Friday, September 25, 2009

he calls a spade a spade

Heyo today's kinda a shitty day. Let me tell you why.

1. i bought bubble tea and just left without paying. the people who queued behind me all laughed. thanks.
2. when i was on the bus, i stood up to alight at aby's bus stop and then i realised its not my bus stop then i talked to myself, 'eh this one not my bus stop what' then went back to sit again. i saw someone quietly laughing....
3. i lost my lens cover @ science centre. searched high and low for it, ran around the gallery but i couldn't find it. oh well, will says i can buy another one.
4. how careless can i get.

Anyway, yep as mentioned i went to science centre with tri, michelle, erin, bestario, and eric?! ok sorry i forget his name but yeah we went wild-exploring in the gallery, and there were really amusing games and facts, we wandered around until we were the last group there. i lost my lens cover yea i'm very sad :( then tuition. then i'm here.

I'm bored. i still i'll study la huh. super bored and idk what to say. I haven't got back many papers and i'm quite anxious. My blood's thumping.

Okay bye and i hate you

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