Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

I think its important to be happy when we live, if not, what's the point of living then? I try to be big-hearted and forgiving.

And Oliv, i'm really truly proud of you, for being so composed and tough. I admire it because i took it really hard when i was in your position. Remember what i tell you, that people come and go, and that your life doesn't stop just because everything's not the way it was anymore. You were there when i need you, and listening so patiently for whatever i've got to say. So now, its my turn to be your listening ear. Don't ask me why but i want to say i'm sorry. :)

you, you are so last week

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”-- James Dean

what goes around comes around

SAD?! (but why should i?)

I feel like Dora the Explorer. Webcamming with Joshua and he laughed at my fringe and called me candies the explorer. :( K fine i look like a nerd but whatever like dione has said, its o level year. But do you have to be so direct, Joshua?? And btw he's accepted in Uni in Aussie he didn't want to tell me which one. Hmm so secretive uh.

I need to gain back my motivation to study and open the textbook. Subject to buck up on, Physics (*****), Amaths (***), Geog esp human (**), Chemistry (****), English (*****) and that's basically almost all hahaha whatever. I still have time.

But i still can't quite decide on where i'll be going after beatty. I mean, i never put much thought into this and now then i realised how close it is to graduation day. I'm going to miss beatty. Maybe i shall discuss this further with my parents? I shall see.

OH AND BTW, my uncle's here so i won't be going for night study(again) because i'll be having dinner with them tmr. :)

shall hit those books now.

Monday, September 28, 2009

when you feel like letting go

My wallpaper. SCARED or not? Ha ha.
He's so cute ^^ aw

i've seen love die way too many times

When things go insanely out of control and it sucked so bad it hurts you, just remember that one day, somehow you won't feel the same way anymore and perhaps it will make you feel many times better. Turn that into your strength to conquer what's coming you way next. Let the feeling sinks in and let it go when you can. You won't know what's happiness like, if you never feel downcasted before. Love, afterall, is not blind. It's understanding.

Well, i'm not good with words and that explains why i never get an A for english language, but i just want to say that we should be more aware of our surrounding. While you think your life suck so much and you are the most pathetic person in the whole planet Earth, think again. There are many people out there who don't even know when their next meal will be. They are so poor they don't even get decent meals. Yet people who speak Crystal Jade don't even turn a hair when they see this people. Some even give the 'are you kidding me?' stare when people along the road asked for donations. I mean, how poor can you get if you spare a dollar of two for these people? Sometimes its not because this people are too lazy to work, but they are choiceless.

It hits me hard when i was having lunch with mel dione and quek, we were eating happily when this grandma approached us and offered us packets of tissue. Well, i thoughtlessly ignored her and said no. But mel decided to help her and bought the tissues. It never occured to me how hard it is for her to make ends meet, and i didn't know she'd be so grateful for a dollar. I promised myself from now onwards i will start to help the needy ones :)

Aren't we people lucky then? We don't have to worry for our basic necessities, some people even have ten pairs of Jimmy Choos, those 'you name it i have it' bags, and yep food. Those money spent on the labels can actually feed the whole village in Brazil for one whole year.

Talk about contradictions, well, i have what i want, and i will mostly have what i want. I think my life is luxurious enough for a teenager like me. I have marvellous parents and people whom i love, loved me back. My friends are all the good vocab you can think of. What more can i ask for? We have proper bathroom to channel our waste, we have clean water supply, something that i believe all of us took for granted.

Now, i am not capable of feeling like my life is a void without him anymore.

I don't find myself crying like a bimbo whenever things don't go my way. I always try to believe and believe that at the end of the day, things happen for a reason. Someone always told me, 'Don't trudge your way through a shopping mall like a bimbo thinking to yourself like you're the prettiest girl around. Know more about the world, fill yourself with knowledge and never look down on people'. I guess i know that the person was trying to tell me now.

