Thursday, May 29, 2008

I don't know why but i am unable to sign in to my stomachache account. I think someone is trying to hack my account cz there is no way i typed my password wrongly. Uh, wth.

Now, right now, there are riot going on here. i am not allowed to go out. I think its because the price of petrol is increasing so they wanted to protest. I feeeeeeel bored. beyond bored, infact. I have nothing to do, just stare at my motherr everyday. trailing her everywhere she went, and the only time i wasn't trailing was when i was having tuition.

My friends are having their stupidddd exam yeah i can't go out with them. Sad to say, i have very few friends here. Most of them disappeared or i dont feel like going out with them cz we haven't meet for like 4364575673656 centuries and now you want me to talk to them. Honey, i have nothing to talk about.

Right, have i mentioned that i am moving hostel? My guardians are so annoying, i won't tell you why. but yeah, you know, that's insulting, bitch! I don't feel like staying there anymore. i talked to mom and now we are looking for new hostel. Btw, she still doesn't want to buy a house. Mom, come onnnnnnnnnnn!!

Pleasepleaseplease. I wish i was wonderwoman. Fly here fly there. I have nothing else to say.
Off to eat! :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Make that two


Okay,firstly, i have to admit how much i hate my guardian. right, i hate her very very very very much. Go and die i dont wanna stay there anymore.

Its my third day here and i started my tuition tiday. urgh, it was no fun at all. i hate it man. but what can i do if i don't have any tuition. but after tuition i went to catch a movie with sherly and W. :) watched lost in love. have i mentioned that i just watched lost in love yesterday. two days in a row. perfecto! imagine how much a movie ticket cost here. lemme count. Oh, its less than $3.

Andandand to tell you sth, i have been eating like a pigggggggg. not a pig, but a hippopotamus.

I am talking to dione seah now. :) miss her so much. but where are the others? I will be online using the cz the can't log me in. maybe my email is too beautiful until they can't accept it. Well, i am being nonsensical.

I have so much to tell you and i've taken so many pictures but you know, as always, i am too lazy to upload them. ohohohoh the only thing i remembered was, Ripcurl and Roxy are at 80% discount *muachmuach*

Mommy and Daddy are out for, supper i guess. oh how romantic! Mom didn't scold me about my extension, which is a good thing. and she allowed me to buy a new laptop! (L)
She bought a new phone for my brother so i will be nagging for one too!

WE HAVE TO BLOG IN CHINESE. and i can't believe it. how the hell am i going to type in chinese.??? btw, mom's laptop can't read chinese, so automatically, it can't give birth to chinese words too. CONGRATULATIONSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

byebye i am tired. i am still waiting for your call.

Monday, May 26, 2008

You are more than anything that i could ask for

Hello Medan!

Heyyheyy i've reached Medan. Hehehe very pleasant trip. you know why :) my luggages was super uber heavy but hehe thankyou W. W had been veryyyyy nice to me. exceptionally nice. Wow, rare occasion.

I was so exhausted when i reached home, i just jump onto the bed and slept. After that, we went from school to school to look for my brother's future school. then eat and went to Sun Plaza. :)

haha the funny thing was when i saw my driver, i thought that he was Mas Selamat. they look so alike. okay, i can't online on msn idk why. i don't feel excited here. infact, i think its gna be boring here since urgh, i have tuition and all. Junia my shopping partner isn't here so i have no motivation to shop, yet.

I have been a total pig, omg. eat, sleep, eat, sleep.

Pepper, tell me how was your paper.

It isn't nice having your mother here and nag at you and practically staring at the screen as you blog. so i'm going off soon before she finds out more :)




Hello Moon.

its 12:02 and i am still packing. Sherly is waiting for me. yes, i am supposedly to be in a cab to her house, but instead, i am still at home packing. Oh well, passport, clothes, books (gross), bags, shoes, ticket, charger, phone. now, what else. I am so sleepy but still i have to pack. my brother is busy talking to someone and he doesn't want to help me uh. I have 3 bloodily big luggage and a laptop to carry. 

I have to hire a muscle man to help me carry all this, absolutely. My brother is obviuously not muscular enough. i am too tired. byebye

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Three colours in my hair

Hello Saturday!

My room is in a total mess now. gross.

went for hair extention just now. with Dione and Mel. Haha so funnn yessss. Dione has the same colours as mine. Pink and gold?! and Mel has blue. I hope i don't look like ahlian. I hope that mom won't kill me. My guardian was so cute la. When she saw me came home just now, she was like so shocked.

