Monday, July 27, 2009

wonderful journey

andddddddddd, i cut my fringe! Yay cz i went to library and study today i swear its damn productive i'm gg agn tmr yaay then i went to popular and buy scissors then i cut and that's the result huehehe i'm quite happy cz yea there won't be annoying thing hanging anymore(!) i guess this just proves how impatient i am right! :):)
anddddd, tadaaaa! this is the hoodie that i've....put my hands on. I sewed those gold buttons on to the hoodie trust me it aint easy so excuse my sewing skill althou i'm smart enough to use black thread so its un-see-able but still flip to the inside and hahaha its super messy. Anw i'm quite proud of it because it turns out quite nice yay i'm so happy u know! I broke two needles and bleed my hand in the process. Ouch!
Next up, my peacock necklace! Yaw can't wait!
Baitheway, i'm also proud of moiself, for for for not sleeping in class the wholeeeeeeee day today! Omg history manzzzz! I'm so so proud of myself! U know i just realised i can gain a lot of knowledge if i pay attention. And yaw yaw i'm gna be a hardworking o level student and from now on i'll treat o level like my marriage and all my subjects like my husbands! Heeehee. ok chinese result's coming out idk when its around the boulevard i'm so so so scared okokokok i wna die die die at the boulevard of the broken dreams! JAJAJAJAHAHHA whatevez.
and btw, in my language its whatevez not whatever. I argued with Bobby over that just now hahah childish right.

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