Friday, April 3, 2009

caught up on you

Today is like a sleeping day for me. I slept for all the lessons. I feel like a pig. And all my long overdued homeworks are incomplete gah i feel so caught up. Until now, i only managed to complete my Physics SPA on Ohm's Law, Chinese WB and Chinese WS. Everything about chinese haha. I'm gonna be a nerd and complete everything by tomorrow and then probably i'll start on MYE revision soon. Uh i feel like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 3. Just that mine's more impossible.

After school, went to have a late lunch with Agnes(and i'm still full now) @ Ichiban. We talked about marriage, and the Windis thingy Yeah it was pretty funny and all those funny jokes she created. Then went home and have tuition. Tuition was quite okay (surprisingly) i'm awake. After tuition went down to meet Stef to pass her chengyu book. Talked a bit with her and saw Olivia(miss you Liv). And then after that we went back and now i'm here!

Ah, i don't feel like opening my darn mouth nowadays. Why is it so hard to be happy? We're cool like this.
I miss Monica Johan :(

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