I've grown up, haven't I? :)

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -- Albert Einstein

living life on a fast speed

I'm thinking of closing this blog down. I think my life's too exposed and i tend to blurt everything out here. Come to think of it i don't want some strangers who chanced upon my blog to know so much about my life. We shall see.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

because everytime i'm with you, i feel like the world is ours

hey benzonoic acid happy birthday hope u enjoy your day :)
thx for the time we've spent together and for being such a friend :)

study hard!

cause i've been hiding all night long and i gotta get next to you

we had this crysanthemum advertisement scheme hahaha

i really love this one credits to bobby :)
and this one
and this one

The rest are in fb i lazy upload hehehe night folks!

while i walk down the street where you live with love in my pocket

Just back from picznicz haha its fuuuuun and there were like F1 so we could hear the sound hahaha and when we went to singapore river the sound was so deafening. couldn't even see the car. idk why there're so many people there.

i feel like uploading piccas but fb's still uploading and if i upload here its gna be double slow so next post maybe? I'm so tired after all the walking and worry D:

Um, i know this sound a bit selfish but, why is everyone using BlackBerry nowadays? I don't like it when i'm on mrt and the person beside me's holding the phone exactly like mine. Wew i wanna change to PinkBerry. Ha ha its now as common as crysanthemum tea. :( K but i'm not changing cz its still alright. Whatever. Stick to the term the more the merrier. At least i've gotten bored of it when people are still excited haha. :P

And oh stef will know what i'm talking about but, cannot be right? I mean its like last thing that i'm gna do but why am i falling for that now. no right? cannot be maybe its just temporary and no no its not like what i think its gonna fade i believe and i hv to try hard this is only a funny joke kk love love no. i don't.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

you know i'm suffocating but i blame this town why do i deny

:) i forget to say something really pleasing and cool and yawwwww. You know how i said ytd was a shitty day, but i realise it wasn't totally shitty. Because i got A1 for physical geog despite thinking that i'd do badly for the paper. Yes of course not the satisfying A, but if not because of that stupid misconception i'd have scored far better. I lost 5 marks which is equivalent to 10 marks so yeaa see the difference ouch. Hahaha ok i'm happy. I hope my human geog is better! :)

And today is Saturday! I woke up early like a bird who catches the sunny worm! Then i met Will bcz he was supposed to teach me. Its so cool i mean i understand much better and we took two hours. Couldn't really feel it cz we were engrossed with the settings and stuff so yeppp i'm happy today!!! Thx lotz for sucha gd and patient friend haha. (honestly i'm so slow i think if i were him i would've slapped myself) Hahaha

& Ng Julius Alexander Winata is here(again) i thought he was supposed to have school idk why he came. So noisy haha luckily i've finished my prelim. and you know i thought he was nice, he said he brought me smth from KL, then i was like super excited what was it, and you know what he gave me? A PLASTIC LIZARD. Hmmm i wonder if he's being an understanding or annoying friend. k lets just take it that he knows that i hate lizard so he gave me that to familiarise myself with lizard?! wth but yes hahahaa.

I feel like i'm writing english situational writing. oh speaking of that, i'm so happy i got 20/30 for my situational writing! Cool ayeeeee. :D:D:D:D:D:D I really think i improved since mid year and i'm quite please with myself. Quite. Yep.

Anyway, i should bathe.

Ps. have you got enough sleep lately?

Friday, September 25, 2009

he calls a spade a spade

Heyo today's kinda a shitty day. Let me tell you why.

1. i bought bubble tea and just left without paying. the people who queued behind me all laughed. thanks.
2. when i was on the bus, i stood up to alight at aby's bus stop and then i realised its not my bus stop then i talked to myself, 'eh this one not my bus stop what' then went back to sit again. i saw someone quietly laughing....
3. i lost my lens cover @ science centre. searched high and low for it, ran around the gallery but i couldn't find it. oh well, will says i can buy another one.
4. how careless can i get.

Anyway, yep as mentioned i went to science centre with tri, michelle, erin, bestario, and eric?! ok sorry i forget his name but yeah we went wild-exploring in the gallery, and there were really amusing games and facts, we wandered around until we were the last group there. i lost my lens cover yea i'm very sad :( then tuition. then i'm here.

I'm bored. i still i'll study la huh. super bored and idk what to say. I haven't got back many papers and i'm quite anxious. My blood's thumping.

Okay bye and i hate you

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Read it with my eyes closed

Ok hi i feel depressed. Idk why i scored so low for physics. But i should've expected it though. I found it hard, so yes. Anyway, William will be teaching me how to use the cam on sat cz apparently i'm too stupid so haha yep i'm kinda excited because i very eager. ?! OK whatever.

