Saturday, June 27, 2009

get your people to call my people

You know the feeling when you open your eyes, and as you come back into consciousness you remember something...and you take a moment to distinguish if it's a dream or if it really happened? And you realized, to you wonderment, it really happened.

That's how I felt when I woke up and remembered how you used to be so sweet and caring. When you'd be all crazy and high, we would just talk about anything under the sky. It is hard knowing that you aren't the same anymore. Its hard you know. You thought you know somebody well enough that you thought you know what he's thinking. But then you realized you don't know that person, at all. And it becomes obvious when you quarrelled and said hurtful things to each other. And you thought you could call it off and end everything but then you realise you can't because you just miss that person real badly.
In time like this I wish you never stepped into my life.

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