Guardian : Hoihoi, who are you? Why anyhow come in?
Me : (turn behind) Huh?
Guardian : Aiyo, Candies! Why your hair cz different colour?
Me : Heheh i went for extention.

She so cute la she thought i was someone else. She didn't recognise me although i was wearing PE shirt. funny. and btw, mom still doesn't know.

You know the water in the toilet bowl has turned into blue colour and it smells like, err toothpaste. and uh, i packed my bag. yes, finally. Thanks for the help, Stef! 

Lalalalala i am so tiredd shall go to bed.

Tmr, Chinatown with Melissa Tan Hui Chi.
Yes, chinatown, yes.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Your love is just a lie

You have no idea how excited I am/ how happy i am. 
But it seems like my worries covered up my happiness. well, i felt so sorry when i (finally) called mom and when she heard my results, although yes, she told me she wasn't sad, but i can tell that she's disappointed. Mom, i am sorry that i've let you down. I am so sorry :( i promise i will work harder. 

Pepper is funny. Well, you may be wondering who pepper is. Haha thanks to Quek Huei Min, she has chosed pepper to replace chilli. Its funny. Chilli, Carrot, Ketchup and now Pepper. :) but its for fun. and they will never find out that they are chilli/carrot/ketchup/pepper.
Maybe i can find, erm, tomato. orrrrrr salt. Hahaha 

tmr's recording. sunday is buying-mom's-stuffs day. monday is the YAY day. (K)

PS: reply, quick!

Backside, can you please shut the phoneeee hellooooo its house phoneeeee everybody has the right to use it and why are you so overpowering ittt huhhh? BE CONSIDERATE! argh my goddddd my mom is waiting for my call and there you are talking crap. Such a loser!

Got back results today. feel like burning the paper. and you, shut up. No need to boast you ever so good results. why are people so annoying todayyyyyyyyyyy. doesn't mean that you got good result and despite the fact that you know my result, you have to keep on repeating about your ohsogood results. That's unnecessary. Don't waste your energy, cause that only makes me want to slap you.

Oh and she finally finishes, let me call my mom first. brb. oh, she hasn't finish so, screw her. I got so turned off by my results and huh whatever. No mood to blog. byebye

Thursday, May 22, 2008

childhood was just, ah lovely

My brother is alot better now. Yes, he starts singing in high-pitched and chipmunk-liked. I absolutely am not going to complain. So yeah, he is strong. (:

I am planning a stay over when i go back to Indo in brastagi. much loved. I miss my primary school friends. all those we've gone through. just love it. We will go to Brastagi and maybe stay in my house or what. Idk if their mom allow and if MOM even allows me to go. cz its quite scary, without adults, and haha idk what we're going to do. but its so excitingggggg!!! and mom said the ThemePark is readyyyyyy! (K)

I am still struggling with Chemistry my god. I am still at slide 3 after an hour. SOS. i simply can't concentrate cz i am planning my holiday! muachmuachmuach!

I dono what to blog, i just want to jump around and dance. Dance dance and dance!!


Kelvin Owen is missing now haha maybe he is kidnapped.

I feel so full. i haven't eat my dinner. I just did the most embarassing thing in the world.
I hope everything turns out well!

Manchester United winnnn!! Mon, seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I cried so much today. I am not going to cry anymore. i dont care Man U is going to win todayyyy! No, i mean tmr! Tried to jump down just now, i am serious. Thank God that it didn't happen. Thankyou, papa

Absence makes the heart grows fonder

I don't know how to start this post. Seriously, my mind is so messed up now. 
I can't believe that Andrew is actually crying. I feel sad that he's leaving. Well, i mean, he has like 5 more days here and that's all. I feel so sad. Omg i am downstairs and he's upstairs and we are crying together. He doesn't deserve this, so poor thing. First time I see him crying. I don't know what i should do. It isn't easy to accept the fact that you have 5 more days in a place that you actually, love. Like when the doctor tell you that you have 5 more days to live. How, omg HOW the hell will you feel?

