Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Keep your head down

Happy Birthday Valerie Quek Huei Min!!!!!!
Love you to bits and pieces and parcels. You're the best pepper consultant! My chilli hunting partner! Ahhhhh we have to resume our hunting again! I hope you enjoy today :)
I sneaked out of my house, rushing after tuition with my PJs on. Omg i swear i look like a runaway chicken dumpling omg. Haha changed then met Mandy, Joshua then Dione @ J8 and we took 58, met Mel on the bus. 
When we reached her condo, we tried to blow the balloon but some bursted so, we created noises and many neighbours complain! (annoying). We hid behind the wall while Joshua called her down. Ah, something dramatising happened and we went ahead singing her happy birthday song. Ahhh i think she was surprised cz she told Joshua, something that made us ROFL. Hahaha so cute la. So we went to her house and took pictures, ate the cake, and home with Dione and Joshua. Lucky he's smart enough to walk back or else Dione may have to call the police! HAHAHA. Okay good. Photos are up. Good. My job's done.
:) Sweet

We just can't get enough

Do you love her hawaiian hat?

Love you Quek! (L)

National Youth Business Challenge 22.03.09
Top view 

Mrs Peters and Mrs Ho
She's very cute la
Look at me. tired
Our boothhhhhh

Beatty Secondary, please step backwards

Whoooo i'm proud of you guys!

Ahhh thanks people for the support!

I just wanna thank those who supported us, spiritually, physically, and even involuntarily. I love you guys a lot. Even those who can't make it but bothered to text me a support msg. I'm super touched people! People like Mel, Cwei, Sarah, Sera, Shahnas, Yongkui, May, and many more. Teachers that came to support us, Mr Boo. They came down to help us :) and thanks Ms Leow for supporting me throughout the whole presentation! And those who texted me like, Arwin, Monica, Stef and many more! Love you guys to bits and buts! We won't achieve this without your support! Trillion thanks! 

PS: ah, pepper. 

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