I hope, tomorrow will be a better day.
(What period tmr?????) :(:(:(

PS. I am proud of myself for not crying. I hope i won't make a scene tomorrow. Seeee, i've grown up.

project runwayyyy!
Then america's next top model

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

everybody's looking for that something

Maybe one day, this will eventually comes to an end. I really hope so. I'm sorry for being such a hard-to-please girl, but after everything, i'm sorry i just don't feel any single bit better.

Sigh, i gotta believe.

Anw, results will be back by tomorrow i swear i feel like skipping school but yea haha look at my attendance...no way. I'll just hope for the better. Told myself i can never hope too much, but then again, i find myself choiceless except for hoping. I'm getting good at that.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

if the people stare, then the people stare

One more paper and i'm done with Prelim.
I can't wait for tomorrow.
I'm not studying. I have no mood.
Just pray that i'll be able to think tomorrow.
It sucks when i feel so sucky suddenly


Candies ; UJIAN SIALAN says (9:58 PM):
lu ke sono tgl di hotel apa?
Andand he moomoo tail gaychick say 'moooooooooomooo' says (9:59 PM):
Candies ; UJIAN SIALAN says (9:59 PM):
itu kan nama parfum
Andand he moomoo tail gaychick say 'moooooooooomooo' says (10:02 PM):
Kan ada nama hotelnya.. Hotelnya baru.. Paling mahal di bali..
Candies ; UJIAN SIALAN says (10:02 PM):
terserah la yaw
Andand he moomoo tail gaychick say 'moooooooooomooo' says (10:03 PM):
Ngk lah.. Ngk mungkin tinggal sana.. Tinggal semalam buldoser daddy hilang.. 1 malam 80jt..
Candies ; UJIAN SIALAN says (10:04 PM):
jadi lu tgl dimana?

This is for you, my brother.

This boy can be a real pain in the ass. He can make me feel so angry because when i got angrier he got happier and he's good at giving excuses. He's really naughty he can do things that never cross my mind. He's so unbelievably playful that sometimes i didn't quite believe it we're siblings.

But above all his unruly self, he's a boy with a big heart. He's forgiving, and gentle. Sometimes so wise that i'm amazed at how grown up he already has. He does things that people don't expect him to, and is always full of surprises and well, nonsense.
He's lively and always the clown. People like to be around him. He has throngs of friend and very, very likeable. He's just like my father. He makes friend with everyone. Be it young or old. He is forever full of crap, and sometimes he makes me smile. He's such a great great brother. And come to think of it, i think i'm the worst sister in the whole entire world. He's always the one giving in.
He didn't say a word when my parents get unjust. Always so calm and lovable. Although sometimes annoying. I'm so touched by some of the things that he's done for me. When i was sick and i refused to take my medicine because it was downstairs and i was too lazy to take it myself, he went down to take it for me and force me to eat them. And when something happened to my brother he would get all panicked and worried. He's really a wonderful boy. He's never ashamed of bringing my small brother everywhere he goes when everybody else thought it was uncool. He didn't mind spending his saturday with my brother. Something that i can't afford to do.
Such a boy, doesn't deserve to be treated that way. He deserves a lot a lot better than that. Don't ever think of hurting or toying him. OVER MY DEAD BODY.
You're a great brother, Andrew.
and i love you

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Honestly, i can't take this anymore.
What has got into me?

I need to call agnes.

Well, i didn't feel any better. Too much have been going on. It sucks when i have no idea what to do next. And talking to people who intend to make me feel better did otherwise.

Where he travelled time, the future of mankind

Hello people how was your saturday? Mine was great with Popeye's wife. Went to Vivo then to Sentosa for picnic, we then watched Songs of The Sea(nice!) and then went to Orchard to catch The Time Traveller's Wife and now i'm back. I won't go into elaboration and more pictures are on facebook. Like, by tomorrow? Haha
Ps. Do u realise we've got the same thing on our retarded head? And that my fringe is super weird? Haha and excuse my weird face.

We were on double decker and i wanted to take picture of the driver

Saturday, September 19, 2009

sin2A= 2sinAcosA

Picnic w Popeye's wife tomorrow yay yay we're gna have lotza fun fun fun!
It feels super good because, i get to catch up w her, and she's someone that i can tell almost everything to. And she owes me many stories (:
It also feels so good now because Anita is coming like, yay in the afternoon but i'll only meet her on wed but yay can't wait! And i miss her lahzz!
And it also feels good because today's papers were a breeze and yep hope i can score well.
Last but not least, i feel good because i'm crapping w Junia the hongkong girl hahaha *inside joke* and yepp she's in love he he he. Well, i'm genuinely happy for her.