He lost 30 bucks and YOU. omg whoever steal his money, if i ever found out, you will get it from me. Hey i believe you are the same asshole that stole my money too. Get a life,man. Because of your bloody negative attitude, he got scolded, and he is so down now. Not only got scolded, he also found out that he is going back. Oh you may think that its only 30bucks, maybe worth only a shirt or whatever. I don't care the amount. but i care how much you've caused my brother to be miserable. I am not going to forgive you, ever. ( not like i have an idea who) 

My mother didn't believe that he lost his money and thought that he spent them. Sometimes i wonder, why dont she just give a little more trust for her children and stop being so suspicious. I got her point that she doesn't want us ending up spending money like water, but i think, everything has a line that is not suppoesed to be crossed. Anyway, she's my mom. I can't say much. Idk to side my brother or my mother. I love them both. They both have their own point of view. God, please, i need your help badly.i know you've got the best solution  in the world

Candies Sutanto

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am searching, could it be the boy i've met before

go to that link and omg they have so many nice dresses and hoodies. *muach*
Junia is influenced again. By me, haha. omg.
I miss her so much. mygod it has been long,darling.

I owe people money and consent forms mygodddd. and our school has a MAC. so cool and rich. rocket was cool. taken some peektures but i am too lazy to upload. 


Monday, May 19, 2008

cz you're impossible to find

Thankyou Chloe the Photographer. 
I am so bored, okay. Wanted to sleep but haiya, i ain't sleepy at all.
I am 6 more days to Medan huh yesss can't wait.
I've got my shopping list with me, but i haven't got a shopping partner.
Maybe Mom. She's a gooooood shopper, and shopping with her means, she pays for them and my job is just to pick. Wow, how fun!

Andrew is asleep and i felt kind of sad. cz he has 6 more days in Singapore.
Well, I am not allowed to tell him that he's going back, and will never come back.
I just realised that he left a cup of empty bottle with ice inside and put the 7Up and Pepsi beside it. for me to drink them, so i don't have to walk out and take it myself. but the ices have melted. and i felt bad. I rly don't want him to go back. God, teach me how to be strong.
I am going to miss him. any kind of begging won't be useful to Mom anymore.
he is of course naughty and annoying, but he can be so sweet and caring at times.

I love sharing my room with him and i dont want to stay with anyone else. cz he let me throw my things around and don't care if my friends come. Idk how i can adapt with a new roomate, having to know her character and blend with her.

Tmr is school. hell i need to go sleeep now. 
I will miss the high-pitched voice and annoying stares.  i will

I shall start packing soon cz i dont want to do it last minute and forget to bring this and that. ohwell, yes. that's my plan.

I have two bottles of carbonated drinks. 7UP and Pepsi. i wonder how i am going to finish them by tmr. grrrr PET Rocket. PET Rocket. i hate it. 

actually i dono why i am here. so byebye

go bathe and then we eat

but its all over now

My brother is sooooooooooooooooooooo irritating and gay. he thinks he is farny and entertaining. gosh he doesn't know that he is so annoying and noisy. I want to slap him. my godddd i can't stand his high-pitched voicee. yuck my eardrum is breaking anytime, soon. but i am really gna miss him when he's gone. you know, absence makes the heart grows fonder (:
There's no doubt that i'm gonna miss his high-pitched voice. so, that explains why i am not complaining. 

Tmr is school and i hate it cz there are lessons and my mood clearly doesn't suit studying. I am so after-exam mood and yeah, thinking of maths formula made me wanna pukee. 

I wanted to blog about something. but i forget. oh great. 
oh yes i rmbed! i want to stay over at Mon's on Wed night, cz i wanna watch the soccer match. Chelsea VS Man U. i know Mel and Dione are rolling their eyes as they read this. yes, i never told you that i am a fan of Man U. chelsea also. Daddy influenced me. We used to quarrel over the TV and i always lose. i would be forced to sit down beside him and watch the matches.
then when they scored, my dad will scream and jump and raise my hand and threw it here and there, and i will just pity myself. omg that moments was so funny. and that's how i got to know more about soccer.

I bet Daddy will be watching too. and i also bet that when i go back to Medan, dad will ask me to watch soccer with him. while my brother will watch all the lovey-dovey drama with my mom. quite weird, eh? yes, i know. that's why i loveee my family.

Chilli is the most retarded person on earth. You wouldn't want to know why.
7seven more days to Medan and I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!


Pictures of You, pictures of Me, hang upon the wall for the world to see

I shall post up some pictures cz my blog is too wordy. Don't you find them wordy? They are random and i am very lazy to rotate them. So rotate your head, or your computer, or your laptop, or your phone. whichever way, okay! enjoy!

