Friday, August 31, 2007

yeah hi human! today i am superrrrrr tired and unenergetic.the first reason is i slept late ytd and woke up early.and mayb to buck up is bcoz monkeyman went back alr.early in e morn.ppl still sleepin and he went to airport alr.i saw him sayin goodbye to,i dreamt abt sweet that would be if he really say gdbye to me. cancan,stop that crap.okay i will stop. today was TDC and everybody performed well today and i think the councillors put up a gd job.afta that me melissa mandy dione went to int intending to eat breakfast. halfway tantan alighted to meet her fren. then dione left too and went to and man ti walk around bread, smell smelly perfumes, and help an unknown to drop her POSB atm card.we brought the card to POSB and returned the card.the person actually cut the card.omg.omg.omg.omg.omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man ti broke up with dechathorn.sorry man ti and dechathorn. i typed the message and sent it.gomenasaiiii! & oh today my guardian turns to a guardian angel and bought us mac! woohooo.i ate mcspicy and my whole mouth was full of chili sauceeee! eww i am smelly now i havnt take my batheeee and i am bathingg soon! muach everybody!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

ohhhh i am bored the whole dayy. tmr is tdc and we wont have lesson.yippeyyy!!! bye.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

omgomgomgomgomg!!!HAIRSPRAY was nice!!! i want to spray my hair my hair can stand up and i can sneeze louder than i used to! not being disgusting okay,its fact ^^. i suggest you watch that coz its funny,shaky,and interesting yohh.oh yeah my class 2e3 won the third place for the captain's ball match.i think forst and second shd be either e4 or n1.woohoo and i did contribute by lending nicole my short! im soo proud. then then today was fun and i just reached home and i feel very tired todays! end here people.enjoy your sleep!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

omg today i am very tired. having tuition with 0% mood. o.o..i want to have a really good rest. my mother said she will buy me a new laptop during the hols which means i have 2 months more to spend with my laptop.she is old and she shd retire sooooo today i am soo happy cause today i saw monkeyman and i am soo dumb i go and scream when i met him just as how dione screamed when she saw ms jamie.haha i think its lame and embarrassing *-*

Monday, August 27, 2007

people i dont know why but my brain has some error connection i keep typing the wrong word. yah its typo error!

and even until you are hers i am sure will still miss you!
its just 25 minutes away!

( i typed the minutes wrong but i changed it.i am dumb)
people evening, NO, nighteyy! i am here,proud to announce that my computer is getting well soon. maybe it scared that later i will pass it to my bro and my bro is not going to take a good care of now i chooses to be guai.! haha! now my printer is alroght too. i am very happy! hoho.people i am back to the bright side of me. i realised that i have PMS few days back so i got angry easier. but now i am back. oh my gosh you know what. today i sat between mandy and charlene and both of them keep on sms-ing their laogong that i am so erm what you called i don't know what word :D but definitely not jealous coz i know some idiotss will think so haha. its like i want to taalk to them then they never answer me and they just reply 'ha?' after like million seconds.then that time i forget what to say oredi. melissa tan absent again today and i am sure she ish very bored sleeping the whole day! haha.mel mel mel. i think she looks sexier with the eyelid that way! but she didnt believe me. anw i am tired now james asking me to guess dunno what liew lian and i am thinking. slow person like me need sometimes to think! i guess today i am relax as my tuition is cancelled thanks to mr owen arwana! yo people.enjoy your sleep.sleep tight and dream about your love ones.!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

animals, now i am really angry pissed and burned and exploding computer is soo naughty that i really feel like kicking and banging it and tear it into pieces.and my printer now is siding my computer.they complain and riots against me.every 5minutes whatever program i am running sure got 'not responding' the two words i hate the most far it has been two times. oh no three times in fact. it runs slower than tootles even vincent can win my laptop i am typing but seconds later i can see my laptop typing its on words. so slow rite. ohh and now its the fourth times. i am really suffering now and i feel sooo unlucky all my friends that i called for help didnt want to answer my phone and i am struggling on my chinese project cause i did it wrongly. now its the fifth times and it gets slower and slower but i dont are i just continue typing.oh it didnt move at all gosh! yes then now jam jam again.5 seconds later then the words came out. see how much i suffer now. as you know i am the impatient kind i really am exploding now.DARRRRR!!! people are all enjoying their weekend while i deal with this stupid electronic devices or whatever it called. dear fellow animals please pray that i wont commide suicide cause of this damn com. i am enjoying a very nice drink prepared by my guardian ^^.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

