Does enchantment pour, out of every door?
No it's just on the street where you livee.
Omigod Choir Concertoooooooo.! g8 job peopleee!
Love you guys alotttt! (L)
Okay, I dont feel like talking about school today.
i guess it went normal. :)
let's talk about Choir todayyyyye!
it was great ya know. the primary kids were so cuteeee and looked innocent.
omg i feel like pinching themmm! then we sangg 9 songs. yeah, nine.
Olivia and Casey came half way and they kept laughing at me.
Someone was being so retarded just now. i had a hard time keeping my laugh
someone disappoint me. this is not the first time
i dont know, but this person rly deserves a slap. maybe it wasn't enough,uh?
i waited until the last song, You Raise Me Up, but until we sang the last word, that someone didn't show up. I nearly cried. but i told myself not to.
Silence my soul, i was the gong-ist. Haha i found it kinda unglam.
i wore a gown and hit a gong? But Ms Pua said i did well :D
i managed to smile. Finally.
This concert is the last performance for the sec4s.
i felt very sad when Ms Pua said, the youraisemeup song was dedicated to the sec4s.
omg i felt teary. i held back my tears. dont want to embarass myself. haiyaa.
nxt week will be their last practice with us. :( omg i wanna cry.
okay, i did cry. all because of Melissa Tan! i saw her cry and i began to tear.
I'm going to miss you Sec4s. (K)
all the best.
PS: i havent bathe
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