Saturday, June 28, 2008

I miss Yohanes haha random la. Don't know why just know i went to his friendster and he become so tall! omg.

My computer i virus protected, and protected and yes, protected. I feel so protected. like so something protecting like anti-virus. Yes, somehow i feel protected like how the anti virus protect my laptop. ( count how many times i type protect) HAHAHA

3E2 has a blog! bloggiebloggie for the class!
quite cute, eh?

I don't know what to blog. oh yes thanks James you helped me with my chinese blog.Thanks NJ you helped me with viruses and languagesss.

that little irritating girl is not here now and for tmr and sunday. oh too happy to be true lahhh!

PS; my chinese blog url

Friday, June 27, 2008


I just fixed my laptop but i am very scared of going to unknown websites because it is not protected by any anti-virus. I have no idea how to take care of this laptop/.It seems so fragile. I just went to couple of websites and its already attacked by antivirus. I feel like dying.

Whoever invented virus is a stupid-evil-hairy-ass!

i can't blog in chinese now cz i dono how to set the time and date. Where's NJ?

I dono what to blog except for i am so happy that Zara is on big giant sale! and i bought 2 hoodies one from Zara and PullandBear. I bought 2 cz the Zara one not very nice then i saw the PullandBear one so nice so i buy HAHA. and a dress from Mango.
I spent alot so sorry Mum but i will use my savings okayyyyyyyy

i saw you and her. ahh, again.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I feel so sad. I just talked to my brother. Feel so sad that he's gone.
I am going to live alone ahhhh
Hello i am in school using school's mac! bsfgjsrnsfjydgjsfgshad
Mom went back. so sad.
I am hungry

good luck pepperrrrrrrrrr

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hahaha i have permanent gym weekly schedule with Olivia and its three times a week. She is a good health-referrer so i rely on her guidance okayy haha. Its because we think that its time for us to exercise and besides we can practice for Napfa test. Oh so its Tues,Thrus, and Sundayy. Can't wait for itttt

I can't wait for like, the 10th of July cz i will be moving to 19th floor and staying with Bella. Hah Mom is coming today like in two hours timee yay yay can't wait for her arrival. :) have been missing her so much.

I was talking to Junia and we are going to meet up this Friday yay yay yay! I am not going for choir tmr thankyouverymuch! Neither tmr nor the next day. Haha. Can't wait to see herrrrrrr.

I guess i have to keep myself busy and away from my room as many times as possible cz i can't stand her and her smellyness. And not to mention she angered me the second i opened my eyes.

I'm trying not to be rude but one more time she tou chi my foods i will struggle her to death.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Even her night gown is pink.

I am so sad now. I went home and opened the door, hoping that there will be no one. But my hope didn't come true. that little girl is home and now she is sleeping like some pig. Omg and i have to sleep on top. You know how clumsy i am and i have to sleep on top?

I couldn't sleep. I told myself that i will get over it soon and i will stay here for like 15 days. But yeah this is going to be a long 15 days.

I told my new roomate which is not this little girl (well,she doesn't count) that i will be staying with her. She doesn't look pleasant. I told myself, okay candies, relax she is not so bad. She didn't look happy when i told her that. Am i that unlikeable that not even a single soul wants to share a room with me? I don't know what my life is going to be. I hope she doesn't treat bad.

I realised, no matter what, blood is thicker than water. Nothing is better than staying with my brother. Thinking of him, my eyes willl be teary. Its actually part of my fault that he came back to Indo. I wasn't thankful when he stays with me.

I am missing Mom. Its only like one day and i am missing her already. I keep crying everytime i think of my family and how i will be staying alone in Singapore since my brother goes back to Indo.I also miss my cute little brother. I miss playing with him and sending himm to school. I miss the moments in Medan.It's only yesterday i was there and now i am here.

