Thursday, July 30, 2009


This isn't easy

Then again, i wish you never exist. Especially when we started shouting at each other. Even the most barbaric one, we didn't get this far.

Ps, cause i know how it hurts when you love the one you wanted or when they take you for granted

smell like pig shit

Marcus told me if I can stay awake for the whole day in class he'll send me a surprise haha I told him it wuz easy cz I can just bluff him but he said he has sixth sense so he knows if I'm sleeping or not and I told him I'll consider because he made a 'surprise' sounds like he's giving me a ferrari hueehehe

So, deal or no deal?

Ps, aw nice smell yaw

I declare war with O level

My war equipments HAHAHAHAHA
Have you got yours?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

do they have mailbox in heaven?

Write about losing someone close to you.

I actually cried writing this compo. I miss my grandmother so much, it hurts so bad thinking that i hadn't do what i was supposed to, say what i wanted to. I really really miss her.

She never fails to remember my birthday, what date was i coming back from singapore, and i'd visit her and she would ask if i had been a good girl, she'd laugh out loud then proceed to sing some hokkien songs. I thought she was bored or just felt like singing. Little did i know, she did those to bear with the pain in her body and just to make sure noone worried about her. My grandmother fought hard to live. She went through so much and managed to put on a brave front. She was blind, she had a collection of colourful medicine, she had to inject insulin thrice a day. I didn't realise how much i love her, until when my father broke the news to me that....she was gone. I felt so crushed and torn apart because i wasn't there with her at the last minutes of her life. I still remember she used to tell me stories on how she'd quarrel with her neighbour because he disturbed her kids and how she fought hard to raise ten kids. If it isn't for my grandmother, i wouldn't have such a great mother today. I miss her.

She told me something a few days before she was admitted to the hospital. I will never forget her last words. I'm so sorry, for being such an unappreciative granddaughter, but you still love me so much.

Can i send this compo to heaven?
Anyone knows the address?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Did you know,

I asked someone before,

"Why do i to struggle so hard to get what I want?"

Then that someone answered,

"Because you're going to treasure it a lot more when you earn it hard"

Crisis and Conflict- An Enquiry Approach to Modern World History

Don't look at my face. Its the candies i'm advertising. Heehee u can see that i'm not on land.

Candies: Ce, ultah aku tgl 9 agustus cece bisa dtg ng?
Cece: hari minggu yah? Kayaknya bisa deh.
Candies: ok nti aku ksh tau gmn caranya ke situ.
Cece: Cece ajak Stanley yah, biar ada temen hehehe.
Candies: haha emang cece sm stanley satu paket kan hahahaha.

My cousin and her boyfriend come in a package. So cute. They've been together since i was sec 1. Admire them. And i really wish they got married someday and live happily ever after!

Ok so, idk if u know but i didn't go school on friday which means i didn't take chem test which means i didn't study but then ytd mrs singh said i have to take the test and i was like, "omgomgomgomgomg i didn't study howhowhow!" so yeah i flipped through the textbook barely reading and went for the test. And some said it was hard so i was like, 'huhu i lost the battle before i start the war.' Then yeah i struggled and the identification of hydrocarbons was tough manz. Then she gave out today the paper guess how much i get.

(hint: w/o shift)

I was like, YAWWWWW hahah i didn't study and it was rly surprising hahahahaha. Cool i'm so happy with the result because if i did study, i'll get much much higher.

Then just now we had SS test early in the morning so i didn't bring textbook home i'm the best i just flipped thru the textbook but i'm quite sure i.....won't do well. The sad thing about today is that, i slept haaha. Simply couldn't take it :(

Lunch @ Botak Jones and now i'm home
I think Dione&Aby are at library.
I lazy sia.
Not going today
Tmr la k bye.
Ps, its been long since i hear u sing on the phone