And i miss my primary school classmates btw so random haha but yeah, some of them changed a lot esp the guys. Haha considering we used to play hide and seek every recess and our funny way to buy our food think about it, it was quite cute, how we would ran down so fast we could beat the speed of light, and tossing out money and say 'Uncle uncle one packet!! now!! ME FIRST!!' and the uncle will be like, 'haiya one by one la'. I still remember one packet of rice costed about Rp 3500. Hahaha and i used to think i can survive with Rp 10000 a day yep gullible eh? And i rmb hw we used to cheat during major exams and our subject teachers would be behind the invigilator giving us answers hahaha and we would stack up newspapers and foods so that the invigilator would sit down and we can cheat. We would use all sorts of sign language and eye contacts ahahha i miss primary school. Then we would all talk in hokkien even during lessons, and the teachers explained in hokkien and yep i would always get punished and stand in front then my teachers used 'Simon says..' to punish us. I wish i were back there! :( hahaha

Ok idk why i talked about my primary school friends. We should have our reunion soon! oh and also reunion with my kindergarten friends! Facebook rocks i tell you haha.

I'm sorry but i have to say this.
He is my brother and noone knows him better than I do. And you guys have no idea what he went through because of that...whatever. You guys, have no right. NO RIGHT AT ALL to judge him and talked bad about him because you don't know him. You mean you're actually so naive you believe just because she cried and complained about him. Don't you ever consider my brother's feeling? HUH? Do you know how much he likes her and he gets into freaking troubles with teachers, my mother, friends just because of her? And yet he's misunderstood this way? Don't you ever think that perhaps in a relationship there should be both taking and giving? Don't you think it needs sacrifices and honesty to make that work? I mean if you're that childish you shouldn't commit into a relationship even. I love my brother and please, find out the truth before staring like your eyeballs are gna pop out okay?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cry in command

Hi. Emaths2 and Chem1 tmr. I'm studying. Not like quek whose watching bleach now.

Today's papers were...idk. History was quite alright just that i rushed my SBQ so idk if whatever i've wrote made sense. Amaths was a no comment paper. haha i mean, i did everything and tried my best to know what the questions were asking but idk if my guesses were smart enough. Maybe just a bare pass, or maybe a fail. I don't know. I don't want to screw tomorrow's paper. who wants it btw.

So yes, i'm tired. This week's crazy. But next wednesday everything will be better.

but he likes to speak- and loves to be spoken to

A message with 29 letters, 6 words and a smiley face simply brought my mood up. :) How can I overlook this for so long?

Thank you for being there always. I'm so lucky I met you, and can call myself your friend. ^^ Thank you for building my confidence and having faith in me. You make wonder.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

make my heart thumps 7,8,9

Hey I just woke up from a real deep and sound sleep. And I'm still yawning hahaha ok I feel asleep with my hist textbook on my face so nw my nose's kinda deformed. Anyway, after tmr it'll be so called a phew since...hahaha I'll only be left w four moree papers. Hang in there!! And I'm gonna get my sleep during the weekend man I don't care. Wassup w me?! I just woke up -.-

Anywayy urm I wanted to join my big happy family for bali trip but I decided not, because only two nights eh, go for whut. Then yep furthermore anita's coming yay yay I'll be meeting her on wed, right after paper yo haha so excited alrd!!! Miss her uh.

Ohoh haha my papers were quite alright I guess. But I'm quite sure I won't do that well in physics or I might even fail because about half of the answers are hunches so yeah haha but then geog was quite okay I hope it will secure me an A ok I studied geog like mad, ask those who witnessed it, urm my room hahaha. But it was quite dumb cz I thot the paper would end at 1230 so I took my time but when I realised there's only 10 min left I almost screamed. Hahaha ok phew luckily I didn't.

So,,, tomorrow's history japan babyyyy haaha and cold war. Fidel castro. Love him so cute! And amaths I haven't touch ehhhehe.

