Friday, August 31, 2007

yeah hi human! today i am superrrrrr tired and unenergetic.the first reason is i slept late ytd and woke up early.and mayb to buck up is bcoz monkeyman went back alr.early in e morn.ppl still sleepin and he went to airport alr.i saw him sayin goodbye to,i dreamt abt sweet that would be if he really say gdbye to me. cancan,stop that crap.okay i will stop. today was TDC and everybody performed well today and i think the councillors put up a gd job.afta that me melissa mandy dione went to int intending to eat breakfast. halfway tantan alighted to meet her fren. then dione left too and went to and man ti walk around bread, smell smelly perfumes, and help an unknown to drop her POSB atm card.we brought the card to POSB and returned the card.the person actually cut the card.omg.omg.omg.omg.omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man ti broke up with dechathorn.sorry man ti and dechathorn. i typed the message and sent it.gomenasaiiii! & oh today my guardian turns to a guardian angel and bought us mac! woohooo.i ate mcspicy and my whole mouth was full of chili sauceeee! eww i am smelly now i havnt take my batheeee and i am bathingg soon! muach everybody!

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