Monday, June 9, 2008

and sorry seems to be the hardest word

Hello i am back from Brastagi *muachmuach* i love it laaaaa

Went there on Sat and met Mon for like, 5 minutes? then said goodbye. went around and intended to play but the queue was sososososo long that i think it took 10 hours to queue until then. and i queued for the roller coaster. Queued for 1hrs and when it was exactly our turn, it rained, so they postponed the thing and we just went out. what a waste!

Ytd was the blast. It was so fun. There weren't as many people as Sat so practically, the queue was shorter. In fact, we didn't need to queue. I rode the roller coaster and it was so fun. Same as the one at Genting Highland. i love it la. then played some other. i love ytd. Nowww, that's holiday!

I told mum about my brother's future school but she didn't bother so, fine. why should i bother?
I saw a turtle there. and that reminded me of someone. Hehe ( Mel you know) So cute la. got rabbit, hamster, turtle, duck aka hueimin, chicken aka mandy, goat, horse. i love them

Oh yeah, Dione please tell the tree boy i miss him. i miss chilli pepper tomato and susu. Haiyaaaa you know i'm still not sure where to stay when i come back to Singapore. i dnt wanna stay at my old place but mom refused to move me. My guardian is too gross to be true.

Met Mon just now and now she is in Jakarta. i know who she's looking forward to meet. S

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