Monday, July 27, 2009

wonderful journey

andddddddddd, i cut my fringe! Yay cz i went to library and study today i swear its damn productive i'm gg agn tmr yaay then i went to popular and buy scissors then i cut and that's the result huehehe i'm quite happy cz yea there won't be annoying thing hanging anymore(!) i guess this just proves how impatient i am right! :):)
anddddd, tadaaaa! this is the hoodie that i've....put my hands on. I sewed those gold buttons on to the hoodie trust me it aint easy so excuse my sewing skill althou i'm smart enough to use black thread so its un-see-able but still flip to the inside and hahaha its super messy. Anw i'm quite proud of it because it turns out quite nice yay i'm so happy u know! I broke two needles and bleed my hand in the process. Ouch!
Next up, my peacock necklace! Yaw can't wait!
Baitheway, i'm also proud of moiself, for for for not sleeping in class the wholeeeeeeee day today! Omg history manzzzz! I'm so so proud of myself! U know i just realised i can gain a lot of knowledge if i pay attention. And yaw yaw i'm gna be a hardworking o level student and from now on i'll treat o level like my marriage and all my subjects like my husbands! Heeehee. ok chinese result's coming out idk when its around the boulevard i'm so so so scared okokokok i wna die die die at the boulevard of the broken dreams! JAJAJAJAHAHHA whatevez.
and btw, in my language its whatevez not whatever. I argued with Bobby over that just now hahah childish right.

be without you?

I have a great friend and thank God for that.

Ps, maybe it'd be great if you can learn to aprreciate. Just a tiny bit. Thankyou.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'd be there

I know this is sick. But i have no choice.
I have homeworks. And idk if i have to take chem test or not.
This sucks. Please understand me.

Ps, so much for saying i don't care and i can't be bothered, i still do.

Candies, don't cry.

I woke up this morning feeling kind of blue
and I stumbled out of bed and
dragged my feet across the room
Right outside my front door was a rose
and a note that said 'Somebody Loves You'

i'm so angry that i can't even do simple kinematics.
I'm so angry that i can't even balance an equation
I'm so angry that i don't even know what cliche means.
I'm so angry that i don't even know there's english essay due tomorrow.
I'm so angry.

can you go on?

U know its best when u can spend time with all your friend on your day even some that u haven't seen for so long. I have friends scattered all around the continents and despite the fact that i have the opportunity to celebrate, some of my besties won't be there. People like Junia, Anita, Christine, Raymond, Joshua (yes i just found out he went to aussie stupid he didn't tell me no wonder i didnt see him ard) and Puspa(omg i miss her you know)!

I don't know. I guess it'll just be complete with them and my father and my brothers. :(

Ps, i guess i'll just tick you off the list


~??ALEX!!~ says (1:52 PM):
kabar anak2 kos gimana?
Candies are you doing okay? says (1:52 PM):
lu kek bapak2 aje
~??ALEX!!~ says (1:52 PM):
Candies are you doing okay? says (1:52 PM):
alhamdullilah baik2 smua
~??ALEX!!~ says (1:52 PM):
saya ga tau
mau nanya apa

Saturday, July 25, 2009

goodbye my almost lover

Hehehe i'm not up til so late to study hehehehe. In fact, i did something that i'm quitee proud of. Okay honestly i dont think it's nice, but hey, at least i did that myself and i'm pretty satisfied with the result! Take a look at it! I'm so proud of myself. But the sad thing is, my room is in even more concerning state. I had to search high and low for a scissors. Hahaha

Omg haha. If you think its not nice dont say anything shh i'm happy.

baby tonight

HEHEHEHEthis is my masterpiece during 'supposedly-geog-lsp'


I didn't go school today because i was a blood producing factory haha so yeah. Met hueimin at library at we studied. Did maths. And the smelling library lady is really pissing. Slap her la.

So then i went home waited for dione to wake up, met her then we went to Chinatown. HEHEHEHE i finally bought my sequins and buttons! I couldn't find studs so i decided to go for buttons because i think it'll look as nice so let's see later k. Dione didn't find her elongated beads because its too expensive or not nice. Yep and i bought an island pants i think its nice i'm going to wear it tmr.

