Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Yo! my stupid guardian confiscated my beloved laptop and i had to lie to her so that i can go online. since tmr will be like so-called no school, i decided to waste my time Hahaha.

monday was a tiring day. i forgot what happen la. Dione and I had tuition with JK at the study area in my condo. and when it gets dark, we use dione's phone's light facilities to carry on and JK held the HP with such a funny way man i cant stop laughing at him. what a awry person. ( i just learned that bolded word & i kindof forget what it means HAHA) we had dinner at TPC and i was scolded by my guardian cz i went to eat. urgh, she is sometime unreasonable. often. or always.

Tuesday is a fuck day uh. i had my english speech done and completed History and Chem test. i think im ovulating now cz my mood is rly swinging badly,man. somemore PEARLY THE FROGGIE spoil my mood. she is uh rly rly annoying and unreasonable. yes like my guardian. oh i tell you when i grow up, im not gg to treat my kids like the way they treat me, man. im not letting mykids to suffer.

OMG i nearly forgotten sth. sth very very important!!
Happy Birthday Mommy.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love you so much please take care of yourselves and eat your meal thrice a day! please i beg you uhkay.
today is her BIRTHDAY and she's 39 haha. she told me she loves me and i nearly teared okayy. she is like the best mom in this whole entire world. i love you mom.!

Hahaha so today is another sucky day. ( i think my days are all sucky man! lol) someone may know why HAHA lol lol lol. you know what, our classroom is like Dione and my house. we are making that place as comfortable as possible. we sleep, we eat, we study, we do everything down there. woah so shiok man HAHA. we are trying to think of ways to make it even more comfortable yeah yeah.!!

you know just now during Physics SPA, Melissa Brenda and I was like walking blurry and we stepped into a wrong lab. i was like thinking, why all their faces change huh.? apparently it was 4e5 and steph who saw that, laughed so funnily and AHAHA not to be continued. agn, Pearly the froggyy create problem with me agn. i feel like burning her house down man soso annoying. go die la.

Dione actually believe this ShinLu-Mr.Chan relationship and im not gg to elaborate more. those who know, LOL. those who dont know FOL. ask dione the dummy.

i think she is suspecting sth alr i better go search yahoo HAHA or else she will confiscate agn so saddening.

i need someone to talk to. heart to heart.

Labelled : tired and sloppy

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