Tuesday, April 28, 2009

At the pace I'm going now, there's no way I'll be able to complete my revision in time to feel confident and comfortable for mid-year. Yes and here comes the regret...

If I had started my revision earlier I would have been done by a few day's time and I won't need to panic like this esp when I have no one to teach me like I used to have. A freelance last-minute eat-and-teach-together tutor. Gaaah I need to buck up. I have to.

I think I better sleep now. Let's face tomorrow with a big smile even though we know how sucky tmr and the nextnextnxtnxtnxt will be. Whatever but nerds rule!
Gawhh I just came back from dinner with my grands and aunties and cousin. Turn out all my four aunties came also. So it was like, crowdy haha. I had great time despite thr fact that I neglected Chemistry Matters. Heheh but its okayyyyy. They'll be off to china tmr morning I hope they enjoy! Of course the usual status update of mine (which is like a culture to them) was inevitable. Except that now then don't ask, they state. Which made the unknown others glared at me. O.O yeaa and gosh I had a hard time er...convincing them that their info was untrue. Phew.
Ok wait there's an sms. Yep done. Haha okay I so should go to study now but I'm a bit glued too the book I'm reading. Okay fine maybe not a bit, but a lot. Haha but its catchy and a bit overwrote. Idk why I like it. Anode and cathode are confusing moi. Chemistry kills, non? I feel so like a french-wannabe uhhuh.

I feel like slapping myself why do I even care about you. Whether you're doing well or you have hard time coping totally isn't my concern...at all. I wish you'd thought I was worth it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

One thing that the saleswoman told me when I bought this phone.
"Never drop this phone. You might regret buying it after you drop it"

And I just did.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

hey hey you you

I wish I'd start my revision earlier...

Anyway, today's my grandfather's birthday!! They were having sumptuous dinner back there and I'm jealous!! Ahh I'm studying like mad and they're enjoying their dinner. :( nvm I'll be able to join them as soon as this is over. Yessss look at the bright side!

My grands are coming to sg tmr I'm excited cz their arrival means $$ heheh. Mom gave me xtra $$ to spend @ msia. Yay!! I'm looking forward to meet them tmr but that means... I can't revise. Haizz come to think of it, I still have tonnes of work unrevised and I'm so dead.

Yeayea I should probably stop moaning and continue galloping right. Who cares la white horses also need to dissolve in the mist hahaha byebye I think I can manage this. Think of those fun I'll be having. The escape from studying! Yeayeayea I can do it!!
I've learned that, the friend that sticks with you when you're at the darkest phase in life, is the friend that you should cherish. No point keeping a fair-weathered friend that don't befriend you for who you are, but for what you have.

I've also learned that love, not time, heals all wounds. Love fights against all odds. Love yourself for who you are. Because you're unique, you're special. Think positively that love would come and knock your heart. Because you deserve better, and you're worth it. :)

Ps. I should say that to myself

You might be thinking why I am so mellow-dramatic and insprirational nowadays, but I think I learnt a lot about life. That life is too short to be someone else. That life is too short for dishonesty and betrayal. That life is too short for you to gain back the trust you lost. That life is too short for you to contemplate, because when you don't tell someone something that you would want to say, you might find its already too late, that you will never have the chance again. I think of sharing this because who knows people who are reading this is facing the same problem and maybe this can help.

I still remember you saying that everything in life deserves a second chance. You told me before that there's never 'too late'. You've taught me that everything is worth a second try :)

Does that mean moving on is also worth the second try?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I wonder why, when others are making terrible noises screaming howling squealing on top of their voices, those security guards do nothing, make no comment, didn't ask which unit are they from, what's their name, what's their number and say 'oh so you are so and so'. See! This is what I say unfair. They suddenly turn deaf when others are making noise. Then they thought normal chattering is considered noisy and unacceptable and we should lower down our voice and if can, use hand signs and don't make anyyyyyyy noise at all. And the most irritating part, why can't I slap your face!! (Because I have manners not like you)

I still hate that annoying looking security guard and I see him guarding this building most of the time which pisses me off!! I hope I can write a letter to the management office and ask them to hire and better, less-annoying and if can, cuter security guard. If he's cute, at least I don't mind if he asked what's my unit number he he he.