I think its a matter of time when i will be begging my mom to send me home like what she does to my brother. I think i have to make bad results and behave poorly in school so she has no choice but to send me back. But that will disappoint her much and that's the last thing i want to do. To disappoint her.I tried telling her that i dont want to come back here but she refused to agree. But she doesn't know what i am feeling
i am sucha stupid ass. I bought a tonthpaste that was created for people with braces. Soso stupid. I am a bit done with packing. At least not so bad now. Oh that is only the study table. Others are still all around the house. I am going with dione and mandy later. I am sick of this house and my pathetic life. I am also going to fetch stef later. Ah tomorrow is school. Dono i should cheer or cry.
Wow! The internet here is fast. yeah, wow! It's never been so fast.

Yes, i have reached and here i am with a complete mess in my room. My stuffs are like all over the room and house and argh, looking at all the messes, i really want to cry. In fact, the moment i reached the fart-smelled room, and stared at all the mess, i ran to the toilet and just cry on how pathetic my life is going to be. You have no idea how sad or frustated i feel. Its like, the end of the world. Knowing that my life won't be g8 from now on, obviously with this little girl.

I guess i will miss the moments with my brother. Well, sorry to blog dirtily, but i just farted on her chair and i am so proud of myself cz i will smell-en her chair and there you go! smell my smelly fart HAHAHA. I feel strange being in this room. its no good.

Oh and another thing, this room is full of pink.its like 80% pink! except for the walls.Ehmagawd i told myself that the misery is going to be more than expected. Looking at pink too long makes my eyes swolen.

For your info, she names herself Pinky Girl, Sweet Girl, Cute Girl, Angel Dolphin, omg can someone just slap her for me?

I really need to let go this emotions. I will be emo for like 5 minutes.

Well, i just told myself that this is what happen when you study overseas, i have to let go all my ego and i only can spill everything here. I have to stand her and her smelly room no matter what.

To telll you the truth, I'd rather stay with a dog or something than her uhkei. I think she is a potential ah-lian. Thankgod it's 15 days and not forever. If not, i am going to jump down.

Seems like this post is all about that little girl. She will be honoured. I am seriously pitying my own life now. I am begging my brother not to go back to Medan and stay here with me and continue studying here. Tonight is the last night i will be sharing the same room with him. I am glad he comes back with me or else i will have to stay with that little girl alone.

If you wanna see the mess, here it is..

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Turn the key


Portugal lost to Germany 2-3. I just read the newspaper this morning and i didn't believe. SWorry Daddy because i forced you to take Portugal, you lost your bet :P
But i'm glad you listened to me. Blame him for crazing me into soccer and now i stayed up late just to watch the match. I dono why i'm soooo into soccer now. I think i want to marry a footballer. Err, say.. Cristiano Ronaldo. Or someone who looks like him. HEHE.

I am going back like, today. Oh i am going to miss Medan. Can time just stop?
I don't feel like blogging anymore. I don't want to go back,okay. Like, seriously.
I really really 10000000x don't feel like going back. I want to cry lorrrrrr.
So yeah. This is what happen when you study overseas/overland/oversky/overmoon/overstar/oversun/OSGUBAI;ERG

PS: i hate someone

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hello i think the time is running but yeah i am getting bored here now.
Dinner later and yep, i am so so tired.

Olivia is online and i miss her so much

Ohoh i downloaded so many songs YAYAY imasuchahappykiddo.

It's annoying when kids play too much and they don't wanna stop unless you play a SpongeBob SquarePants movie infrontof them with a cup of chocolate. annoying TWO little brother.


Hello i just realised that actually i have all the photos so yeahh here they are

HillPark Sibolangit
Toon Town
HillPark Castle
Happy Birthday Daddy
Tree House aka Rumah Pohon
well, -.-
Andrew and Marco
Hahahaha, Candies,Andrew, Marco

That's me!

I think there's some problem so yeah i can't upload much but there's so much to.
I have have tons of peektures. soyeah maybe next time
so yeah, im still at Starbucks so yeah.