And I think I shall stop complaining on how schoolwork and exams are burdening me because geography insights 4 tells me that more than half of the population in LDCs don't have adult literacy rate. To put it simpler, they don't get a chance to step into classrooms, get scolded by teachers, sleep in classes, and get to know what's the amazing thing about this world we're living in. Well I shall count myself lucky because I get the education many of them are willing to die for, yet I'm complaining. So, study hard and make a change for the world. No matter how small that change is, you'll learn from it! :)

Last one, urm I watched the news and it was said that the economic recession's over with many major corporates having a drastic increase in the market sales or smth like that I hope I get it right hahaha. And, why isn't there any more news on H1N1? U mean no moree? Like, the virus died? How?

Eh eh what u study for history ah?

you fondle my trigger then you blame my gun

Heyo urm haha hi.

What a day. I left w two more chapters in physics then I'll have to read thru geog agn. I need to do well for human paper bcz if not I can say byebye to my geog. There goes my A.

I'm thristy btw. And I'm too stressed I don't even have the mood to stand up and walk a few steps to take a sip. Its almost one and yea. Sleepless night.

Ohoh btw my phone battery ok alrd! It actually survived the wholee of today and still have more then half. Haha so happy ^^

U know what? I should go back to physics. Workout. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

as I craved sacred attention, you could hit me all the while



Ps. This is solely for MONICA JOHAN. sayangg what happen to you, talk to me eh. Urm hehe after prelim gw ya :D love you.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

You forget the truth that lacks lyricism

Hi. Watched Scary Movie 4. It wasn't scary, but rather disgusting haha. Yup i wasted my time but its okaay. Hahaha and guess what i watched Boys Over Flower just now and hmm still don't find it interesting. Ok then yea left twoo more chapters for Chem and yay i'm doing amaths later then tmr will be emaths day. And chem of course. I feel like dying.

Annnd yea i'm hungry hungry but its 0000! So yea omg means prelim's tmr! D: Okay stop scaring myself and uh byebye did u enjoy ur date btw?

the lonely nights divide you in two

Hello. So here I am, declaring that i'm doneee with Physics except for the Thermal Properties of Matter, the chapter i hate the most, Hahaha now i'm moving on to chemistry. Buuuuut, before that, i'm taking a break. I wanna watch a movie. Ok a real short one. Give me til 9.

Did you enjoy your day? I don't. :(

Longan eh eh

Heyyaaa i was telling quek i'm hungry and hungry then haha when i turned around i saw a cup of fruit ice on my table and my guardian say, 'yours' i was like hehehehehehe saliva dripping and its damn nice :D yawyaw
Then ytd went dinner w Novi she bought me a packet a candies (hahaa me) she said 'cz u study then u like to eat eat' aww so sweet ^^

Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (4:26 PM):
tell u a
story k
V&Q.H&M says (4:27 PM):
okay , haha. what story
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (4:27 PM):
in the
night i hear them talk coldest story ever told. some where far along this road,
he lost his soul to a woman so heartless.
V&Q.H&M says (4:28 PM):
you're an ass candies !
While someone's on a happy date enjoying the time, i'm at home studying physics. Oh right a date with physics. Jealous much uh.
Ohoh excuse my ugly fat face.


[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:12 AM):
everything's bullshit to me right nop
even physics, which used to be my fave subject is like, * graded
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (2:13 AM):
now seventh month right
u call georg ohm
[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:13 AM):
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (2:13 AM):
ask him teach u physics HAHAHAAHHAHHAAH
[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:13 AM):
[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:14 AM):
whose that
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (2:14 AM):
a very famous physicist?
[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:14 AM):
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (2:14 AM):
the one who came out w ohm's law
[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:14 AM):
might as well call einstein or newton or something
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (2:14 AM):
but he's older
more experience HAHAAHAH
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (2:15 AM):
am calling mother teresa
[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:15 AM):
ill just call my mother.
Candies ; www.beattysecondaryschool.net/moodle says (2:15 AM):
easier uh
[c=#B3B3FF]-[c=#FF6666]A[/c]-[/c] says (2:15 AM):

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA okay i forget something Happy Belated Birthday Yohanes Aditya whatever whatever. Ur name very long and yes sorry i forget to wish u hahaha but better late then never right. GOOD. :)

And oh oh remember my stupid personal recount of challenges in life? She said it was well done HAHAHA i was like,'are you serious? this is the crappiest job i've ever given you' then she was like, 'yeah thanks for admitting but it was really a good job' ok maybe i shall try to adopt the habit of doing a 15 minutes essay :D Wew its funny when the saying 'expect the unexpected' is actually very unexpected.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Quickquick quek quek

I have tuition in half an hour's time :D I don't know why i'm looking forward to it weird eh. And worse i haven't learn those vocab she's going to test us later on. But nehmind. Oh i woke up really late today. I didnt know why i auto woke up at 10.24 then i felt quite awake but then i forced myself to sleep again hehehe then i just woke up ard almost 2.

