Monday, June 2, 2008

Life sucks and rocks at the same time

Sorry that i have to end so suddenly ytd. Mom suddenly came in and rushed me to sleep.
Now, i have the time on my own. so good. too good to be true. :)

actually now i am not so lazy so i decided to transfer all the photos. but too bad, i forget to bring the cabel so same thing, can't transfer. HAHA yessss, mom is buying me new laptop. ummm, thankyousomuchmommyiloveyouthemostttttttttttt.

I went to watch Narnia with Sherly on Saturday. I was supposed to watch on Friday but someone never turned up and i didn't tell someone that i waited for 10 hours. not rly 10 lah huh.

I think Mel and Bren went to watch Click5 concert yesterday. How was it guysssss? I want to see them so badly :( so jealous.

Andandand uh actually i have so much to post but i forgettttttttttttttttttttt. oh yeah you know, i have no mood to shop now cz my shopping partner Junia is not here and she won't be coming back so yeah i guess i wont do any shopping since the rest of them are not so into shopping. kinda sad but i hope Monica Johan came so she can accompany me.

Feel so sad i dont feel like going back to Singapore neither do i want to stay here. Singapore means starting of the disgusting sec3 life again and uninteresting annoying irritating little roomate that make me want to puke. Trust me, my life with her can't go any more miserable. God bless me.

Now, i want to blog in Indo. Excuse me. merci.

Gw capek. di medan sm singapur sama aja. gw pikir wkt blk ke medan bisa beli baju atau aja gitu. ternyata.. semua baju di dunia ini cuma diciptakan bt org bertubuh kecil and ramping. capek tau ngtak sih. designer cm pikir gmn caranya ngerancang baju buat org yng kurus biar keliatan tambah cantik. Kenapa sih di dunia ini ada konsep kalo gemuk itu jelek? knp cuma org kurus yng ngedapet segalanya. coba aja mikir, kl seorg yng gemuk bilang, dia mau jadi artis, pasti org yng dgr bakal ketawa sekenceng2nya. tp kl org yng kurus bilang gitu, mrk pst setuju, trus blg kl tubuh dia itu uda mendukung blablabla. ( aduh lupa gw mau blg apa)

Apa org2 yng ngetawain itu prnh mikir bgmn perasaan di gendut ini? HAH? bknnya kata agama, manusia diciptakan sama? tp knp seakan2 di lingkaran sosial manusia skrg kok, org kurus kbh dihargai dan dipandang.

Masalah ini jg sama dgn cintaaaaaaaaaa. Kl seorg cewek gendut blg dia suka cowok, pasti org2 lgsg berpikiran, 'ah, pasti cewek ini ngak bkl ngedpt cowok itu. mana mau si cowok.' &kl cowok itu tau, pasti dia ketawa. pernah nga sih mikirin perasaan cewek ini??

Mendingan gendut,drpd kurus kayak tengkorak idup. Kayak org busung lapar.
Trus yah, lu kl uda kurus kayak tiang listrik, nga usa deh di dpn gw blg mau dietdiet segala.

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