends are the only one that will be by your side,no matter what. and this kind of people really exists.i am so grateful that these people want to be my friend. my life will be like delilah's without them. plain white t's

OLIVIA ROSELINI: thank you for always being there whenever i need a pair of ear to listen to whatever crap i wanted to say. you always make me laugh by making fun of his name and saying that i have a real bad taste. yeah,eh no. he is an exception. but still, anyway, your jokes really work on me. although sometimes i have mood swing, you will always understand and didn't turn out moody too. you will always comfort me whenever he hurts me and you will scold him bad words and in the end,we will laugh out loud together because of his stupidity and how 'chicken' he was. you lend me your shoulder whenever i need one. thanks honey!

MANDY TEO YI BIN: man ti. that's your nick name right. thanks darling for always being there for me and listen to all my craps. you comfort me whenever i feel sad, understand me well, and always tell me about hot hunks and stuffs, but hey, thanks! those hot hunks stories sometimes make me laugh and you usually will angry and end up hitting me. oka i must admit that you hit hard and painful. although sometimes you will give me black face and have mood swing, or sometimes the other way round, we can go thru it together cz we are good friend! and i can't escape from the reality that i love you! thanks sweety!

MELISSA TAN HUI CHI: mela dela. this girl has alot of nicknames. mela dela banana meow cat and etc...but you are my darling yes cz...everything you've done for me is just great. all the help, all the fun, all the funny faces and stuffs. your companion in msn whenever i am bored and the 'haha hihi' we had. thanks for all darling. you are real great good friend. hoho and also, thanks for the inspiration of shopping. maybe because of you and fishy, i am soo shopaholic now.! thanks for all the hugs and loves, the jokes and EVERYTHING. and and i still dont get why you like to call me pangsai. hehe. pangsai girl. but anyway. just a million thanks to you!

DIONE SEAH YEN TING: dione seah fishy thick eyebrow! thank you also for you darling! honey bunny sweety baby! thanks for all the laughter and silly jokes. being with you,i can laugh until i get stomachache. and you always have great idea how to show attitude to ms jamie. and we will end up laughing so hard. you are a very good friend. thanks also for your act blur response that successfully make me laugh and you tie-your-hair-high-and-retardedly fashion! i really appreciate it! i thought you were very snobbish and arrogant,but i was wrong. you are simply sweet, kind, and great. i cant describe it lah dione. just thank you for everything! muach :)

CHARLENE TEE I MIN: charlene. thank you also to you. you were my first friend in beatty. when nobody cared about my presence, you were the one who came to me and guided me along so that i can adapt to the school faster and better.even after that, you still stay as my good friend. i really can't say much because what you have done for me were so great. thanks for all the kisses-in-th-air and hugs ad smiles you gave are so sweet. and char, i believe you. thanks also for the words of comfort that you told me and praises that you gave. i am really grateful. i cant tell you how much i love you yahh. love love love..

EMILY LIM XIN RONG: em em. thank you for you too. you are great friend of mine. thanks that you went to school with me everyday, listen to my stories that made you 'diaos' alot of time. even though sometimes i angry with you because you were just so impatient and go before i even show up. but anyway thanks for it lah. without you, maybe my morning will be so plain and boring and sleepy. thank lah emily i really really really love you lah. all your complains all your 'walaos',all your 'diaos' make my morning. thank you ah darling. =)))))

ANITA LIE: anita thanks to you too. for the companion in msn. for all the encouraging words and for the jokes. you are real good friends. you always accompany me to midnight even to morning. thanks for th will to read my complains and shares. thanks darling you are great friend since the first time i knew you. thanks for the serious but funny comments and all and all. i feel really honoured to have a friend like you and everyone else.! love love love.

2E3: once an e3 will always be an e3/thanks 2E3 for the fun year and unforgettable incidents. although i joined you only this year, but really, i do enjoy being an e3. thanks e3 lah e3 thanks!!!

choir: haha choir ah choir thanks too yah. thanks for the practices, thanks for the scolding, thanks for the guidance. all practices have made me know more abt singing. thanks yah!

candyman: hey yo,candyman! even though you did nothing for me, just a word thank you for you. thanks for the lesson. you taught me something. you taught me that love isnt that simple. love isnt just something to be made fun of. you taught me not to hope so high. you taught me that reality is just not as beautiful as dream. thanks for all of it. thanks that you have hurt me,so that i will be more stronger. thanks for the 'chicken' you have in you. it tells me that you are not worth to be loved. thanks for the silence and the stares and for giving me a chance to love you, to see you, and to understand that love is not blind. and lastly, you made me understand this sentence. dont love someone that is perfect,but love someone that is imperfect,perfectly.thank you candyman and goodbye!

SOOOOOO i have come to the end of the long story. even if i didnt mention you here, you are still my good great best friend and i love you to bits! haha. (i cant mention you all here. my hand will stop working then!) end here bye !!!

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