I wasted my time reading story book, then i did my crappy personal recount which was completed in only 15 minutes hahaha i bet she's gonna go on fire ok shhh don't tell! Yea then now i'm moving on to industry.

Today's to do list:
geog industry and tourism
complete physics syllabus
revise organic chem
sleep :D

I'm planning to sleep early tonight. Need to adjust my biological clock. I dont want to end up suffering from insomnia on sunday :) i'm loving today already hahahaaha

Anyway i think to sum up this week's holiday, i spent everyday with stef except for today i'm hell damn bored of her hahaha. My holiday was productive, i studied and revised and improved hahaha. I'm getting the hang of everything...almost there. This week just zooms by and opposite-of-phew, prelim's there. I have to do well. no more disappointment like Mid Year. I will because i believe (:

Thank god i have you to go through this with me, every single day and night. :) Your support means a lot.

Party like a pigstar

Hey i'm just done with revision haha finally some lists ticked off. My life's at its peak now i guess oh well i need to catch up with things and brush up with topics that i'm weak in. Unfortunately that's quite some bit so yes, i've been revising like some mad cow and for once i don't yearn for a break because i think i don't deserve it now. Maybe until this whole thing's over, i'll get my real life settled :) i know i can do this. I'll prove them wrong.

Before i know it everything will be over. There's one thing, one major thing that i need to do before i take off from Singapore. And then i can close 2009 properly. Phew this year's crazy. It felt just like yesterday Mom and I squeezed through the smelly crowds just to see the fireworks and we hugged each other when its 2009. Now...we're coming to the end of 2009. Almost.

Anyway, some updates. My family will be going to Bali the end of the month and I'm quite jealous but let's face it i have prelim and i'm not gonna say anything because i can do whatever i want after o level. At least until i get into school which idk where and when hahaha.

Sometimes i think i don't spend enough time with my father. Everytime i'm back in medan, he's away most of the time. Sometimes he went overseas for business trip or sometimes when he's in town, he'll be super busy. I really miss it when he'd come to my room and chased me to sleep with my mother because they just had a tiff, or when we'd watch football together, or when i laughed at him because he cried watching taiwan drama, or funny things like that. Everytime mom called me, they'll always be in my parents' room with my brother, and i feel a twinge of jealousy. Why are they together while i'm here alone. Well, then again, i have to accept the condition. oh and there's a lizard on the wall crawling. and its getting nearer to me!!

Today i learned to let things and people go.
Remember our wonderful memories, but please don't be afraid to make some more.
My life don't stop here. You may be the best, but you're not the only one.

Ps. One thing up on my calendar; school's starting on 14th of sept. which means prelim! YAY ftw

Ohhh and dek, don't get upset k. You deserve better :) you hensem sure many many pretty girls like you! don't get too carried away i love you dear.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wth I'm so pissed. I feel like slapping and throwing just about everything. I can't concentrate studying. The tv is so loud outside and they are laughing like idk what. This is so not a condusive place to study. And when I go other place to study they thought I go to play and yadayada. And idk what to say also later they say some stupid things again. :(

And u knw wht, dinner sucked. In fact, recently the food sucks. I was like, wth so I only get to eat potato and some funny looking vege and toufu for dinner? And yet when I eat outside they told mom I never eat home and blablabla whatever u can think of.

I shall get back to physics and do my english tuition hw. Idk why I'm doing english when there's still lots to do for maths.

I shall go and die.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Heart for you

Hehehehhehe this is the 090909! I thought of making a post today. :)
Sooooo, yes. Actually i lazy to type la. Urm, walked home from novena to trellis. I stink now ew.
I'm quite sleepy. But i need to finish up geog food. Left with the revelutions and GM food. k bye,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Copper can't react because its unreactive

A random thought: Tomorrow's 090909, i'm sure many people will commit into a relationship by tomorrow. Expected right. People will say, 'Our story starts on 090909 until forever when death tears us apart' HAHAHAHAHAH whut i just find it funny oh shit chipmunk's disturbed.Shhhh!

