Friday, June 20, 2008

tag taggy

People tagged with this quiz:
1. Monica
2. Stefanie Kurnia WIjaya
3. Winny (if you ever visit my blog)
4. Kelvin Owen
5. Andrew
6. Anita
7. Mr W
8. Eric
9. Junia
10. Joshua (you better do)

[10] Firsts
First best friend: Cathline
First pet: Cathy (a doggy)
First piercing: ears
First crush: i think its Charles
First cd: i think its ABBA
First car: i think i don't have
First stuffed animal: i think its my winnie the pooh
First love: i think its shopping
First place called home: i think its The Crown

[9] Lasts
Last beverage: Java Chip with caramel (that's fattening)
Last car ride: to sun plaza.
Last movie seen: KungFu Panda
Last phone call: Anita
Last song you listened to: Bubbly by idk who haha.
Last bubble bath: yesterday in mom's toilet ahaha
Last time you cried: err i think its yesterday
Last thing you ate: pig rice ahaha
Last bad thing you did: corrupted the remaining money for tuition fee. sorry mom

[8] have you evers
dated one of your best friends: err i can't recall.
been arrested: yes, no
sknny-dipped: haahahah maybe one day
been on a limo: in my dream
been in love: ah right now
been in a car accident: no. My mom is an excellent driver
broken a bone: no nee no

[7] Things you are wearing: well, tee and pants

[6] Things you have done : tuition,shoppedo, chatting sleeping dll i mean etc

[5] Favourite things: when you look me in the eyes. HAHA

[4] People you tell almost everything to, i think its my best friends there are many depends la.

[3] Choices
Live or die: live
Sweets or chocolates: chocolatos
Swim or run: swin luh

[2] Things you want to do before you die : livee my life to the fullest

[1] Things you regret: actually, studying in singapore is one

Tagged by: Tan Hui Chi

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