fellas today i went to alotalot of place.i travelled around singapore and i feel happy bcoz i was accompanied by olivia roselini my lesbian partnerhhhhh! i went to int novena cu=ity hall unted square and homie!!!! today i finished my chinese project but my damn printer doesn't work and my computer is lagging so now i am stressed and don't know where to seek for help.luckily jessica is here and now she is dealing with my naughty computer and i am blogging using her computer.they are like totally different.i need half an hour to on my com and get to blogger.but using her com, i only need like 5 minutes.I AM CHANGING MY LAPTOP SOOON!!
anw,take care everybodiess!

Friday, August 24, 2007

i very stress now my compie is lacking and i feel like burning it off.ohmygawd i swear that i am going to get a new one when mum comes.i totally hate to wait.btw just now my school had this superstar and mel kept laughing and laughing bcoz the ppl sang very funny.then our sch got 1st and 2nd.applauddd!!ok today i will end here i feel like sleeping but now i am in no mood of doing i will just sit here and laugh for no reason.i am lame i am dumb i am slow. i am can can.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

hellass i am half happy half sad.something is happening to me and i don't feel comfortable to share it here.hehe (: so my mommy is coming in erm i think one week and i feel very happyyyyyyyy!!mommy arrival means its time to shoppppp!! wooohooo.cant wait!its also because i miss her and dont think that i dont miss my mom.i totally miss her alotalot.i dunno but i feel like blogging in bahasa today.hihi.lets start.
halo semuanya.hari ini saya berbahagia mengumumkan kalo saya bebas dari segala macam peer and ujian yang telah mengganggu hidup saya selama bbrapa minggu terakhir ini. libur hampir tiba and gw skr uda ngerencanain apa aje yng bakal gw lakukan selama liburan dan itu pasti bkn belajar.haha.walopun ujian uda dkt gw ttp nga peduli.maklum,org pinter kek gw ini SKS jg bisaaa.(hehe maklum org kepedean ya gini jadinyaaa).gw nga tau ya apa ada org indo yng bakal baca ini tapi ya gpp di bhs indo kan seruu juga.seru banget malah!kadaang2 gw merasa gw itu beruntunggggg bgt pny tmn2 kluarga dan diri gw yng utuh.tmn2 gw selalu bisa menceriakan hidup gw dan kluarga gw selalu membangkitkan semangat gw untuk ngejalanin hidup yng penuh lika liku ini. tapi kdg2 knp gw isa ngerasa gw itu nga dihargaiii bgt. kek gw nga dianggap tmn yng nga tau kl emang gw yng nga baik ato mrk yng nga mauu tmnan sama gw.tapi gw ngerasa nga perna ada tmn yng bnr2 peduli sama gw.keknya kata 'teman sejati' itu seakan akan hilang dari kamus jg nga tau hrs gmn. gw bakal jalanin aja hidup ini dan gw bakal berusaha buat jd tmn yng lbh baek bwt kln smuaa.mgkn krn ini ya gw jd berubah akhir2 ini.mgkn itu jg yng bwt gw berpikir kl gw itu bkn seseorg di hati siapapun. gw ini ini ng bisa berubah. kl lu emang tmn gw, lu bisa terima gw apa adanya. gw bkl belajar untuk jd org yng lbh baik.dan gw harap kln jg bisa nganggap gw ini ada. makasihh semua atas perhatiannya.slam dari candies yng lg terpuruk.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

