Friday, November 30, 2007

hola im at home real bored now.
but it will end soon cz i'll be going out.
guess im getting the superman shirt i saw that time.
hope they still have stocks left.
today is 30th nov which means the Panasonic awards not gonna miss that surely!

tmr is saturday weekend and i hvnt planned anything to do.
my pals are all up for exams and im being left alone
kinda sad but yeah,i must accept.

hereee it is heavily and so heavenly :] i love
i want money now im broke i spent all my money at the cheese popcorn i've been craving since 10 years agooo!!

nowadays,im starting to think of sth to do when i grow up.
i dont want to leave it and go undecided until then.
so im thinking of what i shd do next time.
but im still undecided,cz i keep on changing.

ytd i wanted to do graphic design, then today i change to photography
and maybe now im thinking of advertising. or mass communication.
im not gonna do marketing for sure. and maybe yeah i shall take photography as my second subject cz i like photography.

you know,sometimes i just cant understand my mom's thinking.
she insists me to be a doctor
and i just found out it is cz doctor can earn alot of money.
or she says i can do medicine. just sth to do with life health.

i thought we must do sth we like and enjoy,
not sth that we can earn money but uninterested in it.
what's is the point of doing sth we dislike?
when biology is the sub i hate the most,she wants me to change my geog to bio.
she says,why study geography? no use! do you want to be a farmer next time?

but please mom i like it. and i hate bio.! you should support me instead of discouraging me like this! studying isnt what that is useful and can make us earn alot
but its more to what we like and enjoy studying.
if the whole world want to be doctor,
then who take up the rest of the job?

im pretty angry with that kind of mind set
yeah but im her daughter and i have no right to face my opinion.
she will just say,"you no manners!"
okay im tired.
once i say i want to take photography, she started scolding me.

yay yay!!! stephanie is going to move to trellis real soon and im soo happy. HAHA i've got friend to go to school YAY. ohoh i am so dangdut now.

jatuh cinta berjuta rasanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

" hidup ini panggung sandiwara cerita"

okay.i forget what to blog now. so sad.
btw,i bought a watch from Levi's vry nice one i like it! Love.\
and i am so sad cz i cant go shopping today and i've spent alot from mommy's credit card.
i hope the billing won't come before my departure *pray*

i must also consider the money i spent.
cz my mom often tells me that money aren't easy to earn now.
and my father doesnt have any moneymaker machine.
hope he i can just click whatever amount of money i want.
oh so shiokk!ah i want.

now sing dollar is incresing so much that my parents' burden is incresing now.
that means my daily expenses is getting more and more.i must think more maturely.
i know i cant stop my shopping hobby,so instead of using the xtra money,
i must use my weekly allowance.
so i must save more money. in case of emergency*
(emergency here means HEHE godaan buat shopping)

time flies rly fast. its one more month to my departure to sg.
and my brother hasnt confirm whether to continue his study here or sg.
sometimes i feel i rly dont want to go back to sg and i wanna stay here forever.
but sometimes its the other way round. i rly feel i want to go back to sg at that moment.
that second. :]

HAHA i am watching one extragavant show vry funny i keep on laughing.
they are talking abt what do you think beauty means?
then they say girls look beautiful if they are confident and carefree.
they are okay with the way they are. which i think its quite true :]

whatever.i am so sad now.
i ate alot and now i feel so lazy to move.
and this candies sutanto here is becoming more and more studious.
maybe i am the next top student :D

oh btw congrats for Honey for being accepted at CHIJ Toa Payoh
and jia you for Diana. hope she gets a school soon :]
and the others, good luck for the upcoming test ;)

im rly missing the satay from Kalimantan. so nice
i want to eat and im going tmr. maybe.
"oh-oh" i am dying tmr i have tuition frm 8-12 yaw
chem then physics. shitty right?!
my head can just explode and my eyes can just burst out 0-0

and this holiday isnt relaxing
but its burden-ing .huh
i have lot tons hell of homework to do every single day and i have no time to break.
except for weekend and maybe during 'some' tuition i have some entertainment

i need a break. i rly need one

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I need a hug

yo! and YO! and YOOO!!! if you are asking for my feeling right now, okay,now still the emo not sure what i feel now or who am i exactly thinking of. why is my life getting more and more complicated?please,i want to go back to my usual self.i cant face this condition.maybe i aint that strong but whatever. this is getting me very sick.