Okay so then at chinatown we ate dinner then hehehe we took rickshaw to clarke quay we couldn't stop laughing because of the loud music and and just couldn't stop laughing. the uncle was very cute. Then explored clarke quay and yey found the cafe its quite cute.

and then we explored clarke quay and saw a reallyyyy cute boy! Sparkly eyes. Yes then i forgot what we did...we walked to chijmes and explored also. my legs hurt.

There are a few more but disgusting so hahaha

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wth Hueimin is damn on time la. I'm still at home watching youtube videos and havent bathe, she already at toa payoh. omgomgomg i go first ah byebye

r u doin ok?

I won't waste my whole life trying to get back what was taken away.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

can you stay strong?

Anw, Hani got a place in Hwa Chong JC through DSA i wasn't surprised because her AEP is awesome and she can make drawing feels alive i admire her drawing skill. So, congrats Han! really proud of her!! anw i have chem test tmr and i haven't open my textbook so i have to do so now. erm my tongue was bleeding it scared me up and down hahahaha.

I feel terrible and i'm getting fever uhuh 37.5 so i hope it wont increase because uh, no i dont want. i don't like to be sick. Quek fell sick and i think its because she got fired by so many people, she's depressed hahaha.

Busway, i decided to settle on BBQ because Hard Rock Cafe...haha like i said, the amount i have to spend can feed me for my whole life. So yep i'm going to book the place really soon i'm going to practice my kiasuism. K wait i go outside first ah

Hehehehehehe i just came back. U know the thing is, everytime jess is outside, we will always be engaged in conversations and the topics always revolve around ya know what. and i think i'm nt gg to sch tmr and quek also not.

Hot. I'm having fever alrd ahaha can u feel the heat!!! Mommy just called and i love her so much! & it feels so good talking to old friend, and new friend. :)

And Kurniawan kepiting u dont change my name to agus k.

oh have i tell you, i woke up at 7.15 in the morning and reached school at 7.25. don't ask me how, cz idk how. the cab driver just drove like a f1 racer.

and oh, have i tell you, i can't sleep cz my head is spinning like mad and i just threw up. yuck its yellow in colour hahahaha. actually its a mixture of yellow and red cz my nose was bleeding also. HAHAHA sorry for the disgusting fact. But its fact, you see.

and oh yea, have i tell you, i have done nothing productive today. three cheers for tonight.

Ps, do you still fall off your chair laughing now?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

there's no surprise

Mon u're my full screen HAHA
Monica and her yoga mat
She's changed to her 50ribu pajamas. :D
i support u all the way kick kick kick!!!

hot issue

This place is just heavenly, right? It'll be perfect if it isn't booked. I love just how the balloons are tied onto the chairs and tables, they looked so, lovely. Anyone has place like this in mind?

I'm sick, sick, sick, sick of this. I'll just settle for a BBQ. Hope it will turn out fine. And hope there isn't any kiasu people who already booked the swimming pool pit or i'll track them and kick their kiasu ass. I need to study alcohol and carboxylic acids, then do my emaths revision exercise 10, then complete my history essay, then read my book cz i have two waiting lists hahahaah.

I'm boreddddd.
I read a magazine just now, and i found something very funny.

Kebiasaan cewek apa yang bikin kamu sebal pas pacaran?
Nirwan: Lama nungguin dia dandan
Rinov: Susah diajak jalan
Ryan: Setelah makan, dia selalu nanya, 'Ada yang nyangkut nggak di gigiku, Yang?' Memangnya gue kaca?
Aldo: Dipaksa nemenin ke salon.

Hahahahahaha LMAO. Funny thing i did the same thing before so it was even funnier. Didn't know if he felt the same way. bye

Ps, when you'll call me by different names if i got angry.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Wow, i'm amazed. At how you'd go such great length just to,

Ps. when you would say, 'candies i'm not amused'

help me.

hey people. i need your help. idk whether this will help or not but please, if you know a cute cafe that has colourful and quirky interior and its affordable and its a great place to hold a bday dinner, can you please inform me because i really have no idea where to hold the dinner.

i just called monkey cafe just now and they didn't sound appealing to me. they're too expensive even for the kids package. :(

Monday, July 20, 2009

everything's gna be fine fine fine

Thanks Mama now i know how much u want to spend my sixteenth birthday with me and how much u really love me. I love u too mommy. U are willing to sacrifice ur time even though u're super busy with work and daddy probably needs u too.