So much for the security guards. I'll just be oblivious.


Dear pepper,
I miss you. Even though I'd never admit it to anyone, even though I was really really trying to go from heartache to happiness. All I hoped for is, well, nothing. I don't want the past. I don't see where this is ending up. But I see where I am ending up and no way you're worth all that. Maybe we have different definitions of 'happiness'. Yours is of course a lot simpler than mine.

Ps. I know you're a hypnotist. And I also know that caramel is the best. Oh yes and, I don't actually suck in chemistry.

Its saturday and I'm staying at home gaaaah. It feels weird because I usually go out on sat but then this weekend and the next and the next and the next next next next will be dedicated for non-stop revision and hardcore studying.

Teachers start to give school papers and worksheets I feel like puking on them haizz. Those stupid formulas and theories even spoke to me when I was bathing or sleeping. That's just gross.

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily I already have plan for june holiday yaay yaay. That's sort of an escape from the hectic school schedule :O and since its confirmed, it sorta drive me to study and do well. What's more important than enjoying a vacation with a good grades? :P

Goood and I'm all up for good for revision. And to you people, happy revising!! We can do it!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I completed quite something today which I am very proud of. I revised history on cold war, did two compos, emaths sthilda's mye paper1, amaths sthilda's mye paper1&2. And I think its quite good already pffft. But I have many which I gave up on.

I can't sleep. Chem spa in a few hours' time. Here in my blog, I promise myself to do my best and don't freak out. Relax and just do things one step at a time. Good. I still can't sleep.

I talked to Mom just now. Told her about my concern on my vastly deproving grades. I could tell she was relieved I finally wake up. ha ha yes but she said she's satisfied as long as I try my best and really work hard. I reckon its not too much to ask for :)

I still have a lot not revised and mye is less than two weeks so you probably know how dead I am now yesyes I shouldn't be blogging at this time. I should be...sleeping and rest. I forgot to take my medicines after dinner so I just took it. They are supposed to cause drowsiness but why don't I feel it. Anyway, ciao!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I wonder why I can't stop comparing and maybe...be thankful for what I have and who I am. Why do I keep feeling like a failure and disappointment and I know I can't feel that way because I will be very disheartened. I hate to disappoint people you know that esp when hopes are shattered because I don't put my effort in it and they know I can do better.
I haven't been getting good grades lately. Not lately, it has been awhile. I still remember how I was the top few back then. But now those ranking and almost-perfect grades are like a fantasy. Honestly I would do anything to get that back. I know I can do better but what is stopping me from getting good grades? I feel so, downcasted. Why don't I want to sharpen my capability and intelligence to excel. This fifteen years of my life, I haven't do something magnificent and astounding to be proud of. Well not only from my academic sphere but also something else, something different from any other people have. The one that can constantly spur myself to climb higher :)

I have been thinking a lot during my self-declared holiday. And really, maybe I need a change and improve. Like development, there's always room for improvement in life. And you, no way you're worth my future.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why don't things get better? Or is this all up to me to choose whether I can be happy or continue being sad? I keep thinking of what should I amend to make things better. Or is this the best and I just have to get on? Does life really goes on or is it up to me to decide to go on or stop?

The fact that I used to be so reliant and dependent to someone keep me from making decisions. Important decision in life. I was so used to listening to your decision and think that they were the best, now I find myself comtemplate a lot.I find it hard to do my best because of my mentality of 'noone will be there to say 'I'm so proud of you''.

Maybe its you, who made me think that I'm so worthless. Maybe its you, that made me asked myself what's so bad in me that you had to actually do what you did. I don't know what I'm even feeling. Or do I actually know but I choose not to acknowledge because its too much pain for me to just talk or think about it?