i laugh lesser than i usually do. i cry more than i usually do.i keep quiet more than i usually do.

yuck alot of mosquitos bite me. and amaths is rly killing me. i hope someone can calm me down. i need a calmer machine right now that can calm me down at the speed of light. you know,before i plug in this internet cabel here,i think of alot of think to blog. but once i log in to blogger,i have nothing to blog. huh,weird,eh?

i went tuition like usual,then had lunch with my brother,sherly and eric.=.= it is a vry short lunch nearby.sherly was as usual,noisy and straightforward.and eric,yeah as usual too.except that he is getting more and more weird. i wont tell you why.

how many time must i say? please people please.dont ever ever gimme hope if you arent sure whether its possible or not. dont dont ever bring me high up and drop me down. just like that. i've encountered that before.and i dont want that to happen for the second time.
maybe you guys just dont understand me quite well. honestly,i aint hard to understand.its just how you see me from different angles. thats why,dont judge a book from its cover

PS: and i cant stop thinking about you

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

hello living creatures :D i am in a big big confusion right now.i dont know which to choose,what to decide and all.i tried my best to change this i can look more lively and cheerful.but i failed seriously. :( i am growing more and more fragile these days. i dont know what happen to.this life is just leading me blind.i dont know why i am doing this,what i should do,and how come that can happen. i am like a blind person looking for a right way.i need help! SOS!

okay my mom is in love with credit card.she made 3 credit cards in a day. i dont know why and how :] but i forced her to gave me one and huh,she refused.but she "lend" me one lah HEHE.i hope i can make full use of it. pray for me she wont change her mind.

i rly feel that my holiday is going to end.and it is so soon. i dont even realise maybe all this while i am leading my life i dont even know that yeah,this is going to be the end of nov.
and someone's bday is coming.i just hope i dont forget to wish a happy bday wish. i am watching Miss Teen USA and its so curious-ing.hehe,i just look at olivia's photo and its funny.she wore this sea blue pail on her head and she looked like witch. HAHA.

actually i am looking forward tmr.but he isnt going to attend it,so im kinda disappointed. D: soso just hoping tht miracle does come true. and guys!!!! i am rly looking forward 31dec to countdown with you guys together. maybe that's goin to be the last outing together or what i dont care but i wont miss it!

ytd,i talked wih james abt friendship.realising that actually this kind of ship tht we built isnt as strong as we think it is.our friendship is actually fragile, my feeling now 0-0 once we dont see each other and nvr talked for awhile,we will separate each distance and we dont even realised it.i am not being framatic or what,but yeah,what is done can't be undone D:

gtg see you soon!

PS: brastagi i hate you

Monday, November 26, 2007

hola!! heehehe im so happy today i've got my mom's HSBC credit so happy i cann shop!
grr this room is cold im freezing. no rain today so sad :[

Sunday, November 25, 2007

hola yeah yeah! junia has came back from here very short trip to singapore.she said she bought alot of stuffs which make me so jealous now.but nvm.i also shopped today.bought alot cannot say alr too shiok i shopped with mommy so she paid all -yay!- thats the pleasure of shopping with ur mom.sometimes theres the disadvantage.she knows which outfit suits you which is not.but when you come to like sth and she doesnt,she will insist you not to buy it. HAHA but nvm.most of the thing i pointed,she will buy.dont know what happen.maybe she just won a jackpot. i hope she will win everyday.HAHA :]]]

oh talking abt mom,she received harsh sms-es from the fake-buttock not sure if its the bitch but its pretty much theres no one that's as childish as her. yucky women. wait and see,i wont let you go!! this incident remembered me with the 25/10/07 incident.the sms-es from the so-not-gentleman lil boy kid.that was the first time i saw a guy who doesnt appreciate girl,or should i say,woman? this lil 'gaychick' here is wiyogo. he said sth tht hurt me,even it wasnt meant for me,but i bolded tht before tht i dont like someone tease my friend. yes,i dont.

these days have been rather boring and empty.maybe without his presence,i feel quite terrible. kinda enthusiast to welcome him back HAHA. but too bad,when he came back i will be flying off to jakarta.i just hope he can make it earlier. :[

i am rly craving for tops and bottoms and shoes and accesories and stockings and all. i will only be satisfied if i have fulled my wardrobe ^-^ shopping in indo seems like so fun cz i can practice my being-a-customer act HAHA.dont know we can reduce to price from what they gave us so i guess its pretty fun :D i need a programme which can make me lose my eating appetite and increase my shopping appetite.oh no,better reduce both. and the lighting so loud im so scared now so scared.omg im crying i cant bear the soung shit mommy where are you?!?!? hiks help me pray so that it can go softer or just go away and get lost!!

listening to a song vry nice vry nice i love and oh ya i miss them. shit gtg!

