Friday, April 4, 2008

I lost my ATM card. gosh, this is emergencyy!
i've searched everywhere, even the fridge, but nothing.
i won't tell Mum cz she will scream at me. i will settle this myself.
i am independent.

School was finee todayy! i slept so funnily during Geog and huh, the whole class laughed at me.
and surprisingly, i didnt sleep during Physics. so i can't catch what he taught.
whoo, someone is online now! hope he gets better soon! :D
Three periods of Mathematics. oh hell! it was hellllll! i can't keep my eyes open.
and this is the first 3-periods-of-maths without dione.
so i have noone to talk to. everybody was sosososososo serious.

then after school was LSP and party for the march babies.
PSL and Choir photo taking. lovelovelove (L)
went Botak Jones with Agnes, Monica and Novianaa
:):):):):):):):):) i l o v e talking to them!
& anw, Stef, get well soon, kay!

we went back to school and wonder ard. Agnes and I were bored so we went out intending to go to TPY but halfway, we were tired, so went back to school to watch the band rehearsal.
then went home. myy fridayy is almost goneee.

i went home, i went to sleep straight away. :] then had emaths tuition.
mamamiaaaa i need some fresh air. fresh air pleaseee!
my saturday plan is not here not there. so idk.

someone was being so retarded just now i just couldn't help laughing.
okay nvm, i will keep it to myself.

Mommy is coming ohmygoddd godmyoh.
nothing is better than getting to be ard her.
seeing my friends with their parents, i felt tremendously jealous.
i just wish there's someone that will be there for me, like Mom.
Mom is the best. but idk why some people can't appreciate their Mom's presence.

I want her to tie my hair every morning before i go to school, like what she used to do.
i want her to fetch me from my concert, like what she used to do.
i want her to sit down there and be proud of me, like what she used to do.
i want her to adjust my tie whenever its not proper, like what she used to do.
i want to be able to call her after school and know what she's doing.
i want to have dinner with her and talked.
i want to be her daughter, forever. i'm mommy's child.
& i dont know why some people are ashamed of being mom's child.
Mom, i've got alot to talk to you. ALOT.

candies, stop this, will you? you are just being emotional. and please don't. you gotta be strong. like what huei min told me.

after all the obstacles in life, people get stronger and more mature. so do i, i realised. just one, one thing that i can't overcome. the will to hug my mom as long as possible, to have her to touch my head and say she is proud of me. I miss her just so much.

oh not only mom, i miss daddy, my cute naughty brother, and esp my grandmother.

people are leaving me again, soon. but some will stay. choir seniors, everyone of you, created memories with me. i won't forget everything that you've done for me. its just uhm, thanks alot.
Noviana, Monica, Shirley, Weilin, Indri, Novina, Olivia, HuiTze, Raissa, Hasnita,Pravin.
i wish you guys good luck for O & N level. this tuesday, luckily, isn't their last practice.
whoo and yay. once and only once, thanks Pearly. :D
maybe not only them.

i dont want to talk about it. i'm so emotional nowadays. what happen to me?


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