Sunday, December 14, 2008

I wake up super early today whats wrongg

Apparently i can't see my keyboard now cz its dark and i'm not using laptop so im guessing all the alphabets, forgive me if i mispell any word hoh. Hehehe.

I surprisingly woke up early today. Its only ten now, haha and i can hear Mom screaming downstairs cz she's busy preparing for Don's bday party. (Junia you better make it here or hehe you'll see)

Good news; i found my camera charger which i thought was lost hehe. I'm so happy.
Mom's room is like Doreemon's pocket. I always find my missing stuffs here. :)))))))
I think i'm suffering from obssessive packing disorder.
I packed all my clothes and put em in the luggage, then feeling unsatisfied, i took them out again and placed them in the wardrobe again. And today i wake up so early. Idk whats wrong with me. Told ya my brain works funnily weirdly and unexpectedly today.

I suddenly remembered smth and i suddenly dont feel like blogging. bye

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