Sunday, November 30, 2008


hey people i went to sun just now w/ a little biunique little christine hahahahahahahhaha and we did prank-calling. called and scolded people and we couldn't stop laughing haha so fun and when we had nothing else to say, we kept repeating those scolding words and the pranked person keep repeating hers as well. Haha and she covered her mouth while talking and i didn't and haha i snapped the phone from her and screamed at the speaker i think everyone looked at us. you know la my voice hehe.

Then went Oke Suki to eat steamboat hehe nice nice nice. Tmr tuition i feel like slapping myself i havent do my tuition homework hokay ergh shit la candies!!!

Mon told me that she loves reading her archive. I'm the opposite. Because reading my archives means bringing me back to the days when i was head over heels w/ pepper. EW. No thanks Haha. I only looked at the archive of one day. Hehe oneeeeeeeeeee day.


Ps/ you looked so cute when you're driving. :P

Saturday, November 29, 2008

If your decision is the one which is going to be used, why ask my opinion?
If you think i have to live the way you want, why ask me what i want to become?

Why can't i make my own decision? I'm old enough. 15. not five.
Not freaking five years old OKAY!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Ayam goreng

How i wish i can tell you what i'm feeling now and the problems i'm facing. Ohmygod where are the old you can't things stay the same? Can't i at least know why? But i'm getting used to it. Maybe this is the consequence of being your friend, huh?

Mom called my guardian ytd and she informed Mom that, she'll move me to 4th floor with, eek, i dont want to mention. I said i want to move but its not gonna be easy because i wanted to move to Stef's hostel but my guardian kinda said something that made Mom hesitate. I feel like s****** her! Wth and Sherly offered me her hostel its quite okay lah but still, i prefer Trellis because i'm so used to the environment and how about my tuitions? And i have to adapt with new house everything and far from Toapayoh. Its Serangoon. Argh i tried to beg Mom but she sticks with her decision. i'm so depressed. :@

Oh its raining and its getting heavier.

Twilight is screened already but its midnight heeh hate you la Sun 21 why midnight not afternoon. Grr i'm too angry to blog already byebye

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Noisy chickens

Hey. Sometimes i'm confused with my name. Candies in English is the plural of candy. So i have to your are. But Candies as in my name, me, is singular, so i have to use is. Then which one to use actually? I'm confused hahaha.

Mom just told me she misses grandma. I miss her too. She said, its very sad huh, people that are gone, we can't see them forever.' But i think, i don't only can't meet people who are dead. But some that are alive, i also can't meet them anymore. For example like him. I may not be able to see him for the rest of my life. I don't know. Maybe he's just a short scene in my life. There are more coming. But is this really going to happen? Can't i see you for the rest of my life already? Who knows. We all don't know when i'm going to die.

It's been quite awhile. I miss you.

Cinta dalam kalung

Helloz i'm bored. Bored. Bored.
Yes finally Monica's online.
I've finished cleaning my room, trust me its tiring.
I should've leave the work for the maid.

Oh yes the new maid came few days ago.
Idk what to say i didn't talk to her.
I hope she remember my face so she won't think i'm a thief when i come back next time.
Hahaha that was old joke so funny.

I gave up doing my homework, which is like, so much.
I use much because its uncountable haha
She didn't even check so why bother.
Tomorrow i have more tuition coming my way

I am so hungry now mygod i've finished two plates of Mee Goreng GOKAR haha the best.
I still can't forget that incident two days agoo argh candies!!
Heeheee malu deh ah.
I feel like writing poem again. Four by four. Hhh

Hide and seek
OMG someone slap me


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Proudest achievement

I spent my precious night doing countless number of Amaths, revised through my Physics because she said she's going to test me and check my works. Finally i've done them and i felt so proud its like achievement okay. Imagine, 50 questions of Amaths from Simultaneous right up to Trigonometry. I almost died doing all of them but let's be proud of me people, i can't do three out of them. Heehee. :D

But sad to say, she didn't even check on them. Didn't even take a look? SHe didn't test me on Plysics too while i revised like mad. :@ i felt so cheated. She gave me another tons of work and i bet, its going to be unchecked too. Next lesson is tomorrow and i have less than 24 hours to do it.

I wish i had you to help me, like last time.
Ahh, forget it.