PS: i still miss you

Thursday, November 22, 2007

hi everybody.i am here o share something for you.if you have read mel's post them you will understand. its right. what's the point of living when it just gives us miseries,worries,sadness and yes,in the end we will die.we will.noboby can escape from death.i dont know. i am just getting more and more emotional these past few days. besides,i am starting to show my fragile side. i dont know why.i keep on crying and crying.sometimes,even,i dont know why.

and people,please.i plead you.if you cant fulfill your promise,dont ever,ever give me hope. you dont need to try to make me happy while in the end, you will break everything and downed me.
its like you bring me high up to the sky and drop me down so so suddenly. and i still cant figure out why i am still crying. i know it isnt the best solution. but sorry,its just how i express myself.

i dont want to make the same mistake again for the second time.

lets stop it candies. stop being so emotional. HEHE i used the face mask and its damn damn nice so cool so cofortable but HAHAHAHHA i look like ghost. but vry my face so smooth. and my hair,,eventually it grows very fast and and i quite happy. :] i want shopping shopping shopping and shopping. yes yes i shopped alot but its not enough!! oh god i am getting more and more shopaholic.hehe but you can ask those shoppers, shooping gives you this kind of feeling when you feel very satisfied,very rich,very very happy and you will like to carry many many bags so that you will look like you shopped alot. maybe thats not you. but that is me.

theres nothing but the rain here. and isnt anyone trying to find me? i just hope tomorrow will be a better day.

PS: i miss that guy
PPS:i dont miss singapore
PPPS: but i miss beatty

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

may you be a better per son next time.
and grow a bit more mature
what a special day for you,eh?
sweet 7teen nowww
im happy for you :>
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to monkey
happy birthday to you
and and and
i am so happy nowwwwwwwwwwww
my ice breaker machinee is working nowwww
so i can enjoy ice-ing now -yay-
today i am soo happy
i shopped alot alot damn alot
if i were far from you, i am worried but missing you
if i were with you,i dont know what to do.(my cheeks burning)
if you were active,i become silent.
if you were quiet,i become curiouss
is that love? if it is not, then i dont know what love means

Monday, November 19, 2007

ima eating alot these days i dont know whyyyy!!!!!
and my hair is as shit as shit ouch i dont dare to look into the mirror nowwwww
i want to cut it botakkk!!!
hehe but the smell very nice hehe :*]
and can you please tell me why ii can become soo studious noww?
i studied non stop and so seriously
i dont understand why.
is it because influenced by someone?
i want cup noodle with coke now
haha tell you something
i cut my hair yess
NOOOOOO!!! now my hair is as short as monkey tail. ahhhhh
i dont like means i hate
i feel like crying nowwwwwwwww
although it was cut by pieter lim, the most 'yaw' hairstylist in town.
haha but whats the point adow.please i hate it
now i look like erm ten years older hoek

and i mistook my mom's slimming pill as my headache pill
it causes me to pangsai more than usual people do
like i go to toilet every 5 minutes
abit exaggerating.
even just now when he cut my hair, i went to toilet twice
imagine he cut halfway i said,'sorry i want to go to toilet'
hahahahaha ii am laughing!!

sosososososososo i will be up for a shopping trip agn tmr yay!
gonna get myself a pair of stokings
mom just gave me money sooo i guess im quite rich now ^^

mandy is enjoying herself at thailand the elephant
i hope she remember to get me an elephant
and maybe dione alsooo hahahahaha
i miss genting highland ohh

okay i will end here cz im studying physics now
become so studious now.
effect from someone heehee

