Friday, January 4, 2008

i rly rly must thanks all those who have tried to cheer me up. all those who gave me comments and told me what to do. i feel better now. alot better. thanks noviana, anita, jessica, james. you guys rly made me smile :) noviana with the w-on-the-bed HAHA. anita with the chocolatesugar. jessica with all the HAHA, james with the nice touhing song. i rly appreciate it guys thanks so much.

what they had just told me is true. its just what i thought. my thought that has dictated me to think, act like this. you know,some people are ther help make you feel better, but some are there to make you feel worse. sad to say, he/she is the last person that ever goes to that list. what to do, yeah life is life and i must get go on.

i know some of you may feel like i do. just dont care abt it and lead your life like what you want it to be, and dont let your life to lead you.thats the most important thing. nvm if you dont understand. im just trying to make myself happy. cz thats one of my 2008 resolution. so assholes, just don't spoil my 2008.


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