Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hula babe!

i just wakee up oh haha so shiok la i slept for so longg! had maths tuition just now to clear my doubts about alpha and beta. even though theres still uncertainty, at least i get a clearer picture noww !! he is so nice, explaining to me until the clearest extent, and sorry i am slow so its good for me to have such a patient tutor. not like Joon Kiat. D:

Holiday oh holiday! why do you e n d so soon? i want more and more of you! one week just gone in a blink. monday, school will reopen. i dont know but i am half happy half sad. happy cz i get to see chilli (: , meet my friends and have activities to do. but i am sad cz i have homeworks, assignments, tests and it will be tiring. and omfff the most importantly, Ms Jamieee is backkk! ohgod, tell me she isnt. but she is, sadly. :(

i have to keep my eye open to see if she is ard. and school wont be as save. huh. monday will be the start of term 2. ohmygod its super xtremely fast,honeyy! i still remember when Dione and I pathetically spend our new year in Mandy's hse and scolded by her grandma. and now its March. term 2 will be another fast term. mid year is coming. candies, what are you talking about?!

i am off the subject. hungry man! havent eat and my brother is selfish enough not to let me have his donut! slap him.

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