Saturday, March 15, 2008

yeah after talking to so many people, i begin to gain confidence in throwing him away. whateves. You can do it, Candies! gogogo! maybe i can block him on msn or look away when i see him. ( i thought i always look away whenever i see him?) urgh i dont care now.

oh that stupid person doesnt want to do my cheena so im doing it myself hiak! Stef and Agnes will be back tmr. not only them, but jess also, and maybe monkey also. haah i am so happy they are finally back!! yayyayyay!! but sadly, chemistry test coming up next tuesday, and i am UNPREPAREDDD! alert warning candies may have to stay up again today can maybe wake up at 5pm the next day (: haiyaaa bangbang! Monica the Mingming is talking about seni now. and i suddenly think of ben. you know why? i dont know why.

i am positive in moving hostel. i will try to convince my mother and since Andrew has agreed, its easier, i think. pray for me fellas.!
you know this world is changing? drastically? everything changes with it. only a few portion stay the same. even sth that i believe will stay as it is, unexpectedly have changed. and this world, is no longer the world i recognised. it sucks. i suck too. my guardian sucks the most.

calling mommy nowww (: m i s s her

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