ohh i didnt know what i was thinking but i dreamt that i was pushed into a was actually swimming pool.not river. more details see my previous post. ...i was pust into the river erm like...
today has been such a bad and happy day!!!!woooooooooooo. ppl,treating me as an invisible woman was 'great'. it was during...okays, lets dont spoil my mood and forget about it.anw, it doesnt matter whether i told you or not.i felt not well today. like something eating my stomach-wall and i felt sleepy all the time. so then i skipped choir just now. ( i havent get my guardian to write a letter ).oh yeah i forget abt is olivia's birthday sooo we celebrated her bdayy.we prepared the water bombs and brought it to the playground.then there were only me,olivia,casey,and cindy,so we went upstairs to take the other stuffs while cindy waited downstairs.then my brother came.then nadya.then melvin ( i dont know him really well,actually,but nvm).he went back to change bcoz he didnt expected the party to be a wet party.then alex came.we waited for melvin quite long its like erm 25 minutes.omg a guy change slower than a girl.^.^then finally he came.and we started the partayyyyyy!!!!!!we threw the water bomb to each other and sum1 keep complaining why the baloon didnt burst when he hitted it.then it finished by less than 5 minssss.afta that they refilled the pail and threw the water to whoever they feel like throwing.the security guide was walking around and looking at us sooo we moved to swimming first we intended to oush olivia to the pool but we ended up in the pool.grrrr! it was cold i know.then we played truth or dare and stuffs.hahaha. it was soo fun.we stayed inside the pool and swim here and there,to and fro.(whatever)i was pushed into the river for like erm 6 times??? FORGET.then again the security guide came and scolded we decided to end it.but i still want to stay there.ok nvm.i went to bathe and later we went to eat.NADYA treated uss the foood.!!!thanks darling!then she took cab and off she go!now i am blogging and currently studying geog with a half sleepy mood.i am was fun!today was fun!and it was fun!

Monday, August 20, 2007

i dont really feeeeel like blogging today so i will just keep my hand rested and revise my history.omgg mr yo jh owaes delaies the test.from friday to monday to tuesday.i had a feeling that the test is diff.its just a guess.i am sooo tired today but i didnt sleep in class today and i am proud of that :)

people pliss stop calling me indonesian pigg cause theres no indonesian pig that is soooo human-like.okaiesssss!!!andd now i also never sleep in class anymore :(

happy revising people!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

oooh bro i miss you soooo much. just now i called my bro and for the first time in our conversation life, today he did talk alot.they talked about when my family went to brastagi there were trees falling off and and and they were stucked for almost 3 hours and then he was not sure he go asked my father then confirmed that it was 5 hours.i asked him how many tree falling off then he said only one.i told him if one tree 5 hours means if 10trees will be 50 hours and he will stuck there foreva.and he laughed so hard and i cant stand it but joined him to laugh.he ate nuts until 5 packs and total of 240 nuts because one packet got 50 (he counted it wrong).he damn cute and his voice is cute too.! then he said when they returned back he saw a oil tank and two jeep cars crashing each other and it was like boom boom car!! whoooaaa, bro, u really made my day! then he also said he got 24 position last sem and i said he was stupid.he made excuse said that it was bcoz he copied the wrong qnt.okays it was rather creative and lame too! but then i still miss you bro!!!!
woooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooo zoo people!!!!!!!
i have cut my nails since it was soo difficult to feed and take ur batheee.
i miss my nails and i cut it just for all of youu!!!!!! see how good i am!!
i was shocked just now. you know why? just just i was listening to a slow mellow crying type of song.
then suddenly when the song ended it was replaced by the song Rich Girl by gwen.
its starting was 'nananananana' dan jumpy jumpy feeling.
bcoz i am a slow type of person, i jumped when i heard the intro.
so stupid..!
okayss, that bit was for killing my boredom and tiredness.
CANDY TOTALLY ROCKS THE WORLD.and i am the rich girl.nanananananana.
okays i am a bit abnormal today.
i am sitting down and revising my history chapter 7 and i am falling asleep. so now i am blogging.
nowadays i am abit unbalanced (as i have balancing problemo)
i keep on thinking abt the MONKEYman. i really dont know why but really cant get him off my mind.
that was a secret but now it has become public secret. nobody that i know doesn't know abt MONKEYman.
ytd i waited for him for more than 2 hours ham i ham sho bhored hokay hand hin the hend he hnever show hup. hdun hcare meh hcoz hi ham ha bit lhame todhay.bleh.
i need a break.these lot of days i've been working very hard.tons of projects and hws and tests make me feel like mad coww.i hve not enough sleep and i need a good rest. seems like my assignments are endless.and now i feel that i have been getting heavier and heavier as days passed. :(

