Wednesday, April 23, 2008

that's mine. not yours

I lost 200bucks. I bloodily lost 200bucks.
It has been in my bloody drawer for bloody weeks.
It was still there on Monday. I remembered. 

when i wanted to take my money just now, i couldn't find the wallet. 
i started panicking and i couldn;t find, still
i called Mom and she is sorting things out. 

I can't call mom now. I miss her :(

Please, you stealer, whoever you are, just return me my money. I don't care who you are, if you don't return me, you will have disgusting features growing on your face, and your disgusting hands, will grow fungess like the expired bread. you low-class brain, will have a tumor. 

200bucks isn't a small amount. not returning me means, i will be hungry for the next one month. come on, this is serious. fucker!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life isn't as tough, though

Seeeee, i say there will be a 5th post.

I called Mom just now and told her about my grades. I expected her to nag and serve me 2 hours straight of speech. but surprisingly, she understood how i feel and she told me to do as well as possible. 

Her words make me even wanting to work harder. I don't want to disappoint her. She puts so much hopes and trust, i definitely can't spoil them. Just because YOU, i have to break down.

No. I will throw you to Atlantic Ocean like what Jun said. Nobody knows who YOU are. Not a single soul. 

Listening to the shell i bought during IFD, i become calmer instantly. i am more relaxed the minute i put it on my ear. i had a good 10 mins of relaxation. and guess what, my brain juices suddenly work and i am able to absorb something. I'm on my way to Chapter 4 of Chemistry.
My target for Chem is at leasttttt a BBBBBBBBB

I must do well for my parents.
I must do well for myself
I must do well for the people who supported me
Most importantly, i must do well for my grandmother up there 

I miss Popo. I want to dream of you, Popo. I'm sure you have something to tell me. :)

Riot is cool for reasonable purposes

Omg, 4th post. soon, i will pay of my 5 days of disappearance. grr. 
Junia's having a holiday tomorrow. guess why?
-Her school teachers are rioting for higher salary.

Candies : Why aren't you asleep?
Junia : I have holiday tmr, sweetie
Candies : Why?
Junia : My school teachers are rioting for higher pay.
Candies : Omg
( i added the sweetie. geehee)

Her school is so cool. They even have schedule for riots HAHA. 
Maybe this is what i'm going to encounter when i go theree.
Btw, I'm positive on moving to Aus. Bye Singapore :) 
Dad has agreed and i owed him a hug!

I think i got my normal hormone back and heehee thanks to Josh. ( i hate thanking you, garbage!)
 You know Brenda's cousin, Isaac is so poor thing! Brenda Ng ignored him. actually i felt kind of guilty when i ignored him also. Such a smart kid, it is a waste if he takes it for granted. he might as well give me. Brendy, give me his brain.

Back to Chem-y. 
Btw, Taupok is so flirty today. yuck lol
Si Panjang Tangan 

i got a feeling there will be 5th post

the littlest thing that bothers me

Omg, third post of the day? I dont know.
I've tried to study my Chem. but nothing seems to enter my brain. i couldn't register any information. How? Omg i'm getting seriously worried. i need, need a guidance. please. 

Chemistry is actually fun and interesting. but when i have no mood, i just read through the pages, i can't jus swallow everything in and this time not at all. 

My posts have been monotonous but hell yeah i don't care. These days aren't good though.

I don't want to believe that all my misery is because of YOU. well, don't let me go too far and tell you everything. it's just burdening and suffering. i have to face you virtually everyday. i want to talk to you so so badly. i want to ask you hell lots of thing. and i hate it when you reply me in such a tone that signaled my your refusion to talk. i mean, hello?! i was trying to be nice and maybe just be friendly. I don't want to admit how much i want to slap you. 

And i can't believe that i actually liked you.
I'm telling you too much.
Note: its in past tense

you shall follow my example

History test is another disastrous one. 
Okay tell you what, instead of nagging here and there, i will do the following.

1. go popular and buy all the sec 3 assessment book
2. finish all the assessment books and go through them
3. be a nerd and study after school at least three hours a day.
4. memorise all the disgusting facts and gross LORMS to get my bloody marks
5. i planned more but i forget
6. oh nvm, the main point is, study
7. i woudn't want to regret later.

yeah yeah yeah you wouldn't believe this but yeah i'm going to do this I DONT CARE!

i don't know what am i up to lately. i have brain damage, i think. i dont know what i'm doing, who i'm talking to and how i feel. i just hope i wont screw my MYE. please no pleaseeeeeeeeeee.