Thanks Mandy i know u know i'm sad about the venue and u try to find a replacement for me that's so sweet of u and i really appreciate that. I was alrd at the verge of giving up but u said i shouldn't and u'll find me a way and i am just so touched u actually mean it. thanks so much my dear i love u.

I had a conversation with a disgustong person and thank u for opening my enclosed eyes maybe with relating to ur case i can see mine clearer. thanks for sharing and for willingly reading, or pretend to haha either way thanks.

Thank god i've made a great friend like Puspa. She's so great and all, i can't believe we just got to know each other so late. I miss spending time with her already and how we would tease her brother getting a free kiss hahaha.

Thanks agnes u're so concern about me and i can tell that i love u and stop making fun of my racial harmony costume. thanks for being there everytime i need emergency advice and thanks for helping me with my plan and giving foc opinions. idk what i'd do if i have to plan this alone.

Thanks novi u're really great friend+studymate. u helped me to find my racial harmony costume and u also helped me with my plan i rly thank u maybe without u and agnes i'd have give up. u always can come up with good solutions and u made me realise that noone is perfect and u helped me through thick and thin when everyone didn't pick up my phone call, only u did. thank u for being there for me everytime i need somebody to turn to.

I was really disappointed when i knew that it's fully booked and ah idk i'm waiting for their call tmr i hope miracle can happen. :(

Sunday, July 19, 2009

ew times a million

Don't aim upwards. Aim forward. says (12:30 AM):
Candies ; I swear that you don't have to go says (12:30 AM):
Don't aim upwards. Aim forward. says (12:30 AM):
gw gntqi bj
gw censor caamera gw dolo
Don't aim upwards. Aim forward. says (12:31 AM):
ketek gw kringatan
Candies ; Make a little love in, the moonlight says (12:31 AM):
Candies ; Make a little love in, the moonlight says (12:32 AM):
u dnt have to tell me tht

Bob you're disgustong.

the bitch is back

Maybe you can say i'm a spoilt ass and idk how to appreciate my life because you think i've got everything that you would ever dream of. Hey stop saying that because as much as i think you're trying hard to make me feel better, you made me feel a lot worse. Idk what came to me but i just felt that, in fifteen years of my living, or rather, going to be 16 soon, i have not do anything magnificent to be proud of, to be commented, 'Her parents are so lucky to have a daughter like her'. Never. Maybe its good to be easily satisfied in a way, but i think i always don't try hard enough.

I have no idea how to bring this across but, when i have throngs people surround me, i turned out to feel alone. When i laughed so loud that somebody can imitate me right away, i felt so dejected.

I know you told me i'm lucky and i should be grateful for what i have. I am. But i want something commendable, something extraordinary in my life. Not just the monotonous usual life, with disgusting grades and never-ending pathetic love story. When i mean i want achievements, i don't mean it academically. Of course i want excel in my studies, but there's something more in life than just academy. Oh no. I am really spoilt.

I want to be able to look at everything from the brighter side. I want to be more responsible, more reliable and dependable. I want to be more understanding, more appreciative. I want to be able to put myself into someone's shoes before judging that person.

Thanks for reading. I hope you guys reflect too. We have to keep reflecting in order to improve, right? :) Oh my i sound like a physiatrist.