I don't know what's keeping me from moving on. It is 99% hopeless and futureless but why do I decide to keep counting on that pathetic 1% and hope that it might somehow defeat the 99%. I hate to disappoint people and not doing my best. I asked myself why I refuse to alight from this train of thought and hey, who knows which other train I'll be hopping on to. Why do I sound so emoish, when I have so many chances to smile and live life to the fullest.

We are not born to be perfect. People make mistakes in life. But they move on, and they learn from their mistake. Isn't it the whole concept of becoming mature? You are not a mistake in my life. My mistake was to assume that you're a mistake. You probably don't understand. I don't blame you for my own childishness. I won't.

People keep telling me that its no use of thinking about this and I should totally forget about it. And they keep asking me why am I so sad and bothered when my life is perfect. It isn't as perfect as it seems to be. I do have things in me that I want to change so badly. I do have mistakes along the way that I wished had never happened. Simple things such as doing my work half-heartedly and procastination that I can't cure. Oh well, I don't want a Barbie's life so I should be thankful for what I have and I gotta learn. What is there to learn and motivate if your life is perfecto?

I don't know why I am posting this because I think this is really inappropriate. I should keep this to myself or my close friends. But I guess blogging about this, makes me feel better.
Hey I'm sick this morning so I didn't go to school. My throat felt like going through a mini volcano eruption so its like burning in flames and magma. Really terrible that I sound like a white horse.

Speaking of white horses, I proudly announce that choir clinched SILVER omgomgomgomgomg I am so proud of the choir :) I felt quite worried because my throat was already bad and I had to sing or else my hard work will go to waste so yeppppp. Gosh the opera choir got GWH -.- but they deserve it la. Astina was quite disappointed cz her choir didn't reach their target but jia you!!!

I told ya I hate blogging with my phone haha I blog hopped just now and chanced upon people's blog and they're just damn disgusting, and uncool. Whatever its none of my business but I got vry disturbed yuck.

I went to mac with stef just now cz she didn't go to sch also. Hahaha yeaaah we went to study but my meds cause drowsiness so you know the following scene of my unglamness haha. We went home after we got chased out cz stef was also dying of sleep. Waiting for agnes to finish her oral.

Oka probably I shall start my revision yeayea. And now I'm stucked with this new habit of saying 'goodgoodgood' which is to me, annoying hahaha. Wendy is sick also haha I hope you get better soon! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah bye.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Let me pour out something.

I don't know why I get so casted down just by looking at a...photo. I mean, who would cry just by staring at a photo. I thought of that word you said, that last word that came out of your mouth. It sounded so...farewell-like. I feel crushed. My brain keeps reminding me of you. Your eyes would be a thin friendly line whenever you smile. That was such a pleasing look. It's been long since you last showed that off.

When can I see you again?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm back from shopping trip with Junia. Had so much fun with her! Talked to her about everything that have been bothering me and she rocks! She is probably in the airport now because her flight takes off at 11. Hope she has a safe journey to melb. Ahh miss her already.

I don't know how to put this, but things have been pretty weird and tense lately. I find it hard to pass days without thinking of...you. I don't know why I am thinking so much when I know you don't. I find it..unbearable. I don't know what I'm even holding on to. I forced myself to move on but its hard. I'm sorry for making you read this but I feel a little better. why can't I still accept this even after so long. I knew this is happening since last year but I refuse to forget.

Even sometimes when I'm studying, I come across something we've discussed before, and I lose my concentration. You don't even think about this at all and you've probably forgotten who am I. Why isn't letting go ever easy?
Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying SECURITY GUARD!
Why do you have to always spoil the fun? Shall I just stick an A3 size paper on my forehead and write 0415 Candies Sutanto. And pls don't come near me and stay withing 200metre away!!

How I wish you were a luohan fish. I would've sliced you to death. Sianzz what a long day ahead.

Sorry for this bit but I can't stand it.
It's been really really long since we talked. And I survived. Yeah of course I keep telling myself I survived but, it is hurtful to be in this kind of state. I know I can do nothing but to move on, but why is it sooo hard? Someone mentioned your name once and I think of it the whole day. Have you ever have this kind of feeling? It sucks. How I wish you were here. How I wish I don't miss you this much. How I wish you might read this and for once, understand my feeling. How I wish we never knew each other. But who has the power to authoritate fate?

