Friday, May 23, 2008

Your love is just a lie

You have no idea how excited I am/ how happy i am. 
But it seems like my worries covered up my happiness. well, i felt so sorry when i (finally) called mom and when she heard my results, although yes, she told me she wasn't sad, but i can tell that she's disappointed. Mom, i am sorry that i've let you down. I am so sorry :( i promise i will work harder. 

Pepper is funny. Well, you may be wondering who pepper is. Haha thanks to Quek Huei Min, she has chosed pepper to replace chilli. Its funny. Chilli, Carrot, Ketchup and now Pepper. :) but its for fun. and they will never find out that they are chilli/carrot/ketchup/pepper.
Maybe i can find, erm, tomato. orrrrrr salt. Hahaha 

tmr's recording. sunday is buying-mom's-stuffs day. monday is the YAY day. (K)

PS: reply, quick!

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