Okaaaaay that was just...out of boredom. Anyway, today's quite a productive day! I studied physics, did maths and chem. Oh my i know it's dry, i'm just talking about revision every now and then, but that's what i'm doing nowadays. I don't have anything to blog except for revision.
:( or you want me to make up some interesting life adventure? I'm pretty creative. I can just i just came back from rock-climbing, to Mt Everest and i just put Indonesia's flag at the peak and sing the national anthem there hahahahahaha. Or i can say....i just came back from Papua New Guinea, i made friend with some tribal people, and the leader of the tribe wanted me to marry him HAHAHAHAH okaaay this is getting nowhere i should stop before i burst out laughing!

>.< Aw cute face!
Okaaaay i spend my wholeeeeeeeeeeee day with SKJ and i'm bored of her hahahah. From yesterday manz. And we realised we can't not text each other for at least a day, and two days ago we tried, she said she didn't sms the whole day HAHAH. And we went to Marina Barrage to see some people that has so much free time flying kites, we were jealous (ok at least i was) and then went to studyyy and so yea i didn't do any 'XXX' stuff hahaha because i cancelled my tuition today.

Its 090909 THE BIG DAY! Omg i expect ALL my 14 boyfriend to say 'today's our day!' and yea i'm gonna upgrade it to 20. 090909 eh, must have at least 20.

Please don't take that seriously hahahahahahahahahaha
Anyone ditembak? I'M SURE THERE ARE! I BET!
Ok this just shows that i'm jealous HAHHAHA

Mine will be 101010. Cooler. Yuck means next year i still single almost the whole year ah? Go die la/

Monday, September 7, 2009

I knew you were a liar from the start

Hi roar today's internet is damn slow and i hate it. I'm just online to check something and i guess i just can't sign out this com w/o blogging hahahaha. Ok, you know what, my hair is dripping wet and i think i'm going to stef's now. I'm staying over today yay yay ok hahaha to study. :)

Annnnd today went library to study with the isomers quek and dione. Quite productive eh. Did quite many many things! :D I'm trying not to give up because its less than two months away i can do it right. After this is over, at least i can sit back and relax for awhile its been like roller coaster uh don't you think so O level muggers?

I shouldn't spend more time here every seconds in my life counts HAHAHAHAH kbye.

Ps, Some people just talk as if they own the world

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm healthy

Chipmunk's out-for once- and i can study beybeh!!
Gna use this time to its fullest. :):):)


Saturday, September 5, 2009


Gosh this stupid house just doesnt allow me to freaking study. How am i supposed to study with someone giggling away and loud TV noises? Ughhhhhhhh. I want to die.

Not to be self-centered but i wonder why she didn't go back to medan this holiday. i just need a quiet place to study. not with occasional giggles to accompany my studying sessions. and living room isn't an option either. if i turn up the music, i'll end up singing along. Okay so how.

Flower blossoms at three pm

Well i know i just posted something moments ago but i just want to share something.

I am just amazed, so amazed at how mature and grown up some people are. How wise they are, and how they always, always are able to see things from the positive and bright sunny side. They appreciate life and always are living it to the fullest, taking every setbacks and challenges as a pathway to be a better person. I'm so bewildered at how their words impacted me so much, that they become my inspiration even though i don't know them well but deep in me, i know their words make sense. I'm amazed at how modest and unassuming they are, and yet they sound respectable and actually outstanding.

Life taught me how to be introspective and carefree, and just move on. And just to take things one step at a time, and to always, always believe that things happen for a reason. It taught me to be tolerant and compassionate, and that i can't please everybody in this world and sometimes, just to be a little selfish, and give myself something i deserve. And also, not to take anybody for granted, because people come and go, noone stays by my side forever. Not even my soulmate. I just have to count on myself and believe in myself. And sometimes I have to accept nasty remarks because that's how i learn and improve. And most importantly, cherish people that i love and i have, because we might not know what happen tomorrow and the next.

Of course, believe that sometimes letting go might be easier than holding on.

Well i think that's my definition of life. What's yours?

Faux reaction

Hello this is candies!

