i went to meet Hocky Pocky, Wen Bin, CK, Mandy, Dione, Mel, and Nicole at tpy just now. then we headed to James' hse to surprise him. met Kelvin near his house.we surprised Mandy few days back, so i think im used to it. surprising people haha so funnn :)
his grandma was at home and we sang happy bday song for him. haha they were being funny and i couldnt stop laughing ohmyyyyy :D haha with hockypocky and now plus kelvin ahaha it was so laughable. then james got ready and we went tpy. Mel and i bought this soury2 thingy and its colourful. i couldnt stand the sourness.
urgh then Mandy left halfway and we trained to Marina Bay. hah and they said the steamboat down there was closed so we went to bugis. haha ate there, had alot of fun, took alot of pictures, ate tons of meat i couldnt breathe nowww. haahha
i was so in love with the beef meat ohmy and i spent 20bucks there and i owed Mel and James bucks. huh i am super extremely b r o k e.
can someone please help me ?! or should i rob the bank? im talking to Monica cheng uhuhu god bless her.

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