Friday, April 17, 2009

My phone failed to log on to msn via ebuddy so I can't chat online at all whic is irritating bcz I needa check on Junia Kok who will be coming tmr yaay yaay g8!!! A day with my bestie! Ahh yes I know MYE is coming and geog test is on Mon. But who cares.

I am going to (try) finish up geog development and have a good time with Jun tmr. I am willing to sacrifice my geog test for her haha I mean, how often do we meet? And I miss her badly+i gotta meet mom's friend so yeah. Kill two birds with one stone then put it into my mouth (I hate blogging using my phone!!)

Okay g8 anyway I just came back home from AA. Well actually to be more specific, from a movie. Shall not elaborate more hahaha dione and I had a good time practising our smuggling skill.

I am tired and tuition with mr wong nxt friday yess bcz I keep cancelling every week due to my forever laziness. Ahh its okay midyear is coming anyway. Soooo I shall go and bathe and after that study intensively for geog. Here I come!!!

Ps: jek hui what's this week's chinese homework?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I don't ask for much. Just stop glaring at me that way.

(I just torn my geog tb pg 53 how pepperonically awesome)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

caught up

Something that happened totally made my day :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I'm stressed. Amaths is totally killing me

Sunday, April 12, 2009

hey inspiron 1420

Yoyo man haha my laptop refused to log my user account on so I can't use it at all now haizz. But it's good because as stef just said,"it is telling you to start your revision now"

I actually find it vry weird. Its like, I'm so used to having my computer on everyday and now it breaks down. Oh well, I should be thankful. Yep. What's up tonight, pasta, gulp(I should stop this habit srsly), ss, amaths(done) and chem(almostt)

Hitting the book(literally) soon! Pepper-oni is so, hehe.


[b][c=4]❤[/c] kaka ;[/b] says (7:03 PM):
and i hate it when ppl dont reply ur msg

me too

[b][c=4]❤[/c] kaka ;[/b] says (7:04 PM):
its goddamn sickening

i know
it's even more sickening when you can't solve an amaths question while waiting BHAHAH

[b][c=4]❤[/c] kaka ;[/b] says (7:09 PM):
haha YES
mine worse
math + chem + econs
**** IT SIA
and at the same time practicing white horses
HAHA and you can't get the tune right

[b][c=4]❤[/c] kaka ;[/b] says (7:11 PM):
im nt ur princess this aint a fairytale

not that one la!
syf piece! -.-

I think i'm suffering from obsessive posting disorder HAAHA


I miss them. I've never realised how much my family meant to me. And now i do.
Christineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Heyyyyyyyyyy crazy partner in crime! Remember those times when we prank call people and many many stupid jokes you cracked! I miss you, hope you're doing great and happy sexteen.

Eight years and still counting. :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I feel so blessed for having such a great and wonderful mother. She understands me like no one ever did. I feel good talking to her, just about anything. My parents are the best thing that has ever happened to me. How can i not realise this until today. They are there all along. They are always there. Mom always knows when something's up with me. That's how great her love is to me. She's a Mom that comprises the role of friend. I've been close to Mom all along but i thought we were only mother and daughter. I didn't know Mom can be this amazing. I've never got as much love as i got from her. She's the best i ever had. How can that be someone else. No matter how good i am to my friends, they can never, never replace my mother. She's the last person I want to upset. 

I may have went through rough patches here and there. People come and go. I lost my friends and finally realise they were not as great as i thought. People laughed at my mistakes and condemned me. People threw nasty comments on me and often hurt my feelings. They don't care how i feel and sometimes treat me as invisible. 