TYS, here i come

something that i can't contain anymore

I really really feel like crying. Just now had Chem test. the whole class felt that it was easy and i thought i screwed it. Hey, tell me what's wrong with me nowadays? Physics wasn't much difference. all the stuffs that teachers had taght me couldn't enter my brain.

MYE is in exactly a week away and i'm not prepared. you're an idiot if you don't know how scared i am. My grades drop drastically. i failed here and there. subject that i was supposed to be strong in, was just another storytale. i keep on telling myself to please concentrate and do well. 

I really feel like crying. but too bad, you don't understand. you won't understand.
It doesn't feel good, absolutely. 

You still se me laugh and relax. yes i try to do that but it does no help. im still anxious and scared inside. I tried not to cry, but everytime i'm alone i will cry for my bitter life. 

Friends aren't who they were anymore. okay, some stay the same and i thank them for being with me. but other bunch of them, why are they just approach me when they are left alone or or or friendless. i rly can't take this life. i want to go back to my primary school life. everything was so easy and relax. now, every single thing rushes me. i have no bloody time for myself. people just don't want to understand. 

And  YOU. why do you have to add my load by giving me that kind of attitude? i can't take it anymore. everytime i look at you, i dont even know whether i like you, or i hate you. I just can't tell. after those hopes, urgh, nevermind.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I couldn't find the Snow White slippers that Mom bought me. :(
I need to find it. i don't care.

The auto-scan is after exam. i dont want to stress myself. wish me luck
I know there's some of you out there who wish that i will die.
the faster, the better. 
I don't know. It depends. i have nothing to fight for, actually.
I feel pathetic. I'm desperate. I'm a failure. or loser. 

If you think you are someone good or great or perfect or whatsoever, 
give me a lesson on how to be a successor. I need that.
People always gossiped someone as loser. who knows actually they are the real loser.

I miss my mother. 
39 more days to go. :) that's what i'm rly looking for.

i talked to mom about my studies after secondary school. i told her about my plan to continue in australia instead of singapore. She agreed. but i need my father's consent.
So i guess, after Sec Sch, i will go to Aus. 
i know you're smiling. don't bluff
Not even a single good thing happen today. Everything ruins my day. Esp mom's departure to medan. i just can't stop crying. i forgot to take my water bottle just now, and she ran down to the bus stop, wearing pajamas, and passed me the water bottle. i just want to hug her and beg her not to leave. i can't stop my tears. its so sweet of her. I love Mom! :)

Chilli looks cute and kiddy today. i feel like pinching his cheek! he looks like primary school boy. Omg. cute cute chilli.

if you continue giving me this kind of attitude, i think we better just end it, okay.
I've had enough.

Please, just don't torture me anymore. I've had enough. alright, bye sucky day!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Omigod i disappoeared a few days. and its funnnnn :)
Mommy is L-O-V-E! <3333333333333

She had done so much for me i just feel like crying you know.
its been long since i receive such love. my eyes are wet now.

She clean my room and now my messy messy room is neat. perfecto.
she thought that i'm dehydrated so she bought me a sexy water bottle (L)
I told her i'm lack of pictures, the next day, i found a gorgeous camera on my desk :D
When i washed me hair, she blew it dry. of course using hair-dryer. ;I
She washed my handphone socks, which is like ohsodirtyyyyy!
Yesterday, after choir, it was raining heavily, so i called her saying that i can't go home on time. so she came all the way to fetch me. how sweet. and she washed my bag and shoes cz its wet and yucky :) i love mom. 

I told her i have no umbrella, and she bought me one just now. i love her. she tied my hair today. a neat, lovely plait. I feel so high and happy! but she's going back tmr. i'm going to miss her again. 

I feel so happy with her here, and i don't realise, she is going back tomorrow. 