Yesterday, something happened. Not long. About few seconds. But it stays in my mind and i can't erase it. Idk why i keep thinking about it. If i tell Junia about this she's going to scream at me. Idc i'm telling her hehe i cant keep this myself. Ahahah candies forget it

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dua belas pendar bintang

Omg i think i lost my sing number sim card. Ah hate it i have to buy new number :(
I miss Monica Johan. D:
I miss Noviana too :(

I forget how he looks like. Hehehehehehe.

Went to watch Michael Clayton. Idk what the hell it was. I slept through it all. -.- i watched the first 10 minutes and the last 15 minutes of of two hours. Hahaha i hate that person who sat behind me :@

I'm reading this novel, Jejak Kupu-Kupu by Agnes Jessica its freaking nice omg hehe you're online :D yay yay yay okay i gtg hit the toilet ouch heh

Saturday, November 22, 2008

a little bit longer

Hey stranger.

I just had the most creepy morning today. Omigosh. I feel like dying. Uhhhhhhhh anita's abandoning me i feel so sad. Y'know what i'm going to rob my neighbour's house huehhehe nobody's gonna know that its me. *-* Idk i wanted to blog about sth but i forget. Eh? I just ate two (balls?) of kiwi the cute and my stomach is aching hueeeeeeek,

Junia asked me to suggest a cat's name and i said, "Nama dia aja!" I mean, just use his name, okay. That'd be the best for her cat. Oh and Jun said his name isn't cute enough for her cat. Wow means cat deserves better name :D omg you, i'm kidding okay. No offense. But who cares? Naming a cat identical to yours is nothing compared to what you've done? Break a leg.

Can anyone tell me anyhow to change livejournal's url? I can't seem to find the thing. Hue. Melissa Tan Hui Chi where are you i haven't been talking to you for ages imy. Well, my phone's not ringing at all and i'm still waiting omg. Anita is mia. & idk.

That's why i want Jun to be back, immediately. I miss her. :( so badly. &&& strangely, i forget how he looks like, eh pretty amazing i'm not joking i've forgotten. Relax, i'm still trying. And :D:D:D i'm in love with Coke i know its lamee but i really is, i mean am.

Went tuition over at Sherly's and you know i'm kinda loaded with homeworks okay if you pile it together w/ my chinese homework it'd be disaster. I have to complete it today or else i can jolly well dedicate my Sunday for HW. How great. I mean yes, i told my teacher i want homework, but i don't expect that much y'know!! But i can't complain. So i'll keep my mouth, i mean my lips, sealed. Set. I miss tree boy. Dione do you miss tree boy?

This saying is really true; You'll only realise that person is someone, when he/she is gone.
BUT I DON'T MEAN TREE BOY. I mean, its okay. Where's mom i need $$. Talk about rupiah, its really heart wrenching. The currency grew at almost 50% wth the world's upside down. The economy crisis. Everybody's affected.

Now its 4:01. Four oh one. Haha wth. Yes i needa do something. Someone's bday is coming up.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Debu bintang

Chickens i'm using my brother's N81 and it kinda sucks actually cz there's no songs at all and i can't ber narsis ria cz no memory card and my camera is w/ Mom. She wanted to print the thailand photos oh yeayeayea btw i haven't upload thailand photos yea :/

Hehe ytd met Mon and we talked alot (ahem) mostly about (ahem) yeah so i think she knows (what) la! And her mom too! I mean and her mom was there as well. Huehehe :D she promised me something that was really entertaining; Its to (tonjok anu-nya) hehe :D

Started tuition ytd and it was really tiring. But i can't complain. I mean that's how i wanted it to be right. & i'm loaded w/ homework, actually i came online for one purpose but i guess its proven now so i think again, i can go offline liaozz but i think again, better wait again heheh. You won't get what i mean.

Why is my phone not ringing i'm waiting yooooooooo. Wth its getting on my nerves bcz its not ringing. Waleowwww i'm still waiting.