PS: happy advanced birthday.hope you grow more man oh

Sunday, November 18, 2007

i am rly totally fucked up now
i have blogged damn hell alot but suddenly it went hibernated shit
okay nvm

this post is going to be goddamn long
i have alot of tuition

chinese was okay lah
i didnt do much cz i was lazy
i dont know why but lazyness keep pn growing in me like cancer and tumor.
even my teacher can notice tht.

maths have been boring
both amaths and emaths
shitty. totally shitty.
i was totally confused by the bloody emaths matrices
and was ttally fucked up by the anaths polynomials.
at least i know how i am going to suffer nxt year. :[[

chem was okaay laah
calculating the no of compunds and naming it was quite fun
but too bad i had the lesson alone :[] (it means sad and happy)

physics HAHA physics
pathetic lah.
but the subject.but the teacher,students,and environment.
i didnt study at all cz we practically talked the whole damn 2 hours.haha
me junia sherly cindy and eric chitchatted and gossiped alot.
okay maybe i am wrong. eric wasnt tht much.
but my teacher tell you his name, joni, rocked and rolled with us too.

ytd we went to pizza hut to have our lunch.
joni the great (hoek) treated us (yay!)
6ofus.joni eric me junia sherly cindy.
we ordered alot and i was pissed by the ballon-maker waitress huh
she actually thought i had a child cz i asked for a baloon grrrr
then went home sleeeep

today i went to sun plaza.
honestly saying, today has been a real great day :)))
i went with eric and junia.
we had our lunch at sunday cafe
i was so dumb as usual. i ordered something and ate it (tht was normal)
but i didnt look at the price and when the bill came, i screamed okay.
totally screamed til everyone looked at me.!!!
eric couldnt stop laughing at me :(
met jess and her friends
after tht went to guardian
i bought plaster cz my feet ouch was hurt.
eric and junia looked at face mask and she bought alot. i bought one.
he didnt buy lah cz theres none for anti-sleepy haha
he intended to buy tht so tht he wont go sleepy. he funny ass.
eric had to left halfway and we said goodbye.

oh boy, by the way you are leaving tmr.
goodbye! come back soon.
then anita came and we walked ard.
i laughed aalot.
going out with them remembered me when i went out with mel and don.
met the oh-i-am-the-most-perfect-person-on-earth-and-i-have-the-sexiest-backside women
i hate her alot since i was born HAHA
also met my chinese tuition teacher with her sons.
met my maths tuition teacher with his gf
they wore matching tees. greeny couple.
i wanted to call him but he seemed like forgotten me heehee

aftah tht i went to met mommy.
bought me clothes from citysurf.
syderbilt,insight,roxy,and ripcurl.waahaa i am so satisfied.
going on a shopping trip with junia nxt week and i am going to buy whole lot tons of clothes.
i am happy happy yay!
tmr is sunday and i am going to experiment with my face mask. yo!

okay okay maybe from just now you are wondering who the hell this eric person is.
he is like the mostmostmostmostnice guy i have ever met i swear to you
okay he is so mature and gentle lah omg so different from monkey.
okay,can,stop comparing.
he is damn nice haha but he was a bit cool to me.
thats what i think.
he seems okay and open to the rest of them
but he is like so avoiding me i dont know why.
you say he doesnt like me i think it is wring cz i know him be4 the rest do
he was my classmate at hua.
we were friend since then but too bad our classmate thought we were more than that.
so maybe that's why haha.
but i swear seriously he is damn nice. not childish. not selfish.
but he sell kindness,gentleness,politeness,and honesty.
and lemme tell you something. this kind of people will be treasured.
i am not exagerrating.but wait till you see him.
*and i really hope he doesnt read this post*
cz his head will grow as big as an elephant
but i believe, this type of person wont betray you :)

okay you bitch yo wassup
wanna have a fight
come on here baby i dont scared of you.
i warned you bitchy bitch dont ever ever tease my friend or you will know
okay so now you did that i am going to give you something rly delicious.
if you say she is copying you by having the same shirt as yours while she didnt even fucking hell know, you better fuck this whole damn world up.
cz no one will like your childish thinking.
if everyone agrees with you, then everything we do now is copying.
i can say you copy me by eating while i am eating
i also can say that you fucking wear garments cz you want to copy me okay fucking bitch
you know i am damn fired now.
i am not kidding and i wont be kidding abt this okay.
go and tell the whole world and see the result.
you are contridicting yourselves,fake backside not lady nor woman.
come hell and say whatever you want to say, but sorry hello mad
i wont be amused or whatever.
no from-th-bottom-of-your-heart sorry and i wont let you go.
i told ya be4 i dont leave things hanging.
so,go and think abt it.
dont mess up with me or be responsible for the mess you made.

