Saturday, September 26, 2009

you know i'm suffocating but i blame this town why do i deny

:) i forget to say something really pleasing and cool and yawwwww. You know how i said ytd was a shitty day, but i realise it wasn't totally shitty. Because i got A1 for physical geog despite thinking that i'd do badly for the paper. Yes of course not the satisfying A, but if not because of that stupid misconception i'd have scored far better. I lost 5 marks which is equivalent to 10 marks so yeaa see the difference ouch. Hahaha ok i'm happy. I hope my human geog is better! :)

And today is Saturday! I woke up early like a bird who catches the sunny worm! Then i met Will bcz he was supposed to teach me. Its so cool i mean i understand much better and we took two hours. Couldn't really feel it cz we were engrossed with the settings and stuff so yeppp i'm happy today!!! Thx lotz for sucha gd and patient friend haha. (honestly i'm so slow i think if i were him i would've slapped myself) Hahaha

& Ng Julius Alexander Winata is here(again) i thought he was supposed to have school idk why he came. So noisy haha luckily i've finished my prelim. and you know i thought he was nice, he said he brought me smth from KL, then i was like super excited what was it, and you know what he gave me? A PLASTIC LIZARD. Hmmm i wonder if he's being an understanding or annoying friend. k lets just take it that he knows that i hate lizard so he gave me that to familiarise myself with lizard?! wth but yes hahahaa.

I feel like i'm writing english situational writing. oh speaking of that, i'm so happy i got 20/30 for my situational writing! Cool ayeeeee. :D:D:D:D:D:D I really think i improved since mid year and i'm quite please with myself. Quite. Yep.

Anyway, i should bathe.

Ps. have you got enough sleep lately?

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