She's so lucky
She's a star
But she cry cry cries in her lonely heart
Thinking, if there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night?
Except, i'm not even close to a star.

its like learning to fly

Hellooo i'm back!
so, went to library just now to pay my fine, borrow new books, reserve a book, and escape from chipmunk. guess how much my library fine were. $33.29 HAHAAHAHAHA i was laughing at the screen when i saw that. omg. then agnes called so we went to orchard and yep i shopped again :)(

Idk whether to smile or cry. haha so yeah. think of what i want to wear on racial harmony day. we had a good laugh abt it.

yesterday, went to timbre for mel's bday party. left @ 11+ and i reached just in time when the house phone rang. :)

And the cyclist i saw was really Junda! i thought i saw wrong person.

k bye

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What was in the mind of those bombers when they created the Ritz-Marriott chaos. They are heartless bunch of egoistic losers. I don't know why they have to fail everything that can contribute to Indonesia's improvement. Like the Bali bombing, there were vast decline in tourism rate, then the Marriott bombing a few years ago, and some others which i can't recall. And now, the MU match with Indonesia team is cancelled, also the Mew concert, which are a few days/weeks away. Don't you guys terrorists realise the huge impact brought to Indo? And don't you guys ever put your selfish self into all those people who lost their loved ones because of you 's shoes? I'm not sure if you're WNI or not, but if you're, shame on you. You have the guts to do such savage and brutal killing to your own country, for what?!

I can't believe these impotent people still exist. Ew for euu. Look at that picture. Someone made a joke of the tragedy.

Gosh. Stupid


If only there's still hope, no matter how insignificant that hope is, I'm willing to rely on that hope totally, and continue hoping.

If only,

Thursday, July 16, 2009

for heaven sakee

This is what happen when I'm sick ttm doing so far, 9qnts on geography. Its not like 9 abc qnts. How much can they ask about plate tectonicssssss. Keep repeating the same answers my hands even somehow complained. And you see part iii). Damn short point form. First qnt ah, damn good and can tell i was enthu. Now, yuck. I want to sleep. Deprived of sleep.
I'm going to continue write nonsense on my paper hope mrs ng's eyeballs won't come out.

don't go

I'm so sick of doing homework and guess what i'm doing now.
I'm anyhow-ly sketching the clothes that i want to taylor-make.
I bet its gna be cool, wearing a one-of-a-kind thing.
I'm taking some from magazines too.
So, going to the taylor with Dione on saturday after we hungry buy beads and beads at Arab Street. I hope they sell studs nowwww. I desperately need those for my hoodie project heehee :D
(you know i just hate chipmunk voice, but that's like my daily music. ew)
She's gna make her almighty black dress with beads and i'm going to make idk, as long as i can afford hehe. I'm so excited. I hope the taylor's a good one. Then who knows i can quit shopping and start having my clothes taylor-made.

This is definitely more exciting than hearing the news that there's physics test next week on chapters that i disgust the most. yuck.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

you should record the moment

Just feel like sharing a few old photos. I miss MacPherson so much suddenly. I miss all of them.

Tell me, if there's anything worse than being a laughing stock.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

orang sabar pantatnya lebar.

You know i'm really pissed. Everytime i stepped into this bloody room and...ugh! She adjusts the AC temperature practically EVERY FIVE MINUTES. I can die you know. And if the aircon spoils, I'm the one to be blamed yea yea yea since she's still young, small kid, don't know anything, and i should know how to take care of things blablabla blablabla. Can't she just STICK TO ONE TEMPERATURE AND DON'T EVER TOUCH THE REMOTE ANYMORE!!! I've grown tired competing with her because apparently she likes to live in the tropic, so she always puts the aircon at 27degree. Imagine how can i not die. And then i will put it down to 20. Then she increases again. Finally i decide there's no point playing with small girl i just GIVE UP. UP TO HER WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO WITH IT. I CAN'T BE BOTHERED. I just tell myself, 'be patient, be patient, don't kick her ass, don't draw on her face @ 9pm, don't do anything to small, fragile, vulnerable girl. )*^*%$%$%*^&**(&%^* disgusting.

And now that i'm not playing the aircon game anymore, she plays with herself. UGH. You know what, i can't wait to get out of here. Really cannot wait. And i can't imagine if my brother ever loves her back and she'll be my sister-in-law, i'll probably faint or puke or coma or maybe die. Thank God if not my mother has to call in the aircon technician every week.

