Sunday, November 30, 2008


hey people i went to sun just now w/ a little biunique little christine hahahahahahahhaha and we did prank-calling. called and scolded people and we couldn't stop laughing haha so fun and when we had nothing else to say, we kept repeating those scolding words and the pranked person keep repeating hers as well. Haha and she covered her mouth while talking and i didn't and haha i snapped the phone from her and screamed at the speaker i think everyone looked at us. you know la my voice hehe.

Then went Oke Suki to eat steamboat hehe nice nice nice. Tmr tuition i feel like slapping myself i havent do my tuition homework hokay ergh shit la candies!!!

Mon told me that she loves reading her archive. I'm the opposite. Because reading my archives means bringing me back to the days when i was head over heels w/ pepper. EW. No thanks Haha. I only looked at the archive of one day. Hehe oneeeeeeeeeee day.


Ps/ you looked so cute when you're driving. :P

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