Wednesday, August 15, 2007

konnichiwa everybodiieesss!!!!
jus to inform you that today i slept agaen during choir and art.
i am so unenergetic these days and feel very grumpy.
like old woman.yes, exactly.
btw i gave up on my chinese book for now
and i am concentrating on Physics as tomorrow we have CT.
i must really buck up with physics or i will see a C for my science in my report book
and i dont want that.
i am studying physics and have totally no idea what the hell
conduction,convection,and radiation are all abt
mayb some kind angel want to help me? ^^
today was damn boring and i am really looking forward to sept holsssssssss.
i want relaxation.jus for a short while.
or else i will die.
EOY exam is in 6 weeks time and i have not started revising yet.
candies girl,if you dont want to regret later you make sure you study.

okayss i am tired and maybe i shd just stop blogging and start revising my physics.
and have a good comfy sleep.

(maybe i shd join basketball if it really can make me slim down like what ms pua told us.
but too bad.ur sch has no basketball and i sucks at basketball.)

time to off

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