Saturday, March 8, 2008


Dione sais she wants a boyfriend who is good at crossing the road.
so if you are a boy, and an expert at crossing road, you may be on the list. HAHA

okay ytd had been fun yet hilarious.
Mandy's bdayyy and we gave her presents. she cried. :):(
SS test, i have no idea what i was doing. flunked

after school there was Indo meeting for IFD haha although there were only countable people shown up, it was fun.!! Noviana, Monica, Indri, Frerry and I sat down and couldn't stop laughing. i was trying to laugh feminime-ly which made them laugh even harder. Haha omg

okayy after school i went for the Subject Fest, intending to help Geog. but i couldn't see any teacher there and decided to go Art Room. i learned how to use the wax it was sooo funn!!

then Mel and Dione called me, i rushed to Mandy's hse. we moved as silently as possible, crawling in front of her hse and surprised her! haha then i had to rushed to meet Agnes n we ate Pastamaniaaaa whoo. after that i went to Library, and back to Mandy's house.

that was went the boobs war started and couldn't stop until Nicole came. haha we stayed and had dinner n went to J8. they ate Swensens and Dione and I went home.

we decided to chill in the swimming pool. after being boyfriendy and sent her home, i went up and my door was locked. i tried calling thousand people but none wanted to help me. i called Dione and finally she suggested me to call somebody. i called somebody miles away and ask somebody to teach me how to open the door. somebody taught me and i went in successfully. ah thanks to dione and somebody.

i wanted to log on to my laptop but my stupid brother changed to username i couldnt log on. feeling frustated, i slept straight away

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