Dexian @ 1pm and i havent bathe. g8!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The morning sunshinee

Oh well, someone is angry for the thousandth time oh for toiletbowl's sake. You are angry for the littlest thing i do and hello you are not even someone to me. Why huh why you have to care so much and when i tell you where i went, you don't believe me? Is that what you mean by caring? is that what you mean by worrying?Hey, a big cross! i am tired. i tried not to scream at you, but you're going overboard. I totally forget that you're having party today omg can't you just forgive me. I've said sorry a million times but duh, what else you want? You are beyond unreasonable.

I am still hungry you know i just ate a big bowl of ramen and now i am starving again. oh what a genius stomach i have! went to watch  Made of Honor with Brenda Dione Melissa and Starnia.
Its soooo funny mygoddddddd!

I am lazy. too lazy to blog. okay bye

Sera Cheng please take caree and i love you (:

I am gonna miss you like a child miss their blanket

Sera Cheng is going off to Australia tmr & i won't be seeing her until school reopens which is like damn long. i am going to miss her. and sera, take careeeeee. love you. :)

hey, it has been three solid years and i miss you.
they are just suddenly back. i have no idea why. but yeah i miss you so so much

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Can we bring yesterday back around?

Ohmygod, ohmygod, i forget something.

Happy Belated Birthday Frerry the old 17years man.

i feel weird. right now. like something is bothering me.
i don't know what else to say, so byebye.

ah, i have something in mind, that nobody knows.
and i won't tell anyone. its a secret i will only keep to myself.shh.

I can no longer hold inside

Woo, i signed in to msn just now and wondered why the hell was everyone's nickname came with a little rainbow in front. and i found out that it was donation for the China earthquake.

Nowwwww, i am the one with ulcer. and uh its at the side of my tongue and i kept on biting on it so it became worse this morning. omgggggg life is miserable with ulcer. :(

i don't know what to say for ytd's bbq. i guess its alright. went out with Stef and Agnes then Stef went for church then agnes and i went to orchard.
i saw the dress i wanted to buy and tried on it. i didn't buy it in the end cz i look like garbage bag. thankyou you can laugh. 

i got the auto-scan result out ytd and i seriously didn't expect it to be that way. out of so many girls in the world, ah idk. its rly depressing.

I miss the old you, the old fun, the old circumstance. i think i prefer it that way

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hello hello byebye

Haiyaaaaa this bbq thingy rly takes up my concentration
I wanna die cz my internet is damn slow, which makes me don't feel like blogging.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

300 three hundred!!

300th posttt!!

Oh FINALLY. finally,yes finally. i reached 300. finally (:

I am super boreddddddddd! so i have to wait till my hair dry then i can go to sleeppppp.
My hair-dryer spoil, okay i am so angry.My lovelayy hair-dryer.

I saw that stupid person just now. didn't feel like talking to him. it was the first time i felt annoyed when i see him. okay frankly speaking, i was always happy,yes happy whenever i see him, but not this time round. 

i think we gonna have bbq again. oh yes if i successfully carry them out. i hope so. i haven't book the pittie and FFV dono how many ppl is coming. haiyaaaaaaaaaaa. i feel bored. i am so bored

i haven't do ms tan's hw, i don't feel like going to school tmr, and Dione is online.


One Two Three Four equals to 1234

I am logging in to and yes i can find the stupid thing with the help of gasping zebra, but when i open the thing, it is BLANK. oh how the hell am i going to see my CCA records if i can't even see a single thing. Okay,  i am complaining. I feel so fucked up. My laptop needs to retire. Pahoehoe needs sometime to rest.

Today we got back our scripts. Mine was okay-luh. but chemyy was total disappointment. i was expecting a better grades, not that kind of grade. but surprisingly, i passed physics, and with only 5 distinction in the entire cohord, hey, i ain't bad yeah! 

I passed Physics!
I passed Physics!
I passed Physics!

and geography was so far my best subject. it reminds me of Ms Aliah. I miss her. :) okayyy. i don't want to talk more.

i went for the auto-scan. its super scary. i dont want to elaborate more. eeeihhhhhhhh!
I miss Choir! how was choir todayee?

oh btw i still can't access the CCA records. i hope zebra is kind enough.
the BBQ picture will be up soon. yes, soon.
zebra told me i got 19 pts for CCA
well, adorable pearl i've got.

