Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hello omgz Hahaha i feel kinda excited and jumpy now idk why. I'm not going anywhere/ doing anything so WHY? Haha idk. Hehehe just suddenly feel so happy. Oh it's been long.

Ytd was a day out with Oliv. So at first we went to Far East and apparently i wasn't so in the mood to spend money so i didn't spend at all, (well maybe except for the fruit juice heheh) Yea then we intended to go to Wisma but when we walked pass Hyatt Hotel, so many people went in and some that came out, carried bags of carrier and i managed to peep into one, and guess what, its clothes and bags. Omgee. I look at Oliv and she looked at me, we both rushed in HAHAHAHAHHA. Okay that was quite retarded. Okay so there's one big hall of sale, crazy la. People are like, snatching here and there like mad. Omgg then i joined in the fun. I took everything i touched into a plastic bag then did the same to every compartment. It felt good haha and went they announced that La Senza was selling the (ahem) panties in $1 each, ALL the WOMEN rushed there like ants. Omggggggggg. Yep so we were sort of breath, we decided to end the race hahahaha. We sat down at one corner and sort out all the 'anyhow-take-later-then-see' clothes, and i bought a GAP man working shirt(wth right) and a Raoul dress heheh it's super worth it and i love the dress huehehe. Okay shut up. So after that we went to Lido, wanted to watch movie. Watched Shopaholic again haha. Before the movie, met William and, eh said hello. And oh yes before going to Lido, went to meet Mom's friend to give me smth. Aiya they said couldn't have dinner so, that's when we decide to watch movie hehehehe.

So after that, went to Oliv's house and ate noodle. Stayed there until about 2am. Haha okay i love you Liv bye

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