Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's green in colour

I'm quite done packing. I'm feeling a bit uneasy idk why. Probably bcz tmr's oral. But it's okay. I'll pull it through. I have nothing to blog, actually. I'm just bored and suddenly don't feel like going to school. Urm uh. Sad sad de nehz.
Quek and I planned to dress up like *ahem* on be yourself day. Hope it's gg to be fun! School was a bore which more and more and more and more and more homework, i can't be bothered doing it today. I know i'll miss on a lot later but just leave it until when i come back.

Boring much. I wanna sleep. I slept during PE just now and got even more tired after that. I left my chicken drumstick under my desk and didn't finish it. Brenda and I was very noisy and happening during EM lsp. Kinda miss it cz we used to do that a lot during chinese class.

I am not motivated at all. I don't feel like going to school tomorrow.

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