Okay i was supposed to post this long long time ago but yeah my laptop lagged so i have to restart and i fell asleep and nooow i am awake (:
I miss my sec one friends. I wonder how are they doing now. and Mel Tan, please cheer up!

Darling, i miss you. 
I love my boyfriend. you dont know who. nobody will.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Don't stop, dont change, stay beautiful

Huh its irritating when I can't access straight away. I have to go google, search for blogger and click from there. if not they will say that they can't find the page. What kind of excuse was that? Even Internet can irritates me. oh well, i get irritated so so easily.

I have 13 more days to go before i go back to Medan the love. uhh funn. i can't wait to meet the girls. Esp Anita! :) 
I am not sure whether we have reading test tmr but yeah i am not reading. I am reading The Girlfriend Project. It is funny ohkay i rolled on the toilet bowl haha. and the reading test will be based on Rhorl Darl (omg i can't even spell it) collection. Haha rhorl 

Stef, don't say anymore i know you love pentolan korek api as much as you love bubble tea! (:

Okay ytd's bbq was hell fun. though a lot of ppl never come, esp Ms Aliah, but hoho its (L)!
Germaine Tng was there and i miss her. Everybody was super cute that day. but someone irritated me ohmy i wna slap him and he spoilt my day, both ytd and today. Grr! 

Truth or dare! 
Be a man, yo! and i did my dare. same thing, i rolled on the floor. 
Went home and ohkay, sleep

Today went for Choir and we had farewell party, okay, ceremony. I couldn't stop held back my tears. i think Mel and I were the only retarded ones. oh Yy also. I will rly rly rly rly miss them.
Then after that i supposed to have my auto-scan today, but my guardian made wrong appointment. she made appointment with the doctor, not the x-ray department. Haha luckily i am smart, so i called first. :) i was bored so i decided to join them for ice-skating. met them at KFC and went to Jurong.

Mydeardarling i totally forget how to skate, so embarrassing. I felt bad when i laughed so hard. The moment i stepped into the skating area, i saw two retarded girls. they thought they were in a Titanic or what, they stretch their arms and hold onto each other's as they skate. I watched them and suddenly the one behind fell, so she pulled her friend along. Her friend sat on her stomach and they were like bear hugging each other. I had a good time laughing and Frerry saw that, so he laughed too. 

Okay so at first i thought i would recall what (ergh what's my coach name) taught me. but i forget. so chloe and sera taught me. i didn't skate nor blade for thousand years. ohdear, skating brought me back the memories. it was so sweet i thought they are in my dreams. I didn't forget my coach's name. and i will never forget. he's more than a coach. ( if you're smart, you will get what i mean). oh but too bad, now we are like stranger although we are in the same island.

Oh please i don't want get emotional so let's forget about my so-called coach. Handsome coach. (:  okay in the end i was able to skate without touching the railing. ergh, i was at the stage where i learned how to skate backwards. but then i can't even skate forwards. my heart reached out for myself. if only the bloody ice-skating didn't close down. grr. 

someone irritated me agn by not believing where i was. Hey, that's it man i am not going to pick up any of your phone calls anymore. you are getting from disturbing to annoying.

S T O P talking about ice-skating. 
Whoo, i wanna do fire-skating. on pentolan korek api's head :)

went to Mac and eat then trained to Tpy. and now i am home.
Dione has made great improvement with CTR.! Congratsss darling.!
Stef is getting more and more nonsensical.

Sth super xtremely funny happened in the train i couldn't stop laughing and laughing thoughout the whole journey. someone tell me, how am i going to split myself into 3 tmr? Grr, no choice i have to choose one, which is absolutely auto-scan.

I think i blogged too much today i shall stop. Hehe i love you

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I am so bored

I am so called studying. but i can't concentrate la. my mood is already after-exam-period mood. 
I hope the paper 1 will be easy if not i will slap their face. i am revising tys.
these are what i am going to do after exam.

1. S H O P P I N G
2. swim swim swim!
3. ice skating (!!)
4. auto-scan :(
5. omg i can't think of sth i wna do.
6. i shall stop and get back to physics.

ew. disgusting physics. i hate physics. i dont like physics. 
i can't wait for the bbq whoo. but i will be late. sorry melmel.

White Little Dressie

I am still dreaming of that dress omg. Dione said i should get it but its expensive. i shall see my result first and decide later. even if my results are not up to expectation, i think i will still get it. g8 mom is going to kill me. Oh HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MUM! YOU ARE THE BEST!.

