Sunday, September 27, 2009

while i walk down the street where you live with love in my pocket

Just back from picznicz haha its fuuuuun and there were like F1 so we could hear the sound hahaha and when we went to singapore river the sound was so deafening. couldn't even see the car. idk why there're so many people there.

i feel like uploading piccas but fb's still uploading and if i upload here its gna be double slow so next post maybe? I'm so tired after all the walking and worry D:

Um, i know this sound a bit selfish but, why is everyone using BlackBerry nowadays? I don't like it when i'm on mrt and the person beside me's holding the phone exactly like mine. Wew i wanna change to PinkBerry. Ha ha its now as common as crysanthemum tea. :( K but i'm not changing cz its still alright. Whatever. Stick to the term the more the merrier. At least i've gotten bored of it when people are still excited haha. :P

And oh stef will know what i'm talking about but, cannot be right? I mean its like last thing that i'm gna do but why am i falling for that now. no right? cannot be maybe its just temporary and no no its not like what i think its gonna fade i believe and i hv to try hard this is only a funny joke kk love love no. i don't.

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