I'm so pissed and i have to suffer like this for another MONTHSSSSSSSS. Ohmygod congratulate me plz. And helloooo i'm not a free and easy chipmunk who has nothing to do and giggle to the phone everyday, i have homeworks to do and tests to study for. You can at least be a little mature. Even though i'll never consider you as my future sister-in-law.

Monday, July 13, 2009

pigz eatz alotz nehz

My room is in desperate need of mass cleaning. Okay fine since this room costs $2400 and I'm paying only half the price, I can't literally claim this place as MY room. Whatever. my study table, book shelf, wardrobe and toiletries need some major surgery because it looks worse than anything you can imagine. I wonder how I study with this condition. Or does mountains of books and loose papers actually keep me motivated to flip through my textbooks and attempt ridiculous questions. When I say mountain of books, I mean throngs of them. Ugh disgusting.

I swore to myself I won't come online until idk when probably fryday or doomsday. Yea now I'm blogging w my phone because after this I'll be studying chem. Yes! My life rocks.

Ps. Diana told me the chipmunk transformed into pig cz she gained quite some weight. Ha ha I don't even notice, when I'm supposed to be her so-called 'best friend'. Ok this bestfriend thing is an overstatement. We're not bestfriend. Just that they called her my BFFFL too often I got used to it.

Pps. I didn't know a Ps. can be that long. And my typing is horrendous byebye

Sunday, July 12, 2009

i won't

Look @ my fringe.
Should i be patient and wait for it to grow, or should i just chop it?

It sucks when you need someone to talk to, nobody answers your phone, noone replies you messages and msn conversations. It sucks when you feel so alone.

I'm sorry this wasn't easy

I always know looking back at our tears would make me laugh, but i didn't know looking back at our laughter would make me cry.

I flipped through the old albums and now i find myself crying at the picture of us, smiling.

Lifeeeeee, someone define it for me. Are you that worth waiting? I've come to the point where I stopped hoping altogether. Because it's pointless. You've changed so much i can't even believe that you're, you. And i should've known i have to stop being so dumb. That i deserve better. I clearly was aware that what i was about to do was like committing suicide, but i went ahead anyway. Not someone who has amaths as a subject will do.

I'm sure my close friends know who this chap is, because he really had me going.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

you reap what you sow

Sementara Ahmad Riawan Amin selaku penerima gelar Doktor Honoris Causa (DR. HC.)
dari UIN Jakarta di bidang perbankan syariah itu menegaskan bahwa sekitar 70
persen perbankan Indonesia dikuasai asing, sehingga terjadi penggelembungan
akibat sistem bunga-bunganya.

"Jika pasar bebas tidak bisa bertanggung
jawab, maka di masyarakat akan terjadi kesenjangan. Kini, waktunya ekonomi
syariah diwajibkan dikelola secara Islam dan jangan dikuasai oleh asing,"

Maksud loe?

he's the song in the car i keep singing

You know what, the amazing thing about me, Candies Sutanto, is that, i haven't unpack my luggage from China trip. That caught me. I wanted to wear a particular shirt just now, but after i turned my stuffy wardrobe upside down until it doesn't deserved to be entitled a girl's wardrobe, i couldn't find that shirt, and i refused to bathe before i find it. And you know what, that stupid shirt was in my luggage, packed under the category "visit the laundry castle before you proceed my wardrobe. Yes and i found myself laughing to myself, and still, i didn't unpack totally. And i couldn't find my toothbrush, not that i didn't brush my teeth, i used the one my brother left. And you know where I find my toothbrush? It's inside one of the shoes i bought. Really stuffed inside. Maybe i was thinking it could save some space, but retarded la. I mean, how much space can a TOOTHBRUSH save? Haha that's me for you.

I decided not to post about what recently happened because it's not so pleasant to share. It just never crossed my mind that Marcus is that kind of person. Okay bye i won't type more

i can hardly believe that you're mine

I just half-finished my uploading and tagging job! You guys better thank me. I'm not gna upload everything today because apparently facebook is really snail-like today i told ya. I'm going to sleep now and oh yea i managed to do some chem so at least i won't go to bed crying HAHAHAHAHAH. Okay enough. I'm yawning and dreamland fairy is calling for me! Shut up bye

I could tell you his favorite colors green
He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him,
I'd lie
He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn't a light go on?
Doesn't he know
I've had him memorized for so long?