Anyway, went to orchard to meet Lia just now and um we had ayam penyet as a late lunch then headed to taka for a walk, then went back for tuition. We were trying hard to keep my tutor back because we were waiting for Jess. Then they came and we celebrated teacher's day with her and she kept thanking us andd pictures are with Jess so i'll get it from her later i guess. Then yea.

And anw i guess bobby's right. Maybe i'm too sensitive. :) i love you still uh.

I think i had a great friday, what about yours?

Friday, September 4, 2009

It just becomes reality

Sorry if I misintepret your action but, am i not your friend? I mean, how long have we known each other, and you think i'm that sort of person? You refrained yourself from telling me happy news because you thought i won't be happy for you because i'm not happy myself? You think i'm that pathetic? You kept such a huge news from me, such a happy news, just because you think i won't feel happy for you? I don't know, if you're being understanding or being insulting. DO I seem like that kind of person to you, that i won't be happy for others? And you think i'm that pitiful, so selfish that i would say,'don't tell me, you're making me sad.'?

Weren't that you who said that we'd share with each other, happy or bad news, tears or laughters, punches or kisses? Even if you want to keep it unknown, don't i deserve to know? Or am i expecting too much just as a friend? Well i want to keep those negative thoughts aside and just...think that maybe you forget or somewhere along that line. But oh well fine, i won't talk about it anymore. Just gotta swallow it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Black Army

HAI HAI hahahaha I only studied one chapter for SS which is Bonding in Singapore and omg it came out i was like, 'YESYESYES!' hahahaha i was so happy. But then i didn't have time to finish SBQ so yeah whatever.

Anyway after exam, went to stef's to make vincent's scrapbook and it turned out daaaaaaaaamn nice, ouch i should've taken picture of it but it was really cool hahaha i wanted to keep it for myself. annnnnnnd his bday suprise went verrrrrry well all thanks to the white army people!

there were two groups of us. the black and white army haha. :)

sutrisno came and then met widjaja and owen @ toa payoh, went to bugis to meet kurnia jaya, lisa, and muljono. went to V8 for dinner. ordered bday icecream then yeaa blablabla, stef and i excused ourselves then we ran to library to meet fernando and merilla. told them the plan and we went back. then yeayea stef said she wanted to return book so we walked our way to library and went we reached then there they were with the cake. i think it was quite successful and i'm relieved hahahaha.

today was fun and yes, i hope they had fun too.!

I'm eating right now. Wow my appetite is really good nowadays. Did i say, i ate two rounds of dinner ytd. and i ate sirloin steak w strawberry float just now, and now i'm eating again. shit mom forgive me plz. bye.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Play with my hair

Candies ; Wake me up when september ends says (9:52 PM):
can throw me some flamboyant phrases
V&Q.H&M ; oh no it's english says (9:53 PM):
let's see how bombastic i can go haha. give me some normal simple sentences
Candies ; Wake me up when september ends says (9:53 PM):
ok lets talk in sophisticated english
She's a bitch
V&Q.H&M ; oh no it's english says (9:53 PM):
she's a bee-yotch. lol

Hahaha valerie the cute hueimin for you.

Anyway, woke up really early today and i went to airport to send my friend back. He came last week but we hadn't meet so I forced myself to get my ass off my comfy bed and rushed to changi. We had a quick breakfast and then he went off. Its okay there'll be another meeting. I came back so quietly that i don't think chipmunk even realised i went and came back. Hahaha okaay i'm playing 'sophisticated english game' with quek. Its quite interesting

here's a good one.

Candies ; Wake me up when september ends says (10:14 PM):
now's my turn
Candies ; Wake me up when september ends says (10:15 PM):
Candies is a pretty girl
V&Q.H&M ; oh no it's english says (10:17 PM):
sheer ugliness of her face was enough to send even strongest of all men into a state of unconsciousness
how was that ?
Candies ; Wake me up when september ends says (10:18 PM):
V&Q.H&M ; oh no it's english says (10:19 PM):
BETTER? ahahahah

Oh man i love this

Man i should have

I was studying outside in the living room then my hand got restless and went to open the drawer and i found that. Feel like i've accomplished a treasure hunt. Imagine if i actually fill that in and and got the number yawyaw me can be rich nehs! Hahahaha OK cut the crap

Should i study DD or Venice.

You decide, because

Sometimes its not about what you want, dear.
Sometimes its about how you regret after doing so.