I know my mom won't see this but haha just to make myself feel satisfied.
Watched What Happens In Vegas just now.
So funny la and we couldn't stop laughing. nice story line.
oh for your info, i am broke. 

I think that dress look like pjamas okay i am thinking that way to help me not to thin abt it. 
oh and yes tmr is physics paper 1 i dont feel like studying. screw it

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Some dirty little warnings

Taupok's friendster is so funny omg i laughed at his retarded acts. haha

Melissa and Dione and Glen came just now and we had good time laughing.

Hey, this goes out to 2E3'07 and 3E2'08 people

There will be a barbeque party at Mel's house on monday. each person must pay like $2-3. maybe around 4-5. it will be potluck and you can bring anybody but they have to pay. the more the merrier. this bbq is to celebrate the end of exam. we will invite teachers but this one not sure yet. ask mel for the details. Love you

I am reading the clique-summer collection. omg its so interesting.. haahaa i have so many books. Dexian tmr at 12.30. great.

Fllip your wings and fly up high

Hello I think i have get them back, i have no idea how but yeah, its cool!

Oka, went to ToaPayoh to do something with May and we went to Orchard. I so want to slap that person for cancelling the so-called date. HEHE paiseh paiseh :) so in the end went there for 2 reasons.
- I want to exchange my torn leggings
- May wanted to find her mother something for tmr.

Okay so first we went to Zara and i saw this cute little white dressy and they have the black to. They costed disgustingly expensive. $75. feel like slapping them. I was so in love with it. I just want to get it. May kept telling me that it isn't worth so i have to consider. Oh if it wasn't because of her, i would have bought the dress. So now, i can't stop thinking about it, then should i buy? 

We went to Kinokuniya and we bought a cute cute cute mug for Mummy and something. Shhhh, i won't tell you what i bought. In the end, May bought her mom a wallet. Her mom is emo man. everything must come in black. Wow. but black is a nice colour. 

Someone is saying sorry to me although i've said that nothing is wrong. Hey, its not your fault okay. Whether you read this or not, or whether you know its you, i just want to say, its not your fault. so don't be sorry. You're a cute darling.

The flower Olivia gave me yesterday become so smelly now. maybe because i didn't put them in water so yeahh i guess its all about today and ohyeah i got to change my legging. see, i rock.

PS: Just for you, Mother.
Ma ma de wei da.
Surga ada di telapak kaki ibu

Friday, May 9, 2008

Too fat to be true

Omg i need to go on diet.
My skirt is so tight now it went up to my belly button. Ew.
I need,need to lose weight.

Please support me haha if you see me being a pig and keep on eating, please remind me okay. 
Huh i even felt uneasy when i wore the seatbelt. omg terrible man.

Marie France Bodyline only accepts M18 woman. irritating.

Freedom, I Love You

Omg I am finally back. 
It feels so good that i am finally back. You don't know how it feels.
I have been so busy revising lately and the feeling of typing here is just, ah, heavenly.

All my papers suck omg i don't wanna think of my result.
today is the life man, went Novena with Dione, wasting time there, laughed at people.
It felt like thousand years ago. Then Glen came. oh yes, another centuries ago.
I miss all the fun all the laugh all the stupidity all the retarded face and now i am back.

Oh, i can't say that i am free but yeah there's only ONE more paper left.
ONE more pathetic paper. Physics. Eww

Ms Aliah is leaving our school I feel so sad, I almost cried when we passed her the huge card.
I rly is going to miss her. I really do. She is such a nice teacher. She helped us alot. I dont wanna her to go. But i am glad that Ms Tan is staying. At least i wont feel so lost. She good as well.

GrGrGr i want to go orchard tomorrow anybody up?
cz someone that i asked can't make it. erhh.

Exam has been real pressurising for me they are tough like shit argh.
slappppppp the setter
and I know my english P1 section2. I got 21/30
Quite happy for ittt. I improved :)

I miss the study group. Whoo i want them again. it's s fun la
although i can't study much, but they really make my day. 
Love it, but i'm not sure if there will be another.

Oh yes i forget the most important part.
Happy Belated Birthday Monica Johan Liu Yan Ping.
Happy Belated Birthday Mdm Suhaila :D

Sorry for the late wishes and Mon, your present will be coming up soon.

PS : I am in love with Jonas Brother. Brenda, Joe is MINE