Monday, September 7, 2009

I knew you were a liar from the start

Hi roar today's internet is damn slow and i hate it. I'm just online to check something and i guess i just can't sign out this com w/o blogging hahahaha. Ok, you know what, my hair is dripping wet and i think i'm going to stef's now. I'm staying over today yay yay ok hahaha to study. :)

Annnnd today went library to study with the isomers quek and dione. Quite productive eh. Did quite many many things! :D I'm trying not to give up because its less than two months away i can do it right. After this is over, at least i can sit back and relax for awhile its been like roller coaster uh don't you think so O level muggers?

I shouldn't spend more time here every seconds in my life counts HAHAHAHAH kbye.

Ps, Some people just talk as if they own the world

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