Sunday, May 25, 2008

Three colours in my hair

Hello Saturday!

My room is in a total mess now. gross.

went for hair extention just now. with Dione and Mel. Haha so funnn yessss. Dione has the same colours as mine. Pink and gold?! and Mel has blue. I hope i don't look like ahlian. I hope that mom won't kill me. My guardian was so cute la. When she saw me came home just now, she was like so shocked.

Guardian : Hoihoi, who are you? Why anyhow come in?
Me : (turn behind) Huh?
Guardian : Aiyo, Candies! Why your hair cz different colour?
Me : Heheh i went for extention.

She so cute la she thought i was someone else. She didn't recognise me although i was wearing PE shirt. funny. and btw, mom still doesn't know.

You know the water in the toilet bowl has turned into blue colour and it smells like, err toothpaste. and uh, i packed my bag. yes, finally. Thanks for the help, Stef! 

Lalalalala i am so tiredd shall go to bed.

Tmr, Chinatown with Melissa Tan Hui Chi.
Yes, chinatown, yes.

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