Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gawhh I just came back from dinner with my grands and aunties and cousin. Turn out all my four aunties came also. So it was like, crowdy haha. I had great time despite thr fact that I neglected Chemistry Matters. Heheh but its okayyyyy. They'll be off to china tmr morning I hope they enjoy! Of course the usual status update of mine (which is like a culture to them) was inevitable. Except that now then don't ask, they state. Which made the unknown others glared at me. O.O yeaa and gosh I had a hard time er...convincing them that their info was untrue. Phew.
Ok wait there's an sms. Yep done. Haha okay I so should go to study now but I'm a bit glued too the book I'm reading. Okay fine maybe not a bit, but a lot. Haha but its catchy and a bit overwrote. Idk why I like it. Anode and cathode are confusing moi. Chemistry kills, non? I feel so like a french-wannabe uhhuh.

I feel like slapping myself why do I even care about you. Whether you're doing well or you have hard time coping totally isn't my concern...at all. I wish you'd thought I was worth it.

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