But Mom, she has always been there. She never leaved me, although she's physically far from me. She has always been great but i never see that. She never once laughed at my mistakes. She taught me how to make this life worthwhile. She doesn't condemn me, she shows me how to correct my mistakes. She scolded me for my own good instead of using nasty languages and she hardly hurt my feeling. She just knows how to make me feel better while the rest of the world worsen my feeling. She treats me as her daughter all along. She always puts my needs before hers. She sacrificed her long-craved heels just to treat me for dinner to congratulate me for my achievements. Her love is never-ending and priceless.

My father made the best choice in his life by marrying a woman like my mother :)
Bloody. Bloody. Bloody.
Bloody. Bloody. Bloody.
Bloody. Bloody. Bloody.

It has been the most sensitive subject with you and i've been avoiding this topic since forever and there you are being, selfish. You can't force me like that, you know. I have my own stand. And worst, people around me are all, bloody you. Just like you.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Okkkkkk i just remembered the SGEM week and they showed some funny sentences which made me burst into laughter!! 
Give you some example,

Buyer: Uncle, this fruit juice fresh or not?
Uncle: Yayaya this morning i squeeze myself one.

Son: Daddy can help me hang my towel?
Dad: Hang yourself la. 

Then just now during assembly Mr Boo showed us in the ppt slide a letter.

Dear Mom,
Hi, how is everybody doing? I'm fine. I hope everyone is in the well. 
Mom, I'm sorry. I've realised my mistakes. I've turned into a new leaf. 

Love, Andre.

Hilarious i laughed so loud. Sorry for the noise. And the part when Mr Boo said, "Don't argue with me!" But he actually pronounced it as 'arc' was damn funny omg i should practice this. 
Okay. I'm sinking hahaha don't put birds in my mouth and i'm still confusing.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello Mercy

If talking to you means falling back again, then thank you but no
We're never friends, remember?

Ahh, i've been so into Gulp now idk why. But i know that i have to stop this bad habit. And fyi i'm a little too sick over Amaths gross
GAWR!!! Hehe i'm in my bed now heheh so comfy i feel like sleeping straight away. I forgot to bring my wallet and left it in classroom. Thanks a mil Kelvin!! He came down to tpy to pass me my wallet! :) and ate dinner@ KFC with stef,ag, and lisa. then aby and arista came and they also had their dinner. yes so after that home sweet home.!!

I hope Stef has found the solution!! And my phone is beeping for the second time already must be from she who has lost her amaths textbook dione seah

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy besok pemilu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gw dukung SBY, kalian dukung siapa?
I have a cheer for him.

Gosh i can create a fan base alrd. And Mom would be the first member(i will force her)
Peopleeeeeeeeeeeee let's wait for the result ehhhh gw deg-degan! Ngapa sih gw.

Burst the hole

Shit shit shit i'm so d.e.a.d!
I'm gonna hide the bill from Mom. 
I hope they don't send a copy for her.
I am so going to flush the bill down the toilet bowl.
Shit this is worse than Rebecca Bloomwood's debt!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We are so busy now we don't even have time to catch up with each other. It's pretty sad, you know. You are drifting apart from me. We used to talk almost everyday with all the craps and jokes we had, but now, we barely say hi to each other. 
Probably we both know how busy each other are so we don't bother talking, but i think, we should really set aside some time to catch up. It's been quite long and i miss you :(

I opened my Geog TB from 8pm @pg 2 and guess what i'm still @ pg 2 now HAHAHHAHAHAHA which means tonight is a complete waste. Okayyyyy sorry i will study from tomorrow okay no more procrastination :):):) Good good exam is coming i love it! 

Monday, April 6, 2009

What about honesty? What about credibility?
-Luke Brandon, Confession Of A Shopaholic

Everything in life, I put honesty and credibility before everything. But some people are taking these values for granted. I mean, it's okay to lie once in awhile but when you can live happily why choose to suffer to live in lies? It's not that i'm going to kill you when i know the truth. Truth hurts yes. But we learn from that right. :) I'm sick of living with liars :@