PS: so yeah is kinda my fav word

tag taggy

People tagged with this quiz:
1. Monica
2. Stefanie Kurnia WIjaya
3. Winny (if you ever visit my blog)
4. Kelvin Owen
5. Andrew
6. Anita
7. Mr W
8. Eric
9. Junia
10. Joshua (you better do)

[10] Firsts
First best friend: Cathline
First pet: Cathy (a doggy)
First piercing: ears
First crush: i think its Charles
First cd: i think its ABBA
First car: i think i don't have
First stuffed animal: i think its my winnie the pooh
First love: i think its shopping
First place called home: i think its The Crown

[9] Lasts
Last beverage: Java Chip with caramel (that's fattening)
Last car ride: to sun plaza.
Last movie seen: KungFu Panda
Last phone call: Anita
Last song you listened to: Bubbly by idk who haha.
Last bubble bath: yesterday in mom's toilet ahaha
Last time you cried: err i think its yesterday
Last thing you ate: pig rice ahaha
Last bad thing you did: corrupted the remaining money for tuition fee. sorry mom

[8] have you evers
dated one of your best friends: err i can't recall.
been arrested: yes, no
sknny-dipped: haahahah maybe one day
been on a limo: in my dream
been in love: ah right now
been in a car accident: no. My mom is an excellent driver
broken a bone: no nee no

[7] Things you are wearing: well, tee and pants

[6] Things you have done : tuition,shoppedo, chatting sleeping dll i mean etc

[5] Favourite things: when you look me in the eyes. HAHA

[4] People you tell almost everything to, i think its my best friends there are many depends la.

[3] Choices
Live or die: live
Sweets or chocolates: chocolatos
Swim or run: swin luh

[2] Things you want to do before you die : livee my life to the fullest

[1] Things you regret: actually, studying in singapore is one

Tagged by: Tan Hui Chi

Starbucks rock n roll

Hello I am sitting at Starbucks enjoying and surfing net. Oh this, is life! So shiokydokyy muachmuach.
Anita is coming later and now i am with Andrewwwww.

Wellybellydelly, i am sucha nonsensical person haha i am so happy now idk why. Oh maybe because i am slurping an icy chocy uhh have been missing it.

Tmr i will be going back to Singapore and ONE good news is that, i don't have to stay with that girl yesss i will be staying with BellaBelliBelloBellu.HAHAHAHA ahhh too happy to be truee
Not as happy as when i recall that tmr i will land on the land called Singapore. It means studying again. Haiyaa.

It's so noisy here and i am so angry when i know that Sex and The City DVD is sold out. ah, what a disappointment. Kungfu Pandy is so cute and funneh la i laugh i think the loudest and youknowwhatChrissaidthatsheregrettedwatchingmoviewithmeshesaidiamembarassing.
slap you la Chris!

I won't stay in the noisy foisy hoisy #04-15 house with twooooo irritating girl anymore i will move to #19-14 with all the fun and rocknroll people. I think my life will be a lil bit better.

I am sooo proud of myself i studied Amaths right until Chapter 13-Further Trigonometry Identities or whatever you call it. So proud of myself, and i did practice chinese. I think Quek will be disgusted. Quek, it's for my own good, i have to be cheena (:
And let me seeee, Emaths, i studied till the Trigonometry and completed properties of circles.
Physics, i went through until Sound. Seeeeeeeeee how hardworking i am! My holidays aren't in vain.

You know i am still not sure of my departure's time but yeah i think i will reach there like, around 11, cz my flight is at 9pm. Oh midnight cab fare is tearing pocket. I seriously don't feel like going back. Medan is so heavenly.

I just got the complete series of Gossip Girl. The complete season one! The movie is good la. I love Nate Archibald. So very hot.

Oh God please forgive me because i keep talking about hot/cute/handsome whatsoever here or to dione please do not send me to hell or places without that kind of people hehehe. Iamsuchabadass.

Okay i am stopping myself from blogging any longer. Or else i will continue to talk like a loser about cuteeee people in this world. OKbyeee

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I love it when you call

Moshi Moshi.

Bratzzzzzzzxzxzxzxz with Cindy and Sherleyy just now. (Sher, see your nameeeee) It was goddamn funnayee ehmagawt i can't stop laughinggg and the SilverQueen with caramel is loveeee.

