Monday, June 29, 2009

listen to the beat and play along

Heyyyyyy i wuz bored to the max then i decided to explore my wardrobe and take pictures of them hehhehe okay my poses are weird i know but i'm not photomodel AND photogenic so pardon me hehe a little entertainment for moiself and mayb when i'm having headache choosing my outfit, i can come here hehehehe. Ok so you can actually see how messy my room is hehehe pardon moi again. I'm juz too bored laaaaaaa and i can't sleep yaya i know i should do my hw instead rightzo haha i know also but i dont want. Erm eh i have dance class which i haven't go for one thousand years so i better go if not Morning can kick my ass. (that's my instructor's name)
I want to go to school but i'll probably get chased out so byebye i'm sleeping whoaaa sleepy.

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