I went to the doctor just now with mommy. cz i waited soooo long, i slept on her lap. just like i did when i was young.omigod i need to stop this. i'm tearing. 
Above all, I love her. (L)

went to  check up, and the first question they asked, " are you married?"
I'm like, " errrr, no. im only 14" 

gosh, its so weird. who the hell got married at the age of 14? 
anyway, the doctor said, the chance of cancer is there, so i must go for auto-scan.
I'm so scared okay. idk what if its rly cancer and i have to suffer.
I rly dont want that to happen. I hope god blesses me and i'm alright:)

Mom was super worried she wanted the scan to be done today. but they were closed so i choose to do it after exam. at least i can concentrate on exam first.
I talked alot with mom and after that i understand more and now, i can control my anger better. at least i don't get mad and i just talk to my pillow about everything that i felt. 
so if you wanna know, ask my pillow. Her name is Malibu. 

Taupokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.! he is the grossest person on earth. He acted cute, acted cool, acted gangster, acted ahbeng. ewwww, yuck!
I wanna fry him and sell him. Taupok @ $1 HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Mom bought me alotalotalotalotofthings omigodd. i love her. but they still cant close my shopping book down. I want a high heels.
okay, i needa go. byeee :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I found my Nike water bottle which i thought had lost. omg so sad lol. (!!) 
went Orchard with Mom and i bought a Zara legging. (L)
not much, though.

I don't feel like blogging alrd.
I need to study hard yeah.
MYE is coming. I need need to revise.

I saw W! its like f i n a l l y
i think he is better now. but funny still :P

Friday, April 11, 2008

Omg. Mommy bought sosososo many nice foods and i'm eating so much nowwwww :)
I am happy she is finally here. she never fails to nag at me. but i miss it.


i have totally no idea what to write and i stared at it for a good 5 minutes. i wrote crap and i forget to draw the diagram which loss me marks. I'm saad :( i got back emaths paper. i want to slap myself for being sosososososo careless. i could easily get 22/25 urgh stupidddddddddddd!

Rehearsal was another sucky thing today. i feel like slapping all of them. every single one of them. that was the boringest rehearsal ever. 

I have tonnes of hws and i think i dont want my brother to go back. although he is irritating, but i think he makes a better roomate than any other people. i don't want to miss him. but, i just don't know how to persuade him so he want to study. someone please help me.

The swimming pool looks so welcoming noww. i just want to jump inside. 

Okay, let's see what's coming up next week.
1. History SBQ test
2. Chinese test
3. Physics test
4. Amaths test
5. Chemistry formula writing test
6. i dont know what else
7. i think its annual awards
8. i have more but i forgot

i think mommy is coming now i shall end the post or she is going to read, which i dont think i want her to do. :)

You look so hot and sexaye today. Love your skin tone

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh I forget sth. something.
Congratulations Brenda Ng and Agnes Sutrisno for the Speech-y!
ew that song is spoiling my ear drum. iuw.

I'm currently staring at this stupid textbook entitled GEOGRAPHY INSIGHTS page 22 unit 2
I feel the earth move. grrr.
I gave up on SS and chemistry, just let my fate decides.

I suddenly think of that gorgeous eyes just now and i can't delete it noww.
Kay, off I go.
Sucky Geogy, here I come.

Mommy brings me Snow White slippers.
How cute!
Grrrrr! todaye is IFD. International Friendship Day
first and for most, i would like to thank Olivia for the kebaya and the flower! (L)you!

i went to school and left after emaths. see how dedicated i am to mathematics.
:) then went down and that wasn't much people. only Monica, Noviana and a few Nepalese.
i am so happy that finally i can skip Chinese. then we get everything settled, more and more ppl came and there were a lot of surprised Indos. idk that they are even Indos. Its nice of them to come and join us as many didn't show up last year. 

while they were busy selling things, i dont think i did any selling. so i decided to walk ard and offered the others. okay some of them were so irritating i just want to slap them. they pretended that i wasn't there, like some ghost talking to them. ohmygod and some, when i asked, just stared at me like i am some kind of runaways alien from Mars. i noticed that some that shook they head, went to the booth and bought. and some, came up to Monica and bought whatever things while they ignored me when i offered. i swear i'm not going to be salesgirl when i grow up.

then afterthat, when recess were over, everybody miraculously disappeared without any sign so Noviana, Raissa, Frerry and I had to clean the place. went up for assembly. i love the AVA boys so much for stopping the video cz my slide was in it. i dont want to show it. it's embarassing. Thankyou to whoever you are :) had super boring Chinese LSP. i didn't understand anything. went homeeeee and rush for tuition. today is super rushyyyyyyyyyyyy :( i am super duper hungry noww. i didn't have proper meal today. shh, can't tell Mom. you swear that you won't tell her, right?