Saturday, August 18, 2007

konnichiwa everybodies agains.
i just woke up from a very long sleep.
i dream about soo many things.
i wont tell you what i dream of.
shh.. 那是不能说出的秘密
i watched secret and it was rather complicated.
friday, the jap came and we were asked to assist them to cook cupcake.
i had 2 kawaii jap chiobu
Yuka and Ichiro
i am very sorry to all my friend.
i had a problem that time so i apologise that i was moody and blackout during the concert.
dione, your nails were nice.
i went to chicky's house wif catty.
actually we never bake.
chicky did all and we just watch TV
half way, dont know how suddenly i elbow went mad and hitted mel's lips.
her lips were red and pain.
went the sun finally asleep,
i headed home and half way i met olivia soooo
we went to sushi to eat.
btw thaat day was 17
ok,i know i am lame.
then now i am bored.
i waited for MONKEYman for almost 2 hours and he didnt show up.
i was damn sleepy so i went up and dont care bout him

(i am halp asleep now so.
time to off

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

konnichiwa everybodiieesss!!!!
jus to inform you that today i slept agaen during choir and art.
i am so unenergetic these days and feel very grumpy.
like old woman.yes, exactly.
btw i gave up on my chinese book for now
and i am concentrating on Physics as tomorrow we have CT.
i must really buck up with physics or i will see a C for my science in my report book
and i dont want that.
i am studying physics and have totally no idea what the hell
conduction,convection,and radiation are all abt
mayb some kind angel want to help me? ^^
today was damn boring and i am really looking forward to sept holsssssssss.
i want relaxation.jus for a short while.
or else i will die.
EOY exam is in 6 weeks time and i have not started revising yet.
candies girl,if you dont want to regret later you make sure you study.

okayss i am tired and maybe i shd just stop blogging and start revising my physics.
and have a good comfy sleep.

(maybe i shd join basketball if it really can make me slim down like what ms pua told us.
but too bad.ur sch has no basketball and i sucks at basketball.)

time to off

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

konnichiwa agaen.
i cant believe that i am actually reading chinese book now!
i am so proud of myself. ;D
i know i readd very slowly like tootles.
but i am determined to improve my chinese.
all thanks to the chicky woman mandy teo.
i am totally tired today.
i slept today and ytd.
and now they start to call me pig.
what the hell.
but still, i am proud of myself eventhough i dunno why.
jus now i had choir and still,
i ended up sleeping while the rest was singing.
bleh.totally tired today.
okays jus now i received my science paper and i got only like 15/30
wah.the first time i got 50 for science.
admit it, it was a tough paper.
and ms lim has warned us that end year paper will be more diff and challenging.
ohmygawd i really need to concentrate now.
as now i am a super busy woman, i just feel like commide suicide.
okay thats only a joke.
wat's coming up next.
Art Project
Science Project
IPW project
chinese project
Physics test
history test
literature homework
chinese homework
and many more that i've forgotten
i am here doing my literature homework and being a diligent girl.
i am damn tired now.

time to off

Monday, August 13, 2007

konnichiwa boys and girls and perhaps, ladies and gentlemen.
today is Monday
monday is owaes shitty.
i dunno what happen to me but i keep on saying that i am so proud of myself
i dun even know what i am proud of.
man ti was so funny.
she said she willing to marry a retarded and that makes me convince that she really has a hollow brain.
and btw, someone finally online after 100 decades of happy offlining.
oh yeah, now my compie is sick.
i shd bring her to COMPITAL. (as in computer hospital)
mayb this is what im proud of.
i owaes creative everyday,evertime and everywhere.
back to basic, my compy is reallydeeplymadly in love with those viruses.
it takes me a good relaxing 53.5654 minutes to download the anti virus.
ok mayb im a bit slow reacting to an idiom sounds :prepare ur umbre-ella be4 it rains.
now that my compy is lovesickk( like the owner)
then i apply medicine.
okaies,let's dont talk abt how stupid i am.
i know now is erm .. 11.03 but i still cant cant sleep.
i had a total shitty day today and hope that tmr will be a bit great.
oh interesting part.
recess time, we walked down the staff room staircase,
thats when dione saw Ms,Giraffe and the screamed and ran away.
mandy that didnt know anything ran with her.
i tell you shd see how they run.
its like cat is coming and mouses are running for their life!
then i blurted and heard ms giraffe sayd something that makes me concluded that she enjoyed the scene.
then afta recess.
mandy caught agn.
now with melissa.
now by Mr Singh.
ohmagawd i tell you she is damn unlucky today.
i was carrying my mamee and faster ran away.
luckily, he never see my mamee.
or else i will accompany them to stand outside the class.