Y'know what i was planning to post a really long post but my feeling is indescribable now so i think i shall stop here now. I mean today. WoW today's 21st which means, OMIGOD haha it means someone's bday. Shit. I think i better wish her now :P

Don't you think i think too much today? Count how many think-s.
OMIGOD he's online :D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Argh i just wanted to blog but i think sthis coming out of my butt hahahahahahaha i have to hit the toilet NOW bye

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

there's nothing you could do

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy heheheh
Went to Sun w/ Sherly and we had like great time laughing and screaming in A&W omggg haha it's been long since this crazy moment thingy. &&& she's coming tmr again and we're gna hit the theatre room and just hope Mom won't kill me k. Haha i haven't been to theatre room for years and i miss the smell. :)

Okay so yeah heheh thanks guys for the support ily guys. Thank God i still have my friends to count on. Keep holding on. Whatever meant to be will work out perfectly. Let me rant about him one last time.

You know, there're alot of things i want to share w/ him. So many. I've so many things on my mind that need his opinion. Too many. He used to give me solutions to my problem, and he's always my listening ear, or rather reading eyes. I used to tell him many things that bother me. Some things that i don't usually tell anyone else. Now that i'm faced to something, idk who to talk to. I felt comfortable talking to him. But now, i dont think so. There's no need to be so harsh, you know. I have feeling, if you haven't realise.

Argh argh argh argh candies what are you doing go away hush hush hush/

a friend like you always makes it easy

Heyyyyy peopleeee :D

I've got a lot thing i have to do. But whatever happens, i know i've got you.
Haha those lines are familiar right. Yessss

Do you know that, trust is priceless? It is something that once you let go, you'll rarely get it back. Once someone has lost the trust in you, it'd be hard for them to trust you, no matter what you do to make it up. Trust, is something you have to possess because trust, is something that you'll bring you far. I mean, what's the point of doing things, if people no longer trust you.

You've broke the trust i had in you. I thought i could trust you.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Up to you :)

Hey you can choose not to read this post.


I'm not forgetting everything, erasing my previous posts about him, or deleting memories that i had w/ him. No matter what, he has been part of my life, once. He brought me excitement, curiousity, butterflies (as in the stomach butterflies), bravery and also disappointment, sadness, uncertainty, sacrifices and a lot more. So, as i said, life is short, there's no time to turn back.

I used to wonder. Can time just slow down abit, or can we have the speed of time under our control? But i realise, that's a childish thought. Time will never slow down, and the moment it passed, it will never come back. So i think, why look back? The pasts may be beautiful, but i can work for an even more beautiful future.

I'm an idiot if i continue sitting here, and as usual, scrolling up and down, waiting for something which is as almost impossible as a miracle to happen. But i'm more idiotic, if i just say it but never try to do it. Its always easier said than done. I'm going to show myself, that i can do it.

I was thinking, what shall i do to make things clearer, how to phrase my words, how to response to everything he answer? But i guess its unnecessary now. I mean, everything is so obvious. He made it so clear, but i was too afraid to admit. I'm scared of the reality, that comes harshly, without giving me space to breath.

But Sherly, somehow opened my eyes. With simple phrase and acceptable reason, she made me think; think of these matter thoroughly. How i wasted my tears crying for unnecessary reasons, How i wasted my energy thinking of every single possibilities. Its crazy. It has never crossed my mind, that i can be so, so controlled. Its freakish.

I should've moved on since a few months back. I should've realised the outcome. I should've stopped trying. I should've stop disgracing myself in front of everything. I should've not known him at all. I told myself that, but someone said; Its no longer necessary. All your regrets. They already happened. I'd rather you work out something to get over it than crying over spilled milk. Its true.

I have to stop torturing myself. I can't blame him because he has done nothing. I think too much. He's not wrong. He did what he thought was right. Its me. I am childish. Yes, you're right. I shouldn't got mad when you said that, because i really am. c h i l d i s h

But well, i shall thank him too. W/o him, i may have not grow up yet. I may have not reviewed so much, and maybe my mind isn't this wide. Idk how to intepret wide, but, just wide okay. He made me smile, felt touched and everything and i thanked him for that. And each time i cried for him, idk if its true, but i felt stronger. I got the thought that; he's always like that, its nothing.

Agnes said i changed since i knew him. Haha obviously. He brought such a huge impact in my life. In a millisecond, he can made the sad Candies laughing like mad. And the reverse is true. I may lose one 'topic' w/ my friends to talk about, but let's look at the bright side, he will sneeze lesser Haha. Right.