YAY! mommy is coming tmrrr godgod i cant wait! cant wait cant wait!!
&& i love the shell i bought just now. mymamamiaa, it has a sound when i place it on my ear.
the sound is very calming and i like it. Lovelovelove!

I have three bloody damn tests tmr. Congrats me. Geography, Chemistry and SS. 
i think i'm not going to sleep tonight. just hope that they will be easy, which is definitely not for Geog. im going to die la. please don't murder me.
I can't enjoy my time with mom. i have so many freaky tests next week. i feel so sad now. i just want to cry. i don't want to go school alr la!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Uhuhuhu!! i just wanna slap slap slap my laptop. its goddamn mamamia hell slow today! 
i think i need a new one. Pahoehoe needs to retire. 

Emaths test just now. i think it was managable la. for someone like me who didnt study, it was a miracle. then after that chinese was just as boring as ever. & there's LSP tmr. smelly. okayokay,, my day was boring yeah. 

then before going to choir, we went to look for taupok. finally we found him and i couldn't stop laughing at him. goshgosh.!! he is, uhm, beyond i can only stick to this window or else it will just be 'not responding' again. please, pahoehoe, don't give me hard time, kay! 

choir was oh-kay luh. we rehearsed in the hall and blablabla, went to tpy with agnes.
ohmygod tmr is ifd. okay i can't wait to miss lesson. whoo! lovelove!!
i'm tired goodbye

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Okay, i am going to make this post real quick.
Lesson was ohsoboring todaye.
Idk what happened to Ms Tan urgh she was being so, yeah.
but i think 3e2 is used to it. she has tremendous mood swings.

Okay then today, we have no maths, which means, heaven.
Then choir practice, Pearly just simply blew my day off.
she totally spoilt my mood. puh-lease, stop being so disturbing.
Congrats for those who've got the posts.

Dione came for tuition and i was super sleepy during tuition yeahyeah
I just bathed. okay imagine i wore those uniform for 16 hrs? how gross.
Taupok was so yucky. i think i will just smash his horny eyes with potato.
Dione's ctr bf was so cute la. he didn't notice that i saw him looking for dione.
haha okayyy i'm sorry dione. 

ohmygawd, i've spent so much precious time.!!! shall go back to my emaths nowwww.
test ming tian. hope everything goes well. and please, please don't spoil my mood.

IFD is in two days timee. whoo i can't waitttttttttt!! but the sok-keakbraban slide of mine will be up there. i wish they lost it. yeah. okayokay i rlyrly need to goo bye

Monday, April 7, 2008


okay, i repeat,


i dont want to be, but i can't help it (!!) it was long,long time ago. candies, it is a past, and why the hell are you bothering? but i can't help it!
i think, um nevermind.

I AM SERIOUSLY VERY JEALOUS. only if i never be that suspicious,...

This morning, i finally realised how much i love choir. Okay, maybe not the choir. but the people. I've had so much with them. Through scoldings and jokes, singing and laughing, and even tears. We meant what we sing, that's our choir. i always cursed choir and said it was boring, but hey, i dont know how boring it would be after the seniors step down. I feel like they are old. omg, step down. i don't know that that moment was the moment i was supposed to cherish, treasure and appreciate. not cursed, discriminated or whatever. the seniors made the choir more lively. i just love, love them so much.
I still rmb the very first choir practice, Noviana came and asked me whether i am Indo's and i was super uber shyy!HAHA but, now, see what we've become!! Iloveher,nodoubt! and Monica, she came to me during moving monday and asked me if i were the girl who added her on friendster. i couldnt rmb adding her though. but yeah times bond us more, and that's why i cried during Moving monday. ouch, we can tease us for crying, but it tells me how much the sense of belonging we have towards choir. Choir. It was where it started, and maybe, its where it ends. ohno, i'm not going to let it end. even my friendship with mel mandy dione also started from choir.

It all started from Noviana. when we sang On The Street Where You Live. and ended up everyone teared. cried. Agnes was damn guilty cz she always skip choir and now she knows how much more time left with the sec4s. she promised that she won't skip choir anymore. ohno, 8:57am, 070408, was when i realised how much i truly love choir.

