Monday, October 8, 2007

yo! haha i am sooo bored now everybody is doing the MOE field maths testing while i am at home doing nothing just simply stare at my computer. here's something ripped from friendster :)\

1. What is you're biggest dream?
do well in exam
2. What's you're worst fear?
being trap in a deep hole
3. What do you think of when you thinkof being alone?
4. Does blood scare you/make you sick?
5. Do you have morbid thoughts?
excuse me?
6. Do you remember when you lost your innocence?
i dont have that since i'm born
7 . What is the worst trait a person can have?
crue lty
8. Do you know who you are?
i know.the monkeygirl
9. Do you hide who you really are?
1 0. Would you die for another person to save their life?
i feel like a heroineeee anddddyooouuu arrreeee mmmmyyyy hheeerrrrooo
11. Do you cry when a disaster happens in the world?
huh depends.if i see pitiful scenes then i will
12. If you could go back and change one thing from the past what would it be?
the answer that i gave him one year ago
13. Do you ever lie to make someone else happy?
yes i do
14. If you could cure one disease what would it be?
lovesickness cause there's no cure for it
15. What do you hate most about yourself?
for being stupid enough and gave the wring answer
16. What do you love most about yourself?
i love my, erm..nothing
17. Do you contemplate life afterdeath?
h uhh?
18. How do you think your karma is doing?
yeah i am trapped in this uncertain love that floats me around
19. If you could live a different life,what would it be?
i wish i could turn back the time
20. Do you believe that dreams or nightmares hold the truth?
sometimes it does
21. Do you think human life is too short?
i cant judge human's depends on how long god wants us to live
22. Do you believe that herbal medicines are just as good as chemical?
maybe.. .yes maybe no
23 . Can music really heal you?
yea when i am really down
24. What person are you most afraid of and why?
ms jamie.the one who always look at me as if i disobey the school rules so much
25 . When are you most happy?

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