I'm not somebody else. I will try my best get over this soon and be normal again. And that one last cry shall be remain entitled as my one last cry. :)

akhir segalanya

Thanks for everything and i understand now.
I'm moving on.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Quek Huei Min, if you read this, i want to ask you,
Why is your blog private and i can't view?
Why i am not your friend in friendster!!

Haiyo, i wanted to comment you and tell you something really impt and you're not online also! How come!! Heh if you read this, tell me why okay i miss you. :D

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lu tuh kenapa sih? Kok bisanya cuma buat gw nangissss aja. Ngak puas apa bikin gw sedih trus? Buang jauh jauh tuh gengsi! Lu pikir keren gitu yah ngegede2in gengsi! Lu emang brengsek tau ngak, gw nga tau mau bilang apa lagi. Kurang ajar bener.

Gw merasa kek orang bego bnran. Nungguin lu nga jelas gitu, gw seharusnya bisa senang2 skrg, tp gara2 lu yg sok gengsi, gw jadi kek gini. Ah gw bener2 kecewa sama lu. Kenapa lu cuma bisa nya buat gw nangis aja. Pikir aja, kapan terakhir kl lu buat gw ketawa. Kenapa sih cowok itu nyebelinnnnnnnn bgt. Kenapa sih cowok itu cuma buat sengsara doank. Gw nga habis pikir, kok bisa gw jd setengah gila gara2 lu. Pasti lu bangga kan, gw jadi kek gini gara2 lu.

Gila bener bener gila gw. Marah marah nga jelas kek gini, pdhl lu nga ngapa2in. Gmn mau ngapa2in, ngomong aja ngak. Gila sebel gw. Kapan sihhhhhhhh lu ngomong nya. Ya ampun kok bisa sih gw jd kek gini gara2 lu. Gw bingung.
Where you are is where i want to be at.

I miss you really deeply and terribly.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gw males nge-blog. Tau td nga usah online. Bikin gw tambah sengsara aja. Ya ampun gw hampir nangis lagi. Tapi kan gw uda janji kalo gw nga bakal nangis, jd gw nga akan nangis. Bentar telepon. Aduh kok ada lagi. Ya ampun Mami uda ngurus les gw. Gw nga mau les. Gw males. Aduhhhhh kok smua nya jd kek gini sih. Gw kok perasaan nya aneh gini. Kan kan kan jd pengen nangis. Oliv mana pengen curhat :(

Gw mau bljr nyetirrrrrrrrrrr. Kok ngak bolehhhhh padahal dulu kan uda pernahhhhhhhhhh. yahhhh bebek ah. Gw sedih abiss gilaaa nga ada yg mau ngomong sm gw lg. Dia masih nyuekin gw. Ya ampun jadi org gengsi amit sih. Orang gengsi kuburannya sempit lho. Eh, kok gw jd ngawur. Beneran deh, bntr lg gw pasti uda lompat gedung. Mau ngapa2in yo males, disuruh les, lebih males lagi. gw mau klr, tp nga ada yg ngajak, gw jg nga tau mau ngajak siapa. Pada les smua. Gila gw nga tahan. Tuh kan nangis jg akhirnya. Tp gpp lah kl bkn krn dia. Tp ada sih sedikit krn dia.

Ya tuhannnnnnnnn gw bisa gila bnrannnn kl trus2an kek giniiiiiiiii

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Omg can you just shut up do you have any idea how irritating and distracting you are and you know clearly i am not in my best mood i'm freaking pissed you still pretend nothing happen wth i feel like slapping you if only we are not parted by wide sea and idk how many miles away but erghhhhhhhhhhhhhhnh shut up fomgsgb sdgkvjsrbg i wanna seal you freaking big, thick, deformed mouth you knowwww argh argh arghhh can you just disappear dont distract me i'm fucked up enough plis you're like a lianas trying to get a life from others hace i told you how much i hate you i'm sick of you i hate entertaining your meaningless question. omg please just disappear from my life and never come back again you get what i mean?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think i have to say more. You should know that i'm referring to you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


haha nov, honoured nga?
gw baru blk dr thai, gw bela2 in online buat ngucapin loe, tp loe
nga online
hehehe moga2 makin cantik yah neng, makasih atas segalanya selama 2 tahun
gilaa, cepet yah, uda dua tahun. hehe gw sayang sm lu. hehe moga2 lu do
well yah.

