Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why does today have to end?

When you can live forever,
what do you live for?

You know the thing is that,
i'm really proud of myself, you see.
this is maybe, supposed to be my period of frustation, depression, and maybe a tough one.
But i'm glad i could pull it through (:

Idk what makes me this strong and this care less.
But i find myslef less worrying, less thinking, less crying.
Its good though, with all the things right now. I'm a strong one.
But i think i need to thank someone, who has been with me all the time i need.
(no name mentioned :X you guys should know who) Thanks ;)

Believe me, its totally effortless.
Sometimes, i make myself thinking about it and seeing from how thing goes,
its pretty well managable.

I watched Twilight just now. Its really well put. I mean, the story line, the setting, the eyes (Edward's) omg i could die just looking at his really 'killing' look. The way he looked at Bella, the way the camera captures his eyes, the way he talked, the way he held Bella's neck and whispered at her. How i wish i have a vampire boyfriend, as gorgeous as Edward Cullen. Haha okay this is getting nowhere. I bet Brenda is jealous! Haha and you know Jacob and James looked really gross. Jacob looked like, (ahem) Tarzan. Haaha. I love the movie. But the book is still better.

Okay enough of movie review. You know, there's just something that happened when you walked into the room. Woah i can't tell you how fast my heart was beating. Its both slower and faster. I'm crapping people dont bother. and Btw, i still can't find my phone and sim card. I'm so dead.

The thing with love, its fascinating. Ahh,

With you, nothing is ever impossible.
God planned all these for us already.
Thanks, you are so much help to me. Much more than i need.

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