okaies.actually today is not that shitty.
i did laugh alot.
oso during english tuition.
lets not elaborate more.
my compy needs a good 500 years rest *_*

time to off

Saturday, August 11, 2007

yay today i so happy.
i dunno why but i just keep on blushing lyk hell from morn to dawn.
i dun to be misunderstood and i also dun wan to misunderstand.
so tell me, does the hope still there?if it is,i want.
these two days of my life is totally boring and ordinary.
i expected something extraordinary happened on my bdayy
demo eventually nothing happened.
maybe i shd just forget about it.
he will never rmb,anyway.
i am just too stupid to think that way.
i just went to orchard with my darling olivia
and i bought alotalotalot of thingsss.
she did so.
i spent 100+ for shopping. can count that as my biggest-shopping-without-mommy-ever.
i never shop till drop like that.
and if you want to donate money for me.
i jolly well spend it all at once coz theres still a lot of things i wanted.
hihi.(dont read my blog with that kind of you-are-too-greedy-girl look)
im scared.
and afta that we went to marina bay intended to see the parade.
but unfortunately the way to esplanade was blocked so we just stand there for decades and seen nothing.
just saw a couple of helicopter and fireworks.then ppl marching in line and heard ppl cheering.
olivia nagged me for billions times and in the end i gave up.
we continue to shop.
until i cant walk anymore.
every shop we entered i will sit down while she scanned around.
until she fed up and we go home.
on the journey home chicky mom called me and scold me for no reason.
and spoiled my happy cheerful mood.
its really hard for me to be happy and when i did she just spoil it like that.
chicky, no offense, but she was really too much.
i didnt know anything and get scolding.
mommy also never scold me without reason.
whoa.i really want to take revenge.
if not bcoz her daughter is my bf i wont forgive her,man!
this year's bdayy not seemed to be wonderful.
maybe bcoz mommy was not by my side.
i really miss her alotalot.
she couldnt come coz she is busy.
demo,i will make sure she comes next year.
okaasan, atashi love kimii.
shingapooru ni kitaaru?

time to off

Thursday, August 9, 2007

hasil editanku..!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

ladies and gentleman, boys and girls,
this girl here is JEALOUSS!!! she is jeeeaaaalllooouuussssssss!!!!!!!!she is veryveryveryveryvery JEALLLOOUS.J-E-A-L-O-U-S!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

gapai semua jemariku
rangkul aku dalam bahagiamu
kuingin bersama berdua selamanya
jika kubuka mata ini kuingin slalu ada dirimu
dalam kelemahan hati ini
bersama mu aku tegar.
ohh my damn body!!
im seriously ill now and here i am still happily chatting and blogging.
this morning i went to Bishan Park for X-country.
when i was on the bus, i had an extremely pain in my stomach.
then we still need to walk a few metres and for it seemed like thousand miles away.
halfway through the field,i suddenly felt i can stand anymore.
so i just collapsed like that.
i cried because i cant stand the pain.its like superb.
then ms tan brought me to the toilet.
from where i collapsed and the toilet was just 10 metres and for me like the farthest journey i have ever travelled.IT WAS DAMN PAIN.
then the stupid 'sai' didnt want to come out.
i had to push it out.
that was another disaster.
i cant stand it man!
aft 15 min in the cubical i went out and that very moment i collapsed again.
my legs were shaking and i cant stand or even walk.
it was damn terrible.
you cant imagine how much the pain i encounter.
but now i am okay.
aft the X-country i went to the Prata House with Noviana,Monica,Vanessa,and Dessy.
agn,i had my stomach i had to deal with the smelly toilet agn.
then then then
when we walked to the bus stop
i was...erm..(kebelet pipis)
so i had to strain the pee from exploding out of my bladder.
then i have to walk thousands miles agn to reach Trellis.
i hurried to toilet and let it go.
its soo relaxing.
i feel very happy aft giving out.
im a bit suei today.
actually not a bit but a lot.
just learn from my experience.
dun ever go to school if you have stomach pain.
dun ever strain ur pee from coming out.
and dun ever run when you straining the pee.
or else you know what will happen.