Okay hi people i'm back.
I'm loaded with shopping stuffs.
I'm too lazy to blog i'm sad i hope i stay in thailand and be a thai.
You know hheheheh i saw lacro hehehehehehe after one year hehehehehe
okay i'm sad now idk what happen :(

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One last cry

My shattered dreams and broken heart
Are mending on the shelf
I saw you holding hands
Standing close to someone else

Now I sit all alone
Wishing all my feelings were gone
I give my best to you
Nothing for me to do

But have one last cry
One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I gotta put you outta my life this time
Been living a lie
I guess I'm down to my last cry, cry

I was here, you were there
I guess we never could agree
While the sun shines on you
I need some love to rain on me

Still I sit all alone
Wishing all my feelings were gone
Gotta get over you
Nothing for me to do

But have one last cry
One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I gotta put you outta my life this time
Been living a lie
I know I gotta be strong
'Cause my life goes on and on and on and on

I'm gonna dry my eyes
Right after I have my one last cry
One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I gotta put you outta my mind
For the very last time
Been living a lie
I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down to my last cry

I swear this is going to be my one last cry. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008


I will make this a quick one. Just some photos i found :D
I shall go bathe while waiting for it tp upload. I'm smelly

This is my dancing brother i forget to rotate gomenasai
I randomly took this pic two years ago haha
They are vain okay. Wth
Omigod i can't resist wanna pinch him
I still rmb this one. He came back from school, head straight to my room, asked for something i forget what, i said i take photo of him, then i give him. Then tada.
Apparently blogger is quite efficient today so yeah its fast wow amazing. I take only 5mins 31 seconds to blog. Okay now maybe more. Going to 6 minutes. Ah crap

Save it for a two

Hey pancake.

I'm supposed to get ready for my flight which is in like, 5 hours' time. I really don't feel like going back. I'm serious i can't think of anything exciting that awaits me there, well, except for pinching my cute brother the first time i see him. That's only the first time. I'll probably get irritated soon enough. Ah i don't know i'm so weird.

Still rmb when i was sec 1, i counted down the number of days to my departure. Even the first day of my arrival in Sg, i already started to count down. Seemed very excited to go back. Hehe maybe i know what's the reason but still, see the difference now :(

I don't feel like going back. Gosh, i've typed and grumbled that statement for million times. It was raining when i was walking halfway then i had to take cab freakish the cab fared like crazy. Hahaha tell you sth just now when i was waiting for cab, then there's this man, standing so close to me that his shoulder almost touched mine. Ee he's gross, sweaty and all. Haha i was clueless and you know what i did in the end? I farted damn loud and damn smelly HAHAHAHA the next moment he inhaled he walked away from me. I was laughing so loud inside. RASAIN!

Phew i'll probably blog again later when i'm inside the boarding room. I rmb there's internet connection there ;D at least i can maybe talk to pepper abit. Hehehe. Oh i haven't tell you where i am now. I'm in the toilet. My stomach had a riot and we had to go back to school so that i could shit. And i shit in school four times i kept running in and out of the toilet haizz tiring.

Just now i came home my stomach ached again i might as well stay here in case i need to shit again. Hehe i'm really sleeping now i'm typing with one finger kay so you can imagine how slow it is huh. Can i go back probably one week later? No, Mom will kill me. She la, book the ticket to thailand w/o asking me. Oh i need to show you sth. Please dont laugh hor!



Yoyozz heheh mandy just left like, half an hour ago? Yea luckily nobody found out :D see, i'm really sneaky. I think i should be rewarded.

I haven't bathe
I haven't brush my teeth
I haven't look through my physics SPA file.
I haven't buy my brother's book (!!)
I haven't tell a single soul that i'm going back
I haven't got a chance to see Junia :(
I haven't sleep enough

I can't think of anything else. Ugh bet this holiday is going to be plain boring. Maybe because all my friends are having exams there and won't be able to accompany me. Junia is still in Melbourne i wna slap her why not come back earlier!! I miss her like hell don't know how many years never see her.

