Sunday, November 18, 2007

i am rly totally fucked up now
i have blogged damn hell alot but suddenly it went hibernated shit
okay nvm

this post is going to be goddamn long
i have alot of tuition

chinese was okay lah
i didnt do much cz i was lazy
i dont know why but lazyness keep pn growing in me like cancer and tumor.
even my teacher can notice tht.

maths have been boring
both amaths and emaths
shitty. totally shitty.
i was totally confused by the bloody emaths matrices
and was ttally fucked up by the anaths polynomials.
at least i know how i am going to suffer nxt year. :[[

chem was okaay laah
calculating the no of compunds and naming it was quite fun
but too bad i had the lesson alone :[] (it means sad and happy)

physics HAHA physics
pathetic lah.
but the subject.but the teacher,students,and environment.
i didnt study at all cz we practically talked the whole damn 2 hours.haha
me junia sherly cindy and eric chitchatted and gossiped alot.
okay maybe i am wrong. eric wasnt tht much.
but my teacher tell you his name, joni, rocked and rolled with us too.

ytd we went to pizza hut to have our lunch.
joni the great (hoek) treated us (yay!)
6ofus.joni eric me junia sherly cindy.
we ordered alot and i was pissed by the ballon-maker waitress huh
she actually thought i had a child cz i asked for a baloon grrrr
then went home sleeeep

today i went to sun plaza.
honestly saying, today has been a real great day :)))
i went with eric and junia.
we had our lunch at sunday cafe
i was so dumb as usual. i ordered something and ate it (tht was normal)
but i didnt look at the price and when the bill came, i screamed okay.
totally screamed til everyone looked at me.!!!
eric couldnt stop laughing at me :(
met jess and her friends
after tht went to guardian
i bought plaster cz my feet ouch was hurt.
eric and junia looked at face mask and she bought alot. i bought one.
he didnt buy lah cz theres none for anti-sleepy haha
he intended to buy tht so tht he wont go sleepy. he funny ass.
eric had to left halfway and we said goodbye.

oh boy, by the way you are leaving tmr.
goodbye! come back soon.
then anita came and we walked ard.
i laughed aalot.
going out with them remembered me when i went out with mel and don.
met the oh-i-am-the-most-perfect-person-on-earth-and-i-have-the-sexiest-backside women
i hate her alot since i was born HAHA
also met my chinese tuition teacher with her sons.
met my maths tuition teacher with his gf
they wore matching tees. greeny couple.
i wanted to call him but he seemed like forgotten me heehee

aftah tht i went to met mommy.
bought me clothes from citysurf.
syderbilt,insight,roxy,and ripcurl.waahaa i am so satisfied.
going on a shopping trip with junia nxt week and i am going to buy whole lot tons of clothes.
i am happy happy yay!
tmr is sunday and i am going to experiment with my face mask. yo!

okay okay maybe from just now you are wondering who the hell this eric person is.
he is like the mostmostmostmostnice guy i have ever met i swear to you
okay he is so mature and gentle lah omg so different from monkey.
okay,can,stop comparing.
he is damn nice haha but he was a bit cool to me.
thats what i think.
he seems okay and open to the rest of them
but he is like so avoiding me i dont know why.
you say he doesnt like me i think it is wring cz i know him be4 the rest do
he was my classmate at hua.
we were friend since then but too bad our classmate thought we were more than that.
so maybe that's why haha.
but i swear seriously he is damn nice. not childish. not selfish.
but he sell kindness,gentleness,politeness,and honesty.
and lemme tell you something. this kind of people will be treasured.
i am not exagerrating.but wait till you see him.
*and i really hope he doesnt read this post*
cz his head will grow as big as an elephant
but i believe, this type of person wont betray you :)

okay you bitch yo wassup
wanna have a fight
come on here baby i dont scared of you.
i warned you bitchy bitch dont ever ever tease my friend or you will know
okay so now you did that i am going to give you something rly delicious.
if you say she is copying you by having the same shirt as yours while she didnt even fucking hell know, you better fuck this whole damn world up.
cz no one will like your childish thinking.
if everyone agrees with you, then everything we do now is copying.
i can say you copy me by eating while i am eating
i also can say that you fucking wear garments cz you want to copy me okay fucking bitch
you know i am damn fired now.
i am not kidding and i wont be kidding abt this okay.
go and tell the whole world and see the result.
you are contridicting yourselves,fake backside not lady nor woman.
come hell and say whatever you want to say, but sorry hello mad
i wont be amused or whatever.
no from-th-bottom-of-your-heart sorry and i wont let you go.
i told ya be4 i dont leave things hanging.
so,go and think abt it.
dont mess up with me or be responsible for the mess you made.

PS: i am in love

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