Okay my keyboard is so annoying. dont know what happen. its very difficult to type out the words urgh! i have to bang on them! grr.

went for declamation contest just now. can't stop laughing. and after that went to Pasar Malam with Stef and Agnes. then we walked ard. went home after that cz Stef was scared that Mr.Ng will see us there.

Okay, i shall stop blogging cz this keyboard is getting more and more annoying. and besides, i need to rush for my studies. ciao!

PS: i like your smell today.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

great, great and great!
i still have no bloody idea-h how to do this expository. Ancient Greece. jeez.
some do about the gods, some do about the society.
I dnt knw which one i shall follow.

i'm all stressed up. thankfully i installed the anti-virus so now my comp works properly. thankyou neng jie! so far, i 've completed the other assignments, but i just can't get over this stupid essay.
btw, congratulations for those who are stupid enuff to open the virus i sent. Ha!
sorry i didn't mean it. i dnt even knw how it came abt.

I want, neeed to sleep early today. ohyes can. tmr is monday and hell i hope Mr Lee won't be absent. & i think i miss W. i miss W. i miss W!! do you know? i hell yeah miss W.WWW

i'm so kanciong know. i dont know why i go to moodle so frequently nowadays. i used to think that moodle is a noodle's brand. how stupid. Monica is joining Beatty Idol! Hope she win.!
sorry honey, i can't get ur present. i'm super uber broke now :) but i promise i will! :D

i needa go sleep now. thankyou friends. lab you
I just watched Powerpuff Girls. can you believe it? oh i can't believe it.
they are like so keeoyt and its been ages since i watched them. ages.
& mojojojojojojojo is as evil as the devil. the emergency telephone is just too cute to be true.
i wish i have more time to tune in to cartoon network. its been long.
I want to go back to my childhood. everythinggg!
doraemon. crayon sinchan. spongebob squarepants. dora the explorer. powerpuff girls. dragonball. sailormoon (!!). i totally <3 them!!

i wish i were one of the cartoon character. &&& coconuthead doesn't want to reply my nudges. i'm sending nudges again whooo! im gawd bored damn!
Oh didn't i tell you that i forget to bring my english file back, which means, i can't do my expository, which means, i have to wait till monday, which means, i need to get prepared, which means, ms tan is going to scream at me, which means, if i dont want to, i need to get someone's help, which means, i'm going to trouble someone, which means, i'm too lazy to do that which means, urgh, I-DONT-KNOW

stop which means-ing. its sickening. that wasn't me. that was someone else. I'm sleepy, no doubt. but i cant sleep. i need to get things done. which means, i shall stop blogging now, which means, goodbye, which means, i need to surrender my laptop.

hear her say, its all his story

Today is b-o-r-i-n-g!
ohgod i just finished my story books and idk what to do next.

I'm so turned off by the textbooks and exercise books i dont want to even touch it. yuck so gross lol. my chinese compre was like disaster. not a single tick. hiak! slap you la chinese. grr! i'm angry now. very very angryy.

Letme see. uhm, i still have cheena, and english expository. idk how the hell ima going to complete them. emaths and geog test coming up next week. midyear timetable is out. i just feel like slapping the school. or burn them down. or shd i just burn myself? ohoh, i just freakishly lost 50 bucks ohmy precious 50bucks. where are you. but luckily i found my atm card. all thanks to myself.

i went to kelvin owen's blog and ha, i found out that he's the new library president. no announcement. but congratulations, nutrisari! haha :)

i need a sleep. no, before that, let me finish my english first. or chinese. either one.
Puh-lease, someone help me with those!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Honey!
love ya. thankyou for your smile! it brightens my day!

Bloodeh. Bloodeh. I have this bloodeh virus in my computer oh idk how to delete it. can someone tell me. urgh. stoopid!

i went out with Olivia just now and i saw charlene. i thought she was with WY but no. and i bought a top :D! (L) it! and i'm sorry i had to leave cz i went to meet my aunt. then went Boon keng to eat steamboat. then i'm home.

I completed my Amaths, Emaths and Physics. I'm still left with Chinese, Amaths TYS, Chem WS, Chem Ex 6, English expository. Alot huh. i can't do my chem since i dont bring my tb home. Chinese, uh, leave it for my tutor to settle. English, i have no bloody idea how to even start. Haha i'm so pathetic. Scary creepy midyeah is just ard the corner. daddymia i dont know how to study. its like emaths and physics in a day. tell me how am i going to squeeze everything into my brain?
I need guidance. from anyone. preferably chilli hehe. ohno, ketchup. or monkey also can.
omigod i have so many bf. cz of hueimin la! :] shittaye!