Okay from 5 to 12 i'm going to thailand so hope that it'll be great! :D
tuition tuition tuition tuition tuition
Argh argh argh i hate it. Mom alrd planned the time slots omigod.

I'm going to miss everybody heh mel dione are in viet now so can't see them til next year :(
Come back from thailand, 15 Nov, sherly will come back, then can tuition tgt.
At least not so boring. Gosh i need to dig out my luggage i think i misplaced sth. uh.
Then probably spend times w/ Anita, alot to catch up on
Why am i planning all these?
Idk. I feel like crying seems so boring omg i'd rather stay here :( i don't want to go back can?

I don't care i'm going out w/ all my friends before their exams yay wait till 16Dec Junia come back then can! Waleow. Sad nvm haha i'm going to ask her one more time.

Do you know the feeling when you haven't brush your teeth and you're dying to? But apparently i cannot brush now because the toilet has been occupied ever since mandy left. Oh holy shit why they take so long/

Hah, you see ah. i'm going to off the light. See if she scream HAHAHA

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Catch me if you can

Finally i'm finished packingggggggggggggggggggg yayyyyyyyyyyy haha actually nawt so finish. Almost, kay, almost hehe. I am waiting for mandy the mantou the mrs pig haha but she isn't here yet so probably i'll go down and buy food since i'm sooper hungry dongry oka. Haha i just woke up and i was hallucinating that pepper were here omg i've gone insane haha. Nehmind people i think you should just really go my friendster and grab the Halloween photos cz i'm so pissed with blogger cannot upload okay hoh i think i told you alrd right so yeah.

You know what? I need a new blogskin

He lives in the heart of Singapura

I'm waiting for mandy and i was blog hopping i realise my eyes are half-closed i'm really sleepy i woke up at 8 in the morning this is my whole life time record i wake up that early on sunday haha funny right i always wake up late do you realise i haven't type a single full stop means if i'm talking i am not breathing means i'll probably be dead by now omg what am i doing i think i should really stop this before my eyes are really closed i'm going to put a really long dot this post deserves it huh heh
hehe enough of full stop right. Now what. I'm tired i haven't pack i'm supposed to pack now y'know. Pepper is idk where probably church. Idk la la la wait i check sth first. heheh yes can can. WHOOO i have spa tmr idk why i'm so happy but yeah haha wth okay i'll blog again later. I'm going to thailand but funnily i don't feel excited. But i don't want to stay in Sg also. Neither in Medan. HAHAHA so where do i want to be at? Idk, probably Mars. Or, hehe you know la.

I think i should stop crapping here and start packing right right right. Mandy takes forever y'know. And i'm waiting. Haa i hate waiting

Roll on the floor

You know what, i just laughed so loud, i think the whole building can hear me HAHAHAHA omggg i got it now haha.

Okay tell you why. Ytd arwin showed me this video, and he said it was funny. I watched it for like, ten times, i still don't know why he laughed, but i laughed though, cz the people laughing sounded like a choir laughing Haha but i knew it wasn't the reason he laughed. So i randomly searching and i found the link so i just watched and now i know why. Hahahaha omg actually the scene alone isn't funny i'm actually imagining sth extra heheheh but it turns out reallyyyyyyyyy funny HAHAHAHA.

Hahahaha i still can't stop laughing my brain keeps repeating that scene omg damn it. You know what, i just drank a glass of milo and hello its 1AM in the morning. Maybe my stomach will riot tmr. Haha omg cheeky.

Chicken backside

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I never knew i'll catch on this love bug again

Hey peeps i haven't blog today o.o
Yeahhhhh hehehe its almost erm, sunday now.
I'm being very honest here, i don't feel like packing, i don't feel like going back i'm serious.

Huh but hehe i'm talking to Marco my cute brother and i suddenly feel like going back so much.
Okay so yeah have i told you about ytd's halloween party? Haha picture will be up soon k i'm really lazy but if you want, its on my friendster now hehehe.
Damn it i feel like packing now hehe k i will pack.
Oh yeah i went out and watched Lakeview Terrace. Its, weird and complicated. Haha i don't even understand after i stepped out of the theatre Haha kay so yeah. I don't know what else to rant. Oh i miss pepper.

its my brother aint he cuteeeeeee hehe