Tuesday, January 1, 2008


firstly, i want to thank everyone that has made my 2007 a meaningful and memorable one. be it friends, family, relatives or what. i thank you to the deepest ocean in the world. i love you guys so much and please dont forget everything that we've gone through together. as a team, as a pair, or as a group (whatever). although some of you may pissed me or i pissed you, you are forgiven and forgive me. okay i dont know what am i talking about. i just one this new fresh year can be better than the year before. and everyone become wiser and all the bad attitudes were brought by 2007 so this 2008 there will be no, or maybe less bad attitudes showing. :)

okay, before i forget, thank you to those who gave me chrismas present. i really love them so much please dont forget that whenever you need me i will always be there for you. and 2e3, thanks for being such a good class that you guys made me feel accepted. everything that we did, be it the bads or goods one, just seems so precious now. yeah we cant turn back time, thats why we can only flashed it back. class performance, be yourself day, racial harmony day, valentines day, exams, excursions, crying moments, laughing moments. whether we realise it or not, that things that we did bond us closer and we became more and more united. and of course i made a real good friends there. mandy,melissa,dione,james,hocksiong,emily,lay,tianyang,nicole, nengjie,muizhen, charlene,denise,kelvin and some more that i cant list out one by one. beatty has been such a good school. it doesn't only give me knowledges, it alo gave me experiences,challenges,pressures, and yeah friends. agnes,stephanie,monica,noviana,anita,junia,olivia,casey,jessica,myta, are those that also had made my day.

last but not least, my family. mom,dad,my naughty lil brother, and cute lil brother, they really tought me alot and you know last time i used to be an egois person. maybe i still have it now, but i came to realise that egoism doesnt give me and benefits. its all cz of them, trying to open my eyes and all yeah i just cant say anything else, i feel so embarrassed that people made alot of things for me, i didnt do anything for them.

2008 means i am one year older, i must grow more mature, be more realistic, and dont be childish. maybe one way i will prove it, i wont stuck in this very feeling that i actually like a jerk. HAHA when i came to think about it, i feel so disgusted. how can i like someone like that. the word 'promise' opened my eyes, that he isn't deserved to be loved. Promise is a big word and maybe he doesn't even understand what the word really means. when you say 'i promise', means you must really fulfill it, mustn't you? an one incident, makes me realise that he doesn't recognise promise as a word. whatever im saying. im done here. i gotta go my own way. from now on, i will just laugh at myself. how stupid i was,liking someone so horrible.? and what my friends said was true.

i feel alot better aft i wrote this long. my goal this year, is to flip more pages of books.

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