time to off

Sunday, August 5, 2007

i'm getting sick soon.losing my voice and catch a flu (again)
i jus did an amazing race and mayb that coz me to be unwell.
i must have a good rest.
i doubt going to x-country tmr.
everybody,take care of yourself.
the earth is getting more and more harmful.

PS : now i really cant help it. i love him just as i did to rocher.
maybe i do love hima year ago. but i just realise it yesterday.

time to off

Friday, August 3, 2007

oks its like millions things happened this week and it totally rocks my life man.
monday i got rehearsal on national day and its damn bloody tiring man!!
the stupid rehearsal ended at ard 6?
sorry im rather forgetful.
im sure you know me..hehess.
tuesday was the lunch time concert and we san Sun and Moon and You Raise me up.
btw sun and moon is a song and you raise me up is the other one.
dont mix it up. it will become MILKSHAKE.
hehehe..just dont care me.
im like that.!
ppl said it was nice and i can feel 09875432345678754 hairs stood up!
(means its nice lah,dumb dumb)
aft that when i going home,
the art club ppl gave me a flower made of baloon and its damn fucking nice and artistic.
i tink nothing special on wednesday
just that i saw Mr Ducky so many times that i want to ask him to get off my way.
but in the end i never did that coz it sounds too cruel.
oh ya, theres a thing.
i was caught by MS Giraffe Jamie.(sorry ah, but you really look like giraffe.tall and thin)
she said i never pin up my damn fringe and tucked out my stupid shirt and unbutton my fucking tie.btw ah, if she catch me, she always finds a partner for me.
that time emily.
and theres some part i must SENSOR.
only certain ppl allowed to know.
you can ask me if you want to.
but i dont think you want right..

now i have blogged so long and my fingers are complaining.
but nvm. i ll continue.

charlene turned 14 that day.
happy birthday ah girl.
you are finally 14 now.
(and i am catching up soon!)
love you.
but ur BF really looks lyk uncle uncle lyk tat.
(sorry ah Wang Yuan or whatever ur name are.but you really are.)
lucky ytd he neva wears tuxedo and wear specs.
or else he will look lyk, ermm...char's uncle.
(i really hope that he/she neva see this blog!)
we bought char a kiut top from Pull & Bear.
but i habnt pay the money yet.
meow, pay u on mon!
i really like a top or king of jumper from FOREVER21 but char said it dosnt look nice on me.
but baddy charlene go and buy that top!!!!!
and then we went to Haagen Dazs( i dont know how to spell) and ate Fondue.
we ate like sum barbarian..
the barbarians are:
Denise,me,charlene,melissa,dione,james,hocksiong,wen bin, and Lay.
but ytd was damn fun.
nothing.just that i slept in the class most of the time.
and i had JAP class at 3.
i just know that ET knows JAP.
it was damn rockkieeeeee..!!
i love JAP.
i want to be JAP.
it sound quite weird actually.
me dione and mandy went to the toilet and apparently
the water in the whole entire school run off.
and we walked around the school practising our JAP to teachers.
konnichiwa.arigatou and the friends and relatives.

i think my fingers are aching now and i shd stop.

be4 i stop i want to tell u sumting.
i dunno how but i 'kind of' like him.
i met him quite oftenly but jus for a short time.
i know him and he knows me.
but we dont really like 'friend' to each other.
i dont know but that kind of feelings suddenly come.

onegaishimasu(please), its not rocher.
he is over.

time to off