Goshy i'm ohsofull. there's tuition tmr. i have to wake up early. sooper dooper early. :( i wish i have more time for myself. and i'm so smelly now. i haven't buy my shampoo.

can anyone teach me how to spend as little money as possible so that i won't broke early in the month. i'm so so so broke noww. and my jeans is heating me up. i miss my hot pants. :) i can't start convo in msn now. i need, need to restart my comp. s i c k e n i n g.

I dont know what to do. I seriously have no idea. my patience has yet came to the end. i don't think i can stand this anymore. it sucks. i don't even want to think abt it. you dont understand how i feel. please, just put your feet on my shoes and think of how hard my position is. don't judge just from your point of view and conclude everything. maybe you don't understand me as much as you think you do. thankyou

Friday, April 4, 2008

I lost my ATM card. gosh, this is emergencyy!
i've searched everywhere, even the fridge, but nothing.
i won't tell Mum cz she will scream at me. i will settle this myself.
i am independent.

School was finee todayy! i slept so funnily during Geog and huh, the whole class laughed at me.
and surprisingly, i didnt sleep during Physics. so i can't catch what he taught.
whoo, someone is online now! hope he gets better soon! :D
Three periods of Mathematics. oh hell! it was hellllll! i can't keep my eyes open.
and this is the first 3-periods-of-maths without dione.
so i have noone to talk to. everybody was sosososososo serious.

then after school was LSP and party for the march babies.
PSL and Choir photo taking. lovelovelove (L)
went Botak Jones with Agnes, Monica and Novianaa
:):):):):):):):):) i l o v e talking to them!
& anw, Stef, get well soon, kay!

we went back to school and wonder ard. Agnes and I were bored so we went out intending to go to TPY but halfway, we were tired, so went back to school to watch the band rehearsal.
then went home. myy fridayy is almost goneee.

i went home, i went to sleep straight away. :] then had emaths tuition.
mamamiaaaa i need some fresh air. fresh air pleaseee!
my saturday plan is not here not there. so idk.

someone was being so retarded just now i just couldn't help laughing.
okay nvm, i will keep it to myself.

Mommy is coming ohmygoddd godmyoh.
nothing is better than getting to be ard her.
seeing my friends with their parents, i felt tremendously jealous.
i just wish there's someone that will be there for me, like Mom.
Mom is the best. but idk why some people can't appreciate their Mom's presence.

I want her to tie my hair every morning before i go to school, like what she used to do.
i want her to fetch me from my concert, like what she used to do.
i want her to sit down there and be proud of me, like what she used to do.
i want her to adjust my tie whenever its not proper, like what she used to do.
i want to be able to call her after school and know what she's doing.
i want to have dinner with her and talked.
i want to be her daughter, forever. i'm mommy's child.
& i dont know why some people are ashamed of being mom's child.
Mom, i've got alot to talk to you. ALOT.

candies, stop this, will you? you are just being emotional. and please don't. you gotta be strong. like what huei min told me.

after all the obstacles in life, people get stronger and more mature. so do i, i realised. just one, one thing that i can't overcome. the will to hug my mom as long as possible, to have her to touch my head and say she is proud of me. I miss her just so much.

oh not only mom, i miss daddy, my cute naughty brother, and esp my grandmother.

people are leaving me again, soon. but some will stay. choir seniors, everyone of you, created memories with me. i won't forget everything that you've done for me. its just uhm, thanks alot.
Noviana, Monica, Shirley, Weilin, Indri, Novina, Olivia, HuiTze, Raissa, Hasnita,Pravin.
i wish you guys good luck for O & N level. this tuesday, luckily, isn't their last practice.
whoo and yay. once and only once, thanks Pearly. :D
maybe not only them.

i dont want to talk about it. i'm so emotional nowadays. what happen to me?


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Oh well, first and for most,
Thankyou big time for Agnes and esp Stef(!) for brightening my evening.
i enjoy being with you, kay!

School was urgh, i dont know.
I cried cz of stupid Monica and Noviana
everytime i see them, or any of the sec4s, i feel very sad. i can just tear.
I'm rly going to miss the sec4s.(L) :(
okay, stop it candies.