I think someone has turned me into a positively thinking girl :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

my 'super' ex-boyfriend

I'm utterly d i s g u s t e d

Tell you what, i did all, i repeat, ALL my overdued homework and reviseddddddddddd.
I did my chinese(surprisingly), revised Amaths(not all though), Physics (Practical Elec), Chem(Energy Changes) and SS(yep till chp 2). Good right if i keep on doing this everyday i'll be ready for O. Ahhhhh it feels better than after-shopping HAHAHAHAH

Good. Now time to do chinese paper. Why do i sound so studious. Who cares. Bye!
I miss Andrew :(
You know when you're eating and suddenly you hear this 'ckckck' voice and apparently it's somebody else eating with that noise. Yup they miraculously can chip like bird when they eat, it's unbelievable. No offense but i get very disturbed by that voice. Ew
Hello omgz Hahaha i feel kinda excited and jumpy now idk why. I'm not going anywhere/ doing anything so WHY? Haha idk. Hehehe just suddenly feel so happy. Oh it's been long.

Ytd was a day out with Oliv. So at first we went to Far East and apparently i wasn't so in the mood to spend money so i didn't spend at all, (well maybe except for the fruit juice heheh) Yea then we intended to go to Wisma but when we walked pass Hyatt Hotel, so many people went in and some that came out, carried bags of carrier and i managed to peep into one, and guess what, its clothes and bags. Omgee. I look at Oliv and she looked at me, we both rushed in HAHAHAHAHHA. Okay that was quite retarded. Okay so there's one big hall of sale, crazy la. People are like, snatching here and there like mad. Omgg then i joined in the fun. I took everything i touched into a plastic bag then did the same to every compartment. It felt good haha and went they announced that La Senza was selling the (ahem) panties in $1 each, ALL the WOMEN rushed there like ants. Omggggggggg. Yep so we were sort of breath, we decided to end the race hahahaha. We sat down at one corner and sort out all the 'anyhow-take-later-then-see' clothes, and i bought a GAP man working shirt(wth right) and a Raoul dress heheh it's super worth it and i love the dress huehehe. Okay shut up. So after that we went to Lido, wanted to watch movie. Watched Shopaholic again haha. Before the movie, met William and, eh said hello. And oh yes before going to Lido, went to meet Mom's friend to give me smth. Aiya they said couldn't have dinner so, that's when we decide to watch movie hehehehe.

So after that, went to Oliv's house and ate noodle. Stayed there until about 2am. Haha okay i love you Liv bye

Friday, April 3, 2009

caught up on you

Today is like a sleeping day for me. I slept for all the lessons. I feel like a pig. And all my long overdued homeworks are incomplete gah i feel so caught up. Until now, i only managed to complete my Physics SPA on Ohm's Law, Chinese WB and Chinese WS. Everything about chinese haha. I'm gonna be a nerd and complete everything by tomorrow and then probably i'll start on MYE revision soon. Uh i feel like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 3. Just that mine's more impossible.

After school, went to have a late lunch with Agnes(and i'm still full now) @ Ichiban. We talked about marriage, and the Windis thingy Yeah it was pretty funny and all those funny jokes she created. Then went home and have tuition. Tuition was quite okay (surprisingly) i'm awake. After tuition went down to meet Stef to pass her chengyu book. Talked a bit with her and saw Olivia(miss you Liv). And then after that we went back and now i'm here!

Ah, i don't feel like opening my darn mouth nowadays. Why is it so hard to be happy? We're cool like this.
I miss Monica Johan :(

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mom called. :) I feel good instantly. See, she can make such a wonder!
She told me to re-consider my decision about continuing my studies in Aus.
I don't know if I should go ahead or re-think again.
Her main concern is, am i able to adapt well enough that she doesn't need to worry about me.

And obviously Aus will be further away and i really don't know.
On a second thought, look at the economy unstability now, and it just scares me up.
I mean, you never know what will happen tmr. I just don't want to burden them even heavier.

People, give suggestion. And on top of that, i actually still don't know what course to take.
I want to make a firm choice so i won't regret.

Anw, i have a whole long list of, not shopping list, but homework list. Ahhhhhhhhh and i have to complete some by tmr so off i go ppl bye