PS: i am in love

Sunday, November 11, 2007

candies sutanto in indo

oh hola people.!
i miss those in sg
i miss those in indo but havnt get th chance to meet
i miss beatty. so much.

huh i can blog
i can go friendster,facebook,hi5
but i cent fucking hell go online
which is what i am dying for.
i have been trying till i half dead
but my bloody internet just dont want to damn connect me
and i dont know what freaking hell happened

here so shiok only 26 degree HAHA
dione must be damn jealous now.
and she is holiday-ing to genting highland
you wont regret,don!

mandy teo is going to thai
i want to order an elephant HAHA
i wonder how she's going to bring it back.
nvm,i will bring you burung kakak tua

probably i am flying to jakarta
now i am kinda excited
my days are fully packed with tuition
yes,lemme show you my schedule
mommy planned it all

10-12 : A-maths
13-14.30 :chinese

10-12: physics
13-14.30: chinese

10-12;a maths

10-12: e maths


10-12: chemistry

see how busy i amm!!!!!!
but its better than staying at home
doing nothing except for sleeping and eating
i will be a potential pig by then

someone is nagging me
to off my internet asap
cz its damn ex here.
okay end here

ps: cant wait for the 20th!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hola guys.! this may be my last post since i am going back to indo today. :)
kinda sad though.:(
i wish you guys have a rly enjoyable holidays and have funfunfun :DD

okay i collected my streaming result and
as i expected, i go to the 2nd class
taking chem, phy, ss/hist, pure geog, and amaths.
i got to the same class as mela and dione :)
kinda sad cz mandy,james,hs and huei min didnt get into the same class as me :((
350% sad (i am acting like mel's cousin fred HAHA)

i guess i wont enjoy my holiday much cz alot of tuition are coming up :(
have a painful and stress holiday candies is going to face :(
now i am 700% sad
and with th fact tht i am leaving my friends temporary and cant see their funny faces,
now i am 1050% sad :(((((

HAHA yeah but see the bright side lah huh
i am rly looking forward to this coming up 19th november.
HAHA abit excited and planning something kinda special :)

i bide a big sad farewell those these following groups of aliens from different planets:
2e3'07 (this is going to be forever farewell )
choir ( lalala i am so HAPPY haha YAY!!!!!)
trellis tower ( since i am bored here, im alright)
SINGAPORE ( i have been here like 5 months and honestly ima bored)

lastly i want to thank everyone
Thanks for the memories :)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

AH this damn thing

i dont feel like blogging now.
damn sleepy and tmr we have the bloodeh choir prektis.
so, i will just tell you something
they will enjoy while i suffer HAIKKKKK
okay today was basically fun. very fun indeed!

HAHA now my room got this friction sound vry sickening
i think got some some insects dancing or fcking HAHA
i dont give a damn
just get the hell out of my room and stop making that annoying voice ouch!
ohmegot today i am vry fated to meet lizard and friends.
wekkk i met a lizard just now damn disgusting one. shit lah man

my left eye is red now and i better take out my lenses or else i will go bling WEE
i dont want that to happen.
later i cant see his beautiful smile anymore HAHA~
joking lah who the hell want to see his freaing face huh?!
i am sick lah. HAHA just bear with me, will you?
cz i have moodswing one.
sometimes i can like him so much and want to see his face so badly
sometimes i can feel so sick of him and feel like kicking his flat-ass.
my god now i am sick soooo HAHA i may perform my awesome kicking soon!

okay lah just now i say i dont feel like blogging
but i end up blogging so long.
okay maybe not so long. quite lah huh.
bye people see you ard

ps: (bloodeh choir and bloodeh pearl)

wi o


"and every night i miss you i can just look up
cz i know the stars are holding you holding you holding you tonight"



Saturday, November 3, 2007

today was HAHA

hola hihi. i am back from orchardie crowdie withie peopleiee.
went there with melily tan.
HAHA we did alot of stupid things.
laughed alot at stupid stuffs.
bought alot of stupid stuffs. now i feel so happy and broke.
wekk, just gained alot of money and now i feel so broke agn.