Councillor Investiture. Congratulations Ex-Co.
i don't know what to say anymore.
The video, urgh i was sad. sad sad sad.
these days i'm so emotional. what happen to me oh gosh.

Then i had Chinese LSP. thankyou everyone
Mel, Dione, Yiying, May, Brenda, Frerry, Yuling, Jolyn. love ya all!
Oh and Ms Chua. thankyou teacher!

then i went home but uh, my tutor cancelled to tuition,
so i went to meet Agnes and Stef.
then Agnes left for tuition.
Stef and I went Library and then Popular, then we ate Subway.
saw Monica and Olivia. ohyeah time flies fast, darling

i'm not going to waste my time bitching. no way.
thankyou for all and yeah, goodbye.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Does enchantment pour, out of every door?
No it's just on the street where you livee.

Omigod Choir Concertoooooooo.! g8 job peopleee!
Love you guys alotttt! (L)

Okay, I dont feel like talking about school today.
i guess it went normal. :)
let's talk about Choir todayyyyye!

it was great ya know. the primary kids were so cuteeee and looked innocent.
omg i feel like pinching themmm! then we sangg 9 songs. yeah, nine.
Olivia and Casey came half way and they kept laughing at me.
Someone was being so retarded just now. i had a hard time keeping my laugh

someone disappoint me. this is not the first time
i dont know, but this person rly deserves a slap. maybe it wasn't enough,uh?
i waited until the last song, You Raise Me Up, but until we sang the last word, that someone didn't show up. I nearly cried. but i told myself not to.

Silence my soul, i was the gong-ist. Haha i found it kinda unglam.
i wore a gown and hit a gong? But Ms Pua said i did well :D
i managed to smile. Finally.

This concert is the last performance for the sec4s.
i felt very sad when Ms Pua said, the youraisemeup song was dedicated to the sec4s.
omg i felt teary. i held back my tears. dont want to embarass myself. haiyaa.

nxt week will be their last practice with us. :( omg i wanna cry.
okay, i did cry. all because of Melissa Tan! i saw her cry and i began to tear.
I'm going to miss you Sec4s. (K)

all the best.

PS: i havent bathe

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hellooo. & now i'm dying. i only completed Chinese WS, English summary, essay printing. im still left with letter writing. ohh sickening. i have no idea how to write. ohmy sickkkkk! i forget to bring all the points for letter writing home. good jobbbb! arghhh hiak! Thanks to Amanda for helping me!

great great great, ming tian is choir concertoo. we went to the auditorium just now and it was so small, tiny and unaccessible. i wonder how they make their way there. just toes are aching cz my heels are too small for my gigantic feet. felt so sleepy just now. i hope i dont faint tmr.

went home, i ate MOS with agnes just noww and yeah talked and talked. i'm bored oh please. rly bored. i mean not the dinner. i mean now. NOW. thankgodness my aircon has recover and oh applause for the aircon inventer! lab you. what, what, WHAT now? i feel so sleepy ah my brother is snoring now. so jealous.

oh yeah today is april fool and guess what? i haven't fool anyone! dont feel like it. in fact, nobody fooled me too. okay i fooled err dione ytd but it wasnt successful :8. Mui Zhen just fooled me. fool here fool there everywhere fool fool! haha

i think i have nothing else to talk abt. except, today was half boring half fun.
Yoyo ima back! and i'm done with, English essay, History MindMap, VomitPaper Design and information for chem project. see how good i ammmmmmmmmmmm! ouhh so proud of myself.!!

:( from tmr onwards, i'm going to sit alone. Not with dione anymore :(( super uberly sad :( no more sitting partner. who to blame? you know who. 350% sad lol. ERGHHHH so many hw darrrrrr!

Dexian is actually good in Maths too! oww, surprising! and he did dancing and he was in choir? haha strange huh? i mean, a guy, actually do some ballet and ballroom dance. Cooooooool! :) and he has a girlfriend. She looks like Kelly. i miss herrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Kelly my jelly ohoh. love youuuu

I think i have nothing more to talk about. Ohoh yes have! Agnes was absent today :( 500% sad noww. and my aircon isnt working. 650% sad. I slept in living room ytd night but not tonight. there was big fat long lizard. no wayyyy! i think i needa sleep now. NOW! okay love ya chilli. ohno. ketchup