Portugal tonightttttttttttttttttttt ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Relax, i won't get the wrong day or time anymore. I'm not that stoopit anymore. Hahahaha. Portugal VS German. Go go go ale ale ale. Portugal all the wayyyyyy! Cristiano Ronaldo is the best. hehe so freaked out over him. too unbelievable to be true.

Tomorrow. KungFu Panda with HEHE. not gonna tell you. so head over heels. Heels over head.

My brother recovered and i'm happy for him. My saturday is to welcome Singapore. :(
I don't feel good. I have a bad feeling. Wait and see.

Forget to tell you sth. I learnt how to drive! It was so scaryyyyy. I was so scared i will bang the car. But it tunred out quite well and yeah now i know a lil bit of driving skill.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dia bukan Cinderella

Hello i am over the sun now. Ah, so happy.

I can't differentiate between mosquito, fly, or whatever that walking full stop. for me, they are all the same. and i often mix them up.

update: i still haven't do the holiday hw.

Bratzzz with Cin and Sher tmr.
Or maybe KungFu Panda

My pictures are mountain-ing so i promiseeee, i will upload soon. Okay
How many more days to Sg? three more days

When the sky is darker, i can see the stars clearer

Monday, June 16, 2008

ella ella eh eh eh

Hello. I have been away for awhile.
Went to Brastagi yesterday.

Uh, its like 1,2,3,4,5 more days to Singapore.
Hello Singapore here i come. ( urgh )

Shit i haven't touch the compre hw.
I think i will do copying.
Copy. Huh, reminds me of something.

isn't fun.

portugal later at like, 1am here?
Nevermind i will still faithfully watch.
For cristiano ronaldo, apa aja deh..
too handsome to be true

Friday, June 13, 2008

I dont know who i can/cannot trust anymore

I am eating cha sio pui. (nasi babi) aka Monica Johan's favourite! Mon, i finally taste babi! And its nice you knowwwwwww. i didn't notice that there's an egg there so i take it as camouflage-ing. Haha. The egg is cute. Reminds me of tree boy. :) tree boy ah tree boy. Don't roll.

I miss everybody! I miss someone who is in love and who is going to japan later. I miss someone who is harworkingly studying and taking care of the tree boy. I miss someone who is trying so hard to lose weight and learning Japanese. I miss someone who called my name and intended to talk, but finally say, 'nevermind' and maybe eating terang bulan now. I miss someone with beautiful voice and is a future nutritient. I miss someone who is so funny everytime that person talks, i will laugh. I miss someone who never fails to make me smile and make me can't stop staring. I miss someone who is so emo and wear black-only expect uniform. I miss someone with big nose and always wear pants so high up like mountain and always giving speeches. Lastly, i miss someone who is always there whenever i need. They are the best.

:) thankyou for cheering me up darling. you know its a hard time for me but you never fail to give me encouraging words and you successfully make me smile again and all the effort you've done for me thankyou so much you the bestest of the best. I will never let someone like you go. I thanked god for giving me a friend like you. BFF.

Tuition is getting more and more excited. I mean Physics. I didn't say the subject, but fellow tuitionmate. It feels like the old times again. except that without Eric Cindy Junia but with someone else. Haih, i really dont wanna go back to Singapore.
Hostel, duh. DIsgustinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Thursday, June 12, 2008

There's nothing you can't do.

Thankyou blogger (sarcasm) and thankyou ebuddy (sarcasm)
I feel so sarcastic. Huh, who cares bythewayyyyyy

I was connected to this beautiful internet half an hour ago but now then i can blog. Ebuddy is still not co-operating. Ebuddy, please luh, i want to talk to someone.

I did some shopping. Its like, finally! I went with Sherly since someone canceled the outing again. Bought something i love and now i am high!

I think there's nothing more. I realised something. and i will try to work on it. Wish me luck. (:


Urgh i really hate being office girl you know everyday after tuition i have to be an office girl and waste my time here. i can't go to shopping everybody is so busyfussy i hate this kind of feeling i can't go out, kidnapped at home. and agrh i just want to scream.

