Monday, May 19, 2008

cz you're impossible to find

Thankyou Chloe the Photographer. 
I am so bored, okay. Wanted to sleep but haiya, i ain't sleepy at all.
I am 6 more days to Medan huh yesss can't wait.
I've got my shopping list with me, but i haven't got a shopping partner.
Maybe Mom. She's a gooooood shopper, and shopping with her means, she pays for them and my job is just to pick. Wow, how fun!

Andrew is asleep and i felt kind of sad. cz he has 6 more days in Singapore.
Well, I am not allowed to tell him that he's going back, and will never come back.
I just realised that he left a cup of empty bottle with ice inside and put the 7Up and Pepsi beside it. for me to drink them, so i don't have to walk out and take it myself. but the ices have melted. and i felt bad. I rly don't want him to go back. God, teach me how to be strong.
I am going to miss him. any kind of begging won't be useful to Mom anymore.
he is of course naughty and annoying, but he can be so sweet and caring at times.

I love sharing my room with him and i dont want to stay with anyone else. cz he let me throw my things around and don't care if my friends come. Idk how i can adapt with a new roomate, having to know her character and blend with her.

Tmr is school. hell i need to go sleeep now. 
I will miss the high-pitched voice and annoying stares.  i will

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