Friday, July 10, 2009

i found my bfriend in jupiter

I feel super lazy and dismal nowadays.
My library books are overdued like crazy.
My homeworks are piling like mad.
My hair are dropping like insane.
My mouth yawns like lunatic.
My eyes are heavy like nut.

I think i should just die, man.
I think i'm so screwed man.
I think i can never finish my homework if i keep yawning.
I think facebook is damn snail-y today.
I think my brain is malfunctioned currently.

You know what, i really cannot take it i have to say this.

Ugh what's up with me. I'm really not thinking straight. Maybe because i laughed too much just now with Noviana. She even recorded down my stupid act and it was super hilarious. I need ice. I need a homework completing machine. I'd pay any amount. If can i want to clone myself and put in guiyan's genes and send the cloned candies to o level exam hall. I bet i'd top the level. (excuse me, i'm not thinking straight)


Thursday, July 9, 2009

that's what you got me into

I've lost my motivation to carry on.

You're the best i ever had

she doesn't get your humour like i do

Hey people, i just came back from China. Many things happened la i shouldn't share it here. But i kinda had fun there. Esp when i got to catch up with my cousins who i haven't meet for god knows how long. Really had good cousin time with them! They're still having fun in genting and i'm jealous nehz. :( how i wish i'm still with all of them. And Marcus stop telling how fun your rollercoaster rides were okay. I know. Slap you la.

We went to many places and i can tell you, i've never met someone so barbaric like that stupid gambler that sells rubberband. I literally quarreled with her with mixed languages we don't even understand each other but as long as i screamed at her, i was satisfied. Damn rude you know. I bought quite something but i haven't unpacked. Usual la lazy. I have yet to upload the pictures because they aren't back yet and i'm not allowed to upload until they're back. Okay fine.

And my three sweet friends fetched me from airport. Awwwww so nice of them esp agnes and bobby had chem test today so i was super touched! :) But i am still sad because i mean, how often do we see each other? And we're only given 6 days time to catch up. :( too short to be true

I'm surrounded by homeworks i guess i should start now yea. :) all the best for those that are taking oral. Don't screw yours like i did.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

skip it

Byebye people don't miss me!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's green in colour

I'm quite done packing. I'm feeling a bit uneasy idk why. Probably bcz tmr's oral. But it's okay. I'll pull it through. I have nothing to blog, actually. I'm just bored and suddenly don't feel like going to school. Urm uh. Sad sad de nehz.
Quek and I planned to dress up like *ahem* on be yourself day. Hope it's gg to be fun! School was a bore which more and more and more and more and more homework, i can't be bothered doing it today. I know i'll miss on a lot later but just leave it until when i come back.

Boring much. I wanna sleep. I slept during PE just now and got even more tired after that. I left my chicken drumstick under my desk and didn't finish it. Brenda and I was very noisy and happening during EM lsp. Kinda miss it cz we used to do that a lot during chinese class.

I am not motivated at all. I don't feel like going to school tomorrow.

cheena meena geena

You know what.


Because, i haven't pack for China trip and i still owe teachers so many homeworks i have no enough sleep. And i'm missing school so i don't know i kinda regret saying that i wanted to go but howwwww. Visa's out and tickets're booked. I feel kinda guilty and i don't know what to do. I'll be hell lots of lessons esp physics i'm so dead i've been missing physics lessons i need mr wong. Thankfully our syllabus are most covered so yea i don't need to worry as much. I feel really guilty ehhh i shouldn't go right.

You know, time flies. And without me realising, its already July! How many more months to O level! I freaked myself out. Um uh i don't wanna countdown cz it scares me up. AND I STILL CAN GO CHINA GOOD AHH.

Now you know how d.e.a.d i am right.