Chilli. The more i look at it, the more angry, or rather disgusted i get. So i think from today onwards i will stop looking. But, i am surprised, though.
I think i will just let chilli with the camerawoman and let them sink into the sea of love and melted inside to be together forever and unseparable since they love each other so much, huh.

You're right, Melissa. Chilli is a history.

Nowwwww, its a new beginning. Turn another page and start writing that new piece of life.

Okay, so the outing is reallllllllllyyyyyy canceled. Slaps hundred times for you. Make me so disappointed. Huh, another halp a year with that childish girl. Oh, kill me. ( that's brenda's quote)

Hehe, another cute guy. Now, liang ge. wo hen kai xin.

The number 7 guy

I think i am the stupidest person not to bring back the english olevel assessment book. I am browsing yahoo and google to try my luck. But til now, i still can't find the question papers. [i am hungryyy]

I slept at 2am just to watch the soccer match ytd. Ah, it wasn't the match that i want to watch, but rather, Cristiano Ronaldo. He was so handsome that i can melt! and when he scored the second goal ytd, i practically jumped around cheering and shouting. I was so proud of him. Love him lah.

I am supposed to be out by 1pm but i think the outing is cancelled. I think i told you before that i hate promise-breaker. nevermind, i can watch the siaran ulang of the match
too hot to be true

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am sick.
I had tremendous headache and constant vomitting. I feel terrible.
I took headache pill but it don't do any help.

Someone help me. I feel uneasy. I hope it gets better tmr.
Falling sick isn't a good thing. Everyone knows.
I also hope that Mom won't force me to have tuition tmr.

Ewwww, i can still taste the vomitting smell and it sticks to my tongue. Yuck

My hearts are all over the computer

Don't be mean la. Not everybody can accept that. Be considerate and stop making fun of people. Just shut your kaypoh mouth up and stop commenting. End of story.

I just slap myself. No, i mean i just slap the keyboard. i was so happy but now i am down. Why not appreciate peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? 2263437

have am
nothing bored
to someone
blog entertain
about. me.

PS: can you feel the love tonight?

Press the button 'rewind'

Baboon mystomachhurtslikehellll mamamahahahaoifgabgkigb

(: i am feeling wonderful, jubilant,excited, and carefreeeee.
Who knows that this kind of feeling can chase all your misery away. Oh, perfect!
I can't wait for another Wednesday.

I dreamt of something strange. I was kidnapped, and the kidnapper was Joon Kiat. He said that if i didn't want to have tuition back with him, he will kill me. So strange. Joon Kiat. I miss him.

Everybody is so busy noww nobody cares to talk to me. Heyheyyouyou why are you not onlineeee?I am deprived of shopping. I have the amount but no motivation. Mom is too busy with her diet program. Oh well, she's forcing me to join her too. and worse, yoga. Gross la. I am not the yoga-like person thankyou.

And i will never go for diet. There are so many delicious and tasty thingys in this world that worth eating. Why strain my appetite by dieting. This life is much more meaningful without diet. Well, at least, that's my perspective.

Man, diet is torturing la. Wait till i am 200 pounds. One day.
I'd rather exercise to burn the calories than stop eating. Heehee don't tell my mom cz i will be wan dan. I miss you

PS: You're too cute to be true.

Monday, June 9, 2008

boubgaogbeg naoregbpoeirgboiergb

I am finally using the new laptop. Thankyou mama.
I miss you, cute guys!

Mom is forcing me for a diet. oh, come on!

and sorry seems to be the hardest word

Hello i am back from Brastagi *muachmuach* i love it laaaaa

Went there on Sat and met Mon for like, 5 minutes? then said goodbye. went around and intended to play but the queue was sososososo long that i think it took 10 hours to queue until then. and i queued for the roller coaster. Queued for 1hrs and when it was exactly our turn, it rained, so they postponed the thing and we just went out. what a waste!

