Thursday, January 17, 2008


hello everyone i know i've away since yeah last week.
apparently my guardian confiscated my laptop. cz she said i must concentrate on my studies.
how childish.

btw this week have been so busy. (wait i refer to my handbook first)
homeworks, projects, tests, choir practices, miseries have been controling my life.
i dont even know what life im leading nowadays.
sigh, maybe i will just go with the flow.

im currently doing my homeworks that have taken up most of my times.
now i finish school at 3 from mon to wed. plus choir every tues and wed.
if i just can voice my opinion, i rly think that Ms Pearly Lim is quite unreasonable.
theres no need to treat us that way okay.
its childish.

she marked my attendance as late. fuck.
she treats us like primary kids. or UG.
she rly makes us lose ur sense of belonging towards Choir.
we even steal as many minutes as possible to slack from Choir.
i shall stop talking abt pearly. yeah

im talking to melissa, junia and glen now
dione came to my house to do hw and we r finding tuition teacher.
so if you have any recommendation, just tag me kayy.

im not thinking abt any of them anymore.
okay maybe sometimes. fine, alot of times.
but HAHAHA dont laugh , im trying to forget it.
just forget it. (im serious)

i shall end.
btw do you know this,
beautiful love can stand only for awhile

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