Friday, December 14, 2007

HI OMG OMG i am so so so so happy todaaaayyy
i went shopping OMG so shiokk i love shopping man..
i bought 3 tees from Fashion Outlet
then one dress from erm Gudang Stock.
its black colour and not to expensive
well,at least it doesnt make my wallet brokee HEE :]

you know what?
i cooked myself you know.
for both breakfast and lunch.
i feel so girly. cz i never cooked before/.
except for instant noodles HAHA :D

im not going to eat dinner laterh.
cz i ate too much just now.
wow lets see what i've eaten today. only today
instant noodles, chickenballs soup, choco milkshake+ice cream,and satay.

i am rly expanding in size
and i think i shall rly register for Marie France Bodyline.
although im not sure whether it works.

eheh i have finished the song i composed.
but just the lyrics without notes.
i dont know how i want the song to sound like.
lets think abt it later lah huh.
i'll post up the lyrics maybe next time okay

shall go :]
bye i love you madu. */

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