Ytd was the blast. It was so fun. There weren't as many people as Sat so practically, the queue was shorter. In fact, we didn't need to queue. I rode the roller coaster and it was so fun. Same as the one at Genting Highland. i love it la. then played some other. i love ytd. Nowww, that's holiday!

I told mum about my brother's future school but she didn't bother so, fine. why should i bother?
I saw a turtle there. and that reminded me of someone. Hehe ( Mel you know) So cute la. got rabbit, hamster, turtle, duck aka hueimin, chicken aka mandy, goat, horse. i love them

Oh yeah, Dione please tell the tree boy i miss him. i miss chilli pepper tomato and susu. Haiyaaaa you know i'm still not sure where to stay when i come back to Singapore. i dnt wanna stay at my old place but mom refused to move me. My guardian is too gross to be true.

Met Mon just now and now she is in Jakarta. i know who she's looking forward to meet. S

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I just realise how cuteeeeeeeeeeeee he is, actually.
I can't tell you who. take it as the tree boy.
so so so so so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
cute until i want to melt.
cute until i can't stand it.
cute until i want to kiss my computer screen
cute until i can't stop staring
cute until i saved his picture
cute until i am scared i will like him
cute until i, ahhhhhhh melted

you are too cute to be trueeeee

wo zai gen tian kong tan lian ai

Let me start off by saying, Happy Belated Birthday Daddy!
:):):):):):):):) you are the best daddy ever!

Dinner with family yesterday and it was awesome! It felt so good cause it's been long since we really have a dinner together. It was the good, old times.

MonicaJohan is coming tmr!! Hehehe Brastagi on Sat. Movie with Sher tmr. :)
My life is getting better. i am boredddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Mom is laughing so hard haha i don't know why. She's rolling soon, i think!

HAHHHHHH chilli and camerawoman. i just feel like throwing them into a river and let them flow to NewZealand. Chilli sucks la. Camerawoman sucks even more.
Dione is ignoring meee she doesn't want to replyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

well, my stomach really hurts nowwwwwwwww i think i better go do sth abt it.
Omg lastly, i am so sorry i forget,
Happy Belated Belated Birthday,
Brenda Ng
Abigail Kayala Kwek

Love you guys and adios

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hey, i was dealing with trigonometry for an hour.
Oh right, so hardworking.
I'm not done but i'm done with it.
Too gross. What sin cos tan. Go die lah.

I am watching tv. ciao
what a short post
Dad's birthday tomorrow and i am with no present!
Suggest me what to buy for him, and that's when tagboard is used.
I really don't know. I think i bought him almost everything he needed for his last last last last year's present. Tie, no. Watch, no. Wallet, no. soccer jersey, no. Notebook, no

Maybe i shall give him the MU towel i have been keeping for years. Well, i love ManU, but i think he loves more. Funny when i gave him notebook last year, cz he keeps forgetting his schedule. How cute!

I always busy thinking what i should buy for Dad but i just realise that i never buy for Mom. Okay, i did buy, but i ended up using it myself. See, that's the something which is wrong in me.

I am bored.
someone accompany me through the afternoon.
Till my brother go away

Okay, he's gone. i am safeeeeeeeee to blog.
Ehmagawd its only like, tuesday, and i already can't wait for saturdayyyyyyyyyy!!
I bet its going to be a lot of fun. uncountable, yeah.

ET went to London like two days ago. oh, how lucky! He so rich of course can afford it.
I miss the old atmosphere when we have tuition together and it was so noisy that it lookes more that gossip sessions. but now, they left Sherly and I behind. Huh. Junia is not having her holiday so she can't come back. Cindy flies to Australia and Eric to London. Not fairrrrrr.

I took so long to post this blog cz i am busy tranferring all my data from the old laptop. I feel so tired.
I think i shall stop complaining. 0614552275.
That number above is nothing. Just some random stuff. I feel random now. :]


Monday, June 2, 2008

Over at my uncle's and i am tired. i don't miss singapore oh thankyou.
i just burst one pimple and the weather here is good i like.
my life neither sucks nor rocks.

