Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i am so bored some entertainment please

omg im watching this nodame cantabile and doing my homework and chatting all at the same time! hoho multi-tasking. like how i sleep and listening to what teacher teach in class. ohmy i am so proud of myselffffffffff!! too proud to be true.
oh yeah i miss stef and agnes. *tingting*
james chew yong han is being very nice in helping me to do the summary. lol
thankyouverymuch james haha i will repay you someday.

you may be thinking that i'm lazy or what, but seriously i have no idea on hw to summarize that long boring passage urgh. i dont think i answered the question correctly too. :( but nvm i will learn how to do summary someday. :)

Khendy is being so dangdut ohmy.

CANDICE ; you are the wind beneath my wings <3>
lagi nge dangdut ya?
Khendy says (12:04 AM):
g la
cm g tw mw nulis ap
CANDICE ; you are the wind beneath my wings <3>
ya ampun
kesan nya depresi bgt
CANDICE ; you are the wind beneath my wings <3>
semua sendiri
tapi lucu
Khendy says (12:05 AM):
mmg sengaja
w kan suka emo
ya gt deh

haha so cute lah. my stomachache hurts like hell.

jamesy is going to HK in like less than 3 hours time hoho hope he enjoyy :))
i feel so giddy now i dont know why or is there earthquake noww? idk
i needa early sleep todayyyyyyy! bye adios

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