i bought a pair of shoes from topshop.
a pair of KIWI vry cute earrings from heeren.
took a damn unglam neoprint HAHA (pictures are to be updated)
yellow and blue colour hairband
black colour nail polish.
a pair of slippers. i boughht it cz of a reason.

i met mela at wisma atria.
thn whn i walking halfway thn i noticed one couple was looking at me thn my slippers.
thn i looked down and oh shit. HAHA my slippers torn and produced a big mouth which can eat up crocodile HAHA.
i was like ermmmm. thn i walked like a duck and mela kept laughing at me. =.="
thn went to cotton on and bought th $5 slippers.

after that i forget alr we went to starbucks and bought drinks.
thn what else aiyah alot. oh yeah i met jen just now with kevin.
i tot they were some loving couple cz they were like smiling to each other.
very loving kind HAHA apparently its not.

we went to taka and walked ard. :D
thn to heeren and took neoprint. HAHA damn funny lah
there were two cameras and we didnt know which side
so when we were still figuring out, suddenly we heard 3.2.1 pret!
omg HAHA the picture turned out to be damn funny HAHA
i laughed until so hard and the rest of the pictures are as unglam as the first one.
HAHA thn after tht decoration part has two sides thn we waited at one for damn long
thn eh why nothing har?
haha i went to th other side HAHA the time left was 170 seconds
mela faster ran there and decorated.
HAHA funny you see later.

went to paragon and looked ard toy r us.
nothing though.
we went into the toilet painting our nails.
weird eh?! and 1 auntie looked at us until like she looked so dumb.
cant imagine lah..

oka went bck to taka we asked for the subaru baloon bcz at first i tot it was cute
it turned out to be annoying and distracting. my god
i gave it to one girl and mela threw hers into th dustbin
poor baloon. poor dustbin.

HAHA okay lah huh i think that's all for today lah huh
tmr i will be meeting dione seah and mandy teo.
see you guys tmr!

PS:thanks mela and strawberry jam for sending me to airport nxt tuesday.

Friday, November 2, 2007

oh my life is friggin bored

Oh lifee ohh lifeeeeeee
it can get so fun exciting and enjoyable
but it also can get so bored dead and colourless.
and yes you're right i am encountering th second one.
oh my god my holiday has been boring and dead and ah i feel like smacking anything
i edited thousands of pictures,listened to billion songs, read million books
but still still i cant get through these daysssssss.
i miss the school days. duh i miss them so much
and yes sure i cant wait for the 6th nov.canttt wait..
i am not nervous. okay fine maybe a little bit.
but i am more excitedd HAHA cz i get to see my beloved friends yeah
anyway people,suggest me something to do rather than sleep,eat and read.
i've had enough of those.

something found at e3's blog HAHA laylaylay the potato barbeque chip he dmn funny right?!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


i miss Monica Johan :]]]

oh hi people i am hehe as usual. not bathed. heehee.
but eh today i am not smelly leeeee.
shit lah i must catch up with my reading speed.
i have been reading so slow these days.
like squirrel? tootles.
oh, speaking of tootlees, hock siangg got his job at mcdonalds.
yes mcmcmcmcmc mac
haha he was vry happy. who dont??
congrats everybody got their job.
nicole.hueimin.hocksiong.mandy kind of lah.

i also want to work lah
but too bad mannnnnn
i am going backkk ah i dont feel like
shit damn fuck!
heeheee i am currently doing nothing
using jess com as i fed up with mine.
lul i think i am going to get new one YAY

mamamia here we go again!!
mama how can i resist you?!?!
went to shaw plaza just now with donyy.
saw hs work in mc uniform
he looked tall and not that childish lah huh.

honestly i cant wait for the 6th nov
i wanna knowwww my resulttt soooooooooo badlyyyyyyyy!!!!!
gosh they keep me waiting for so long
and th fcking emaths 3a book is outofstock!!

yeahyeahyeah my bro's result came out.
he got damn bad but nice result.
34 for english and 65 for mathematics
huh i was better hehh
hope he can get into school i dont care he must!
yeahyeah having mood swing now i've torn zillion piecess of paper.!
including the library book :]]]]]

okay lah huh this is ppl's laptop so i kind of must go
heheee i wanna know my streaming result so badly
bye people see you around!