Monday, March 30, 2009

You'll never understand. Because you're so used to the glamour. So used to being admired, being known and everything. Oh you don't know how people feel. Or maybe you simply don't care. You're so used to being on top. Even when you walked into a new school, by the end of the day, everybody know who you are. And when you logged into Facebook, hundreds of your schoolmates added you. Yeah, you have that kind of life. But not everybody does. Sometimes i think your life is pitiful. Since you've already gotten everything, you never learn. You never appreciate what you have. You look down on other people, you think you're the best thing that has ever existed because you have the coolest style. You underestimate your friend because you think they can never be as good as you are. But isn't that perfection defeat the purpose of you, living? Sometimes i don't get it, why do people crave for popularity and admiration so much, that they tend to overlook other things that may be more important than those 'spotlight'. You cover yourself entirely with branded stuffs from head to toe, only want the perfect and only ask for the best. I'm not saying that its wrong to be 'branded' or to be wealthy. But for me, that's just one way of you to bury your self-esteem. You throw on those expensive stuffs to boost your confidence, to hide your flaws. I thought we ought to be ourselves? I think these people are just trying too hard. 

I find this world very, very unfair. Some people are extremely overwhelmed by wealth, often taking their richness for granted. But they don't think of the needy ones. While you're deciding if you should take this Prada bag or that Channel tote, or BOTH, others might be suffering from starvation, can't even eat three meals per day. Ugh, they don't even get a chance. But they deserve a chance! Can this place be a better place to live in? Not only for those starving-to-death people, but for others that, you might not know, need some love. 

Honestly, i'm really sick of this. How to make it better?

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