I feel like vomitting. we are going to brastagii next saturday
uhuhuh junia is not coming back walaowe

Monica darling is coming and yesyesyesyesyesyes
going brastagi together iloveyou darling muachmuach

lastly, i tell you, i dont like blogging with someone beside me staring.
thats why my post is so short,now.
hope she doesn't understanddd

and my cousin is so noisy. ( i edited this post four times)
i don't like online games. yuck

oh right she isn't here anymore sooooooo yeah, i am getting ecited czzzz Monica is coming. okay i can't blog anymore cz people keeps brushing through. i am paranoid. bye

Life sucks and rocks at the same time

Sorry that i have to end so suddenly ytd. Mom suddenly came in and rushed me to sleep.
Now, i have the time on my own. so good. too good to be true. :)

actually now i am not so lazy so i decided to transfer all the photos. but too bad, i forget to bring the cabel so same thing, can't transfer. HAHA yessss, mom is buying me new laptop. ummm, thankyousomuchmommyiloveyouthemostttttttttttt.

I went to watch Narnia with Sherly on Saturday. I was supposed to watch on Friday but someone never turned up and i didn't tell someone that i waited for 10 hours. not rly 10 lah huh.

I think Mel and Bren went to watch Click5 concert yesterday. How was it guysssss? I want to see them so badly :( so jealous.

Andandand uh actually i have so much to post but i forgettttttttttttttttttttt. oh yeah you know, i have no mood to shop now cz my shopping partner Junia is not here and she won't be coming back so yeah i guess i wont do any shopping since the rest of them are not so into shopping. kinda sad but i hope Monica Johan came so she can accompany me.

Feel so sad i dont feel like going back to Singapore neither do i want to stay here. Singapore means starting of the disgusting sec3 life again and uninteresting annoying irritating little roomate that make me want to puke. Trust me, my life with her can't go any more miserable. God bless me.

Now, i want to blog in Indo. Excuse me. merci.

Gw capek. di medan sm singapur sama aja. gw pikir wkt blk ke medan bisa beli baju atau aja gitu. ternyata.. semua baju di dunia ini cuma diciptakan bt org bertubuh kecil and ramping. capek tau ngtak sih. designer cm pikir gmn caranya ngerancang baju buat org yng kurus biar keliatan tambah cantik. Kenapa sih di dunia ini ada konsep kalo gemuk itu jelek? knp cuma org kurus yng ngedapet segalanya. coba aja mikir, kl seorg yng gemuk bilang, dia mau jadi artis, pasti org yng dgr bakal ketawa sekenceng2nya. tp kl org yng kurus bilang gitu, mrk pst setuju, trus blg kl tubuh dia itu uda mendukung blablabla. ( aduh lupa gw mau blg apa)

Apa org2 yng ngetawain itu prnh mikir bgmn perasaan di gendut ini? HAH? bknnya kata agama, manusia diciptakan sama? tp knp seakan2 di lingkaran sosial manusia skrg kok, org kurus kbh dihargai dan dipandang.

Masalah ini jg sama dgn cintaaaaaaaaaa. Kl seorg cewek gendut blg dia suka cowok, pasti org2 lgsg berpikiran, 'ah, pasti cewek ini ngak bkl ngedpt cowok itu. mana mau si cowok.' &kl cowok itu tau, pasti dia ketawa. pernah nga sih mikirin perasaan cewek ini??

Mendingan gendut,drpd kurus kayak tengkorak idup. Kayak org busung lapar.
Trus yah, lu kl uda kurus kayak tiang listrik, nga usa deh di dpn gw blg mau dietdiet segala.
Hello. Give me five minutes. Mom is shouting. Gosh.

Firstly, i am here to tell you, i am very angry. I have to continue staying in my stupid guardian's house. I DONT WANT THAT! i really feel like moving. but, i love trellis. uh, and i am staying with someone else. idk how. I seriously don't feel like going back becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeee the moment i go back, my misery starts. Uh irritating. and i will miss my brother cz he won't be coming back with me. i hate